4 research outputs found
An evaluation of the present status of the certificate in, school business management
By almost any measure, most South African public schools, and especially schools in the Western
Cape, have under-performed academically. For a number of years, there has existed a wide degree of
consensus among education stakeholders, and particularly in government, that the problems in our
schools extend beyond mere academic under-achievement. Principals need to be occupied with the
tasks of managing and leading teaching and learning, that is, instruction leadership, and not managing
routine administrative matters only. In recognising the potential of school administrative personnel to
provide relief and support for the administrative role of principals, the Western Cape Government
initiated a training course in July, 2008 for school business administrators. The course was modelled
on a very successful training course developed in the United Kingdom
Report on review of the current status of the pilot Certificate in School Business Administration (CSBA) 2008-2009: Guidelines for CSBA 2010
Executive Summary:
By almost any measure, most South African public schools, and schools in the Western
Cape, are underperforming academically. For a number of years, there has existed a wide degree of consensus among education
stakeholders, and particular government, that the problems in our schools extend
beyond academic under-achievement. Massive budget allocations, overhauling
curricular, restoring skewed learning resources, retraining educators and attempting to
deal with the more pressing community problems and social ills that influence the results
of a school are all necessary interventions. But, unless there is a concurrent
improvement of schools from a „business‟ management point of view, there is no
guarantee that the resources allocated to schools, both materially and in the form of
educators, will be optimally deployed.
Principals need to be occupied with the tasks of managing and leading teaching and
learning i.e. instruction leadership, not managing routine administration. In recognising
the potential of school administrative personnel to provide relief and support for the
administrative role of principals, the Western Cape Government initiated a training
course – the CSBA – in July 2008 for school business administrators. The ground-breaking pilot programme was completed in February 2010. Thereafter the
WCED commissioned an evaluation of the results achieved. The purpose of the
evaluation is to inform the WCED‟s plans for development of the course going forward.
This report represents a synopsis of the findings of the evaluation.Western Cape Education Departmen
Towards an Understanding of How School Administrative Clerk’s Negotiate Their Work in Public Schools: A Social Worlds Perspective
There is a dearth of literature concerning the social worlds of school administrative staff. The aim of
the presentpaper is to understand the complex (social) reality of their work. Hence, the researchers used the notion
of social worlds as a theoretical lens. The theoretical lens challenged us as researchers to understand the administrative
clerk not as individuals but as participants within the social world of public schools. A qualitative methodology and
case studies with multiple levels of input from participants were used. The researchers argued that the agency of the
school administrative clerk lies in reworking, reconstructing, and influencing the social world of the school. The
researchers asserted that the social worlds of school administrative clerks are closely tied to their perspectives, that
is, their subjective understanding of their social context. The researchers argued that school administrative clerks
are an integral part of the school social world-much more than the current discourse gives them credit for. The
researchers findings suggestedthat the role of school administrative clerks needs to be re-imagined and reconceptualized
to recognize the existing commitments that they are dedicated to. Finally, using social world’s
theoretical lens clarifies the crucial role of administrative clerks for the successful running of their schools
A pilot emperical investigation into student perceptions of service quality at the Department of Management of the University of the Western Cape
Magister Commercii - MComThis pilot research survey was undertaken as a result of the need to assess the service quality within Higher Education in general and the Department of Management at UWC in particular. This report focuses on the complexities of measuring service quality in higher education. The quality of service delivery within education is becoming more important as the competition for students increases.The literature was searched to find a suitable measure with a sound theoretical structure. This measure was then adapted for the department.In a preliminary way this instrument was then applied to students in the department and initial results are reported on.The results revealed that undergraduates overall were uncertain in their attitude to the service quality in the department. On the other hand, postgraduate students tended to rate the service quality rather more negatively (p < 0.004). Furthermore there were no gender differences except for tangibles (p = 000.5).This pilot study could serve as a pilot study of the service quality in an academic environment. It is the main contention of this report that students themselves should be part of defining quality.South Afric