7 research outputs found

    The in vitro effect of nebulised hypertonic saline on human bronchial epithelium

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    Inhaled hypertonic saline (HS) is an effective therapy for muco-obstructive lung diseases. However, the mechanism of action and principles pertinent to HS administration remain unclear. An in vitro system aerosolised HS to epithelial cells at rates comparable to in vivo conditions. Airway surface liquid (ASL) volume and cell height responses were measured by confocal microscopy under normal and hyperconcentrated mucus states. Aerosolised HS produced a rapid increase in ASL height and decrease in cell height. Added ASL volume was quickly reabsorbed following termination of nebulisation, although cell height did not recover within the same time frame. ASL volume responses to repeated HS administrations were blunted, but could be restored by a hypotonic saline bolus interposed between HS administrations. HS-induced ASL hydration was prolonged with hyperconcentrated mucus on the airway surface, with more modest reductions in cell volume. Aerosolised HS produced osmotically induced increases in ASL height that were limited by active sodium absorption and cell volume-induced reductions in cell water permeability. Mucus on airway surfaces prolonged the effect of HS via mucus-dependent osmotic forces, suggesting that the duration of action of HS is increased in patients with hyperconcentrated mucus

    An improved inhaled mucolytic to treat airway muco-obstructive diseases

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    Rationale: Airways obstruction with thick, adherent mucus is a pathophysiologic and clinical feature of muco-obstructive respiratory diseases, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, and cystic fibrosis (CF). Mucins, the dominant biopolymer in mucus, organize into complex polymeric networks via the formation of covalent disulfide bonds, which govern the viscoelastic properties of the mucus gel. For decades, inhaled N-acetylcysteine (NAC) has been used as a mucolytic to reduce mucin disulfide bonds with little, if any, therapeutic effects. Improvement of mucolytic therapy requires the identification of NAC deficiencies and the development of compounds that overcome them. Objectives: Elucidate the pharmacological limitations of NAC and test a novel mucin-reducing agent, P3001, in preclinical settings. Methods: The study used biochemical (e.g., Western blotting, mass spectrometry) and biophysical assays (e.g., microrheology/macrorheology, spinnability, mucus velocity measurements) to test compound efficacy and toxicity in in vitro and in vivo models and patient sputa. Measurements and Main Results: Dithiothreitol and P3001 were directly compared with NAC in vitro and both exhibited superior reducing activities. In vivo, P3001 significantly decreased lung mucus burden in bENaC-overexpressing mice, whereas NAC did not (n = 6–24 mice per group). In NAC-treated CF subjects (n = 5), aerosolized NAC was rapidly cleared from the lungs and did not alter sputum biophysical properties. In contrast, P3001 acted faster and at lower concentrations than did NAC, and it was more effective than DNase in CF sputum ex vivo. Conclusions: These results suggest that reducing the viscoelasticity of airway mucus is an achievable therapeutic goal with P3001 class mucolytic agents

    Mucus accumulation in the lungs precedes structural changes and infection in children with cystic fibrosis

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    Although destructive airway disease is evident in young children with cystic fibrosis (CF), little is known about the nature of the early CF lung environment triggering the disease. To elucidate early CF pulmonary pathophysiology, we performed mucus, inflammation, metabolomic, and microbiome analyses on bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) from 46 preschool children with CF enrolled in the Australian Respiratory Early Surveillance Team for Cystic Fibrosis (AREST CF) program and 16 non-CF disease controls. Total airway mucins were elevated in CF compared to non-CF BALF irrespective of infection, and higher densities of mucus flakes containing mucin 5B and mucin 5AC were observed in samples from CF patients. Total mucins and mucus flakes correlated with inflammation, hypoxia, and oxidative stress. Many CF BALFs appeared sterile by culture and molecular analyses, whereas other samples exhibiting bacterial taxa associated with the oral cavity. Children without computed tomography–defined structural lung disease exhibited elevated BALF mucus flakes and neutrophils, but little/no bacterial infection. Although CF mucus flakes appeared “permanent” because they did not dissolve in dilute BALF matrix, they could be solubi-lized by a previously unidentified reducing agent (P2062), but not N-acetylcysteine or deoxyribonuclease. These findings indicate that early CF lung disease is characterized by an increased mucus burden and inflammatory markers without infection or structural lung disease and suggest that mucolytic and anti-inflammatory agents should be explored as preventive therapy