45 research outputs found
Statistical estimation of earthquake site response from noise recordings
Standard spectral ratio from earthquake recordings (SSR) is considered the reference empirical method for assessing site effects as a function of frequency. However, other estimates can be easily obtained from noise measurements (i.e., Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio, HVN), even though their reliability in terms of amplitude is controversial.
In the framework of the ToK ITSAK-GR (2006-2010) EC project, Cultrera et al. (2010) analyzed recordings from 64 sites worldwide, founding that it is possible to have linear combinations of the HVN amplitudes significantly correlated to linear combinations of the SSR. In the present paper we show how to estimate the SSR spectral ratios when only noise measurements are available, using the results of the canonical correlation analysis between SSR and HVN recorded at several sites. The SSR evaluation has been tested by a cross validation procedure: the expected SSR at each validation site are in turn estimated by a weighted average of the SSR values measured at the other sites; the weights are properly set to account more for the sites with similar behavior in terms of the canonical correlation between HVN and SSR. To evaluate the goodness of the estimation, we compared all the inferred and original SSR, and we performed a critical analysis on the spectral characteristics of earthquake site response that can be easily recovered from noise measurements
Analisi statistica degli effetti di sito da dati di terremoti e di rumore ambientale.
L’ultimo ventennio ha visto lo sviluppo e l’uso di tre metodi empirici per l’analisi degli effetti di sito: Standard Spectral Ratio (SSR), Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio da registrazioni sismiche (HVSR) e Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio da registrazioni di rumore ambientale (HVN). SSR è considerato il metodo empirico di riferimento per rilevare le amplificazioni in funzione della frequenza. HVSR e HVN, invece, danno una stima realistica della frequenza fondamentale ma, generalmente, non riescono a fornire valori affidabili di amplificazione.
Nel presente lavoro sono state utilizzate le registrazioni sismiche effettuate in 168 siti provenienti da diverse aree geografiche e per cui sono stati calcolati tutti e tre i tipi di rapporti spettrali (Haghsenas et al., 2008). Su questi dati abbiamo applicato delle analisi statistiche multivariate quali la correlazione canonica (Davis, 2002), con lo scopo di mettere in evidenza e quantificare le correlazioni tra i differenti rapporti spettrali nell’intero intervallo di frequenza compreso tra 0.2Hz e 10Hz. Questo tipo di analisi permette inoltre di associare alle correlazioni una stima della loro significatività ed è stata già utilizzata da Theodulidis et al. (2008) per studiare la relazione tra HVN e danneggiamento in aree urbane.
I risultati mostrano che la correlazione tra HVN e HVSR è molto buona ad esclusione delle basse frequenze e che, per entrambe le tecniche, la presenza di un picco di amplificazione nell’intervallo 0.6-2 Hz è correlato ad un minimo per frequenze 3-10Hz. I picchi di amplificazione evidenziati da queste due tecniche sono inoltre correlabili con un più largo intervallo di frequenze nei rapporti SSR.
Abbiamo quindi esteso l’analisi per correlare SSR, HVSR e HVN in bacini sedimentari (un subset dei dati utilizzati) con parametri geofisici e geometrici. La riduzione del numero dei dati deriva dall’esigenza di avere siti con una buona qualità di informazioni geofisiche e geometriche. Sono stati scelti cinque parametri indicatori delle velocità medie delle onde S e delle caratteristiche geometriche 2D della valle.
Sebbene un più esteso data-set migliorerebbe l’analisi statistica, stabilendo migliori stime quantitative della correlazione tra rapporti spettrali e le caratteristiche geofisiche e geometriche dei bacini sedimentari, i nostri risultati mostrano chiaramente che le correlazioni tra SSR e HVN-HVSR esistono e si modulano in specifici intervalli di frequenza.
Questo studio è stato condotto nell’ambito del progetto ToK ITSAK-GR EC (2006-2010)
Statistical investigation of site ef f ects with emphasis on sedimentary basins, using earthquake and ambient noise recordings
During the last two decades, three empirical methods for assessing site effects have been
widely used: the Standard Spectral Ratio (SSR), the Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio from earthquake recordings (HVSR) and the Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio from ambient noise recordings (HVN). The SSR is considered the reference empirical method
to detect amplification as a function of frequency, while the HVSR and the HVN
realistically indicate fundamental frequency but, for the majority of the worldwide
examined sites, they cannot give reliable amplification curves as a function of
frequency. Given the fact that HVSR and especially HVN can be easily obtained, it is
challenging to search for any correlation with SSR amplification functions.
We used recordings from 168 sites worldwide, for which all three types of spectral ratios
were homogeneously processed (Haghsenas et al., Bull. Earthquake Eng. 2008). On this
data set we applied standard multivariate statistical analyses, namely, factor analysis and canonical correlation, to investigate and quantify -where it is possible- any correlation between spectral ratios for a certain number of the examined frequency bins. Results show that the correlation between HVN and HVSR is very good. Moreover, their correlation with broad band SSR can be statistically quantified and receive a satisfactory physical explanation.
In addition, we looked for the correlation of SSR, HVSR and HVN collected in sedimentary basins (a subset of the previous database) with geometrical and geophysical
parameters. T hese attempts were constrained by the limited amount of reliable in-situ
data. Among many, we select 5 parameters: Vs30, Hb, Vs_average/Hb, Hb/W_valley,
Hb/W_edge (where Hb is the bedrock’s depth below the station; Vs_average is the
average Vs from surface to bedrock; W_valley is 2D-width of the valley; W_edge is the
distance from the closest valley’s edge). T he analysis assesses that larger are the first 4 parameters, larger is the low-frequency amplification in HVSR and HVN, and lower the high-frequency contribution.
Although additional data would improve our statistical investigation and better establish quantitative correlation between spectral ratios and geophysical or/and geometrical characteristics of sedimentary basins, our results clearly show that statistical correlation between SSR and HVN-HVSR is present and modulated in specific frequency domains.
T his study has been performed in the framework of the T oK IT SAK-GR EC project
Derivation of consistent hard rock (1000<Vs<3000 m/s) GMPEs from surface and down-hole recordings: Analysis of KiK-net data
A key component in seismic hazard assessment is the estimation of ground motion for hard rock sites, either for applications to installations built on this site category, or as an input motion for site response computation. Empirical ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs) are the traditional basis for estimating ground motion while VS30 is the basis to account for site conditions. As current GMPEs are poorly constrained for VS30 larger than 1000 m/s, the presently used approach for estimating hazard on hard rock sites consists of “host-to-target” adjustment techniques based on VS30 and κ0 values. The present study investigates alternative methods on the basis of a KiK-net dataset corresponding to stiff and rocky sites with 500 < VS30 < 1350 m/s. The existence of sensor pairs (one at the surface and one in depth) and the availability of P- and S-wave velocity profiles allow deriving two “virtual” datasets associated to outcropping hard rock sites with VS in the range [1000, 3000] m/s with two independent corrections: 1/down-hole recordings modified from within motion to outcropping motion with a depth correction factor, 2/surface recordings deconvolved from their specific site response derived through 1D simulation. GMPEs with simple functional forms are then developed, including a VS30 site term. They lead to consistent and robust hard-rock motion estimates, which prove to be significantly lower than host-to-target adjustment predictions. The difference can reach a factor up to 3–4 beyond 5 Hz for very hard-rock, but decreases for decreasing frequency until vanishing below 2 Hz
Visual Scenarios for Validation of Requirements Specification
The development of a large information system is generally regarded as one of the most complex activities undertaken by organisations and it is dependent on the communication and understanding among the actors of the system (i.e. managers, users, developers, etc.). Users are predicted to use requirements and purpose as most natural descriptors of domains, while analysts use more formal representations. The Validation phase of Requirements Engineering, involves checking the formal description of the universe of discourse, against the non formal description of the user's needs and domain knowledge. Once a requirements specification has been produced, most organisations require formal reviews, in which the behaviour of the future system is communicated between the users and the analyst. This paper advocates that many benefits can be accrued from the use of visual scenarios for the purpose of validating conceptual specifications during Requirements Engineering. To this end, the paper descr..
Statistical investigation of site effects using earthquake and ambient noise recordings (part 1): correlations between different estimates.
The Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio from earthquake recordings (HVSR) and from ambient noise recordings (HVN) realistically indicate fundamental frequency but, for the majority of the worldwide examined sites, they do not provide reliable amplification curves as predicted by the earthquake Spectral Ratio to a reference site (SSR).
Given the fact that HVSR and especially HVN can be easily obtained, it is challenging to search for a meaningful correlation with SSR amplification functions in the whole frequency band. To this aim we used recordings from 75 sites worldwide and we applied a multivariate statistical approach (the canonical correlation analysis) to investigate and quantify any correlation among spectral ratios and, from a subset of sites in sedimentary basins, with geometrical and geophysical parameters (S-wave velocity and the 2D geometry of the valley). Results show a correlation between SSR and HVN or HVSR that can be statistically quantified, and it is modulated in specific frequency range.
Moreover, the larger are the Vs30, the bedrock depth and the valley’s shape ratio, the higher is the low-frequency amplitude in HVSR and HVN, and the lower is the high-frequency value. Despite the limitation of the database, the correlation results can be used to estimate the excepted SSR spectral ratio of specific sites in the investigated areas when only noise measurements are available(see the companion paper De Rubeis et al., 2012).Submitted4.1. Metodologie sismologiche per l'ingegneria sismicaJCR Journalreserve