43 research outputs found

    Diagnosing Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium Status of Natural Grassland in the Presence of Legumes

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    In most temperate areas, sustainable management of grassland ecosystems has to deal with evaluation and management of N, P and K resources. For this purpose, appropriate diagnostic systems are needed in order to manage fertilisation accordingly. The nutrient index method based on nutrient concentrations in plant tissues relative to the degree of growth has been developed; it relies on critical curves which serve for diagnostic: for N, the critical curve gives the optimum N concentration for different levels of biomass accumulation in swards, for P and K optimum concentrations are a linear function of sward N concentration (Duru & Thélier-Huché, 1997). However limitations in the use of P nutrient index (PNI) were reported when the herbage contained a large proportion of white clover (Jouany et al., 2004). Our objectives were to verify whether similar behaviour were observed with other legumes and for K and N nutrition indices (KNI, NNI) as well

    How to Simplify Tools for Natural Grassland Characterisation Based on Biological Measures Without Losing Too Much Information?

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    In marginal areas, such as the Pyrenees, natural grasslands are the only available resource for livestock feeding. Despite this, there is a lack of simple and efficient tools for advisers to aid the management of the complex vegetation of these grasslands. Therefore, we tested an approach derived from functional ecology, to construct such tools: using biological traits to inform on the agronomic characteristics and the way farmers’ practices act on them (Ansquer et al., 2004). Nevertheless, the required protocol of measurement is still time-consuming and difficult. In this paper, we test different ways of simplifying this protocol by reducing the number of species measured and not considering specific abundances

    A Herbage Growth Model for Different Types of Natural Grassland

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    The aim of this work was to extend existing growth models established for pure stands to a wide range of grassland communities. For this purpose we built a simple growth model, including sub-models for radiation interception and use. Parameters for the effect of nutrient rates (N, P) and defoliation regimes were based on a plant trait database. Senescence and reproductive processes were particularly considered because of their importance in late spring growth. The model makes it possible to simulate the daily biomass production as a function of both environmental factors and the functional type of the dominant species in the community

    Variation of LDMC and SLA Relationship Between Growth Forms in Natural Grasslands

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    In agro-ecological studies, there is a growing interest in measuring both leaf dry matter content (LDMC) and specific leaf area (SLA). This interest lies on the fact that leaf traits are linked to gradients of environmental factors and ecosystem functions. Working with three contrasting wild species, Garnier et al. (2001) proposed a model linking these two traits. The model shows a relatively simple non linear and negative correlation between LDMC and SLA. Nevertheless, none of the species used to build the model were grasses (GRA) or forb rosettes (ROS = i.e. dicotyledonous with large entire leaves and absence of stem at the vegetative stage); the species which make the largest contribution to the standing biomass of most natural grasslands. Furthermore, due to the divergent range of LDMC (and not SLA) values between these growth forms, Cruz et al. (2002) proposed that grass records alone could be used as an indicator of fertility gradients. The aim of this paper was to analyse discrepancies in the LDMC - SLA correlation with respect to model predictions in order to consider them in any development of LDMC-based tools for the management of natural vegetation

    Managing the Reproductive Development of Grasses by Grazing Practices

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    Grazing natural grassland communities is necessary for both productive (feeding herbivores) and environmental (maintenance of open landscapes) objectives. Management guidelines should take into account the functional diversity of plant species between and within grassland communities. The management of the heading stage of grasses by grazing is an important tool to maintain acceptable forage quality and to avoid the seeding of low-valued species. The heading stage should be managed even in extensive systems and this needs a good knowledge of the phenological development of dominant species. In this work we illustrate the approach through the study of the development of four contrasting grasses and analysing the consequences for grazing management. This work concerned only diversity of the plant components of the grassland ecosystem

    Are Leaf Traits Stable Enough to Rank Native Grasses in Contrasting Growth Conditions?

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    The growing interest in classifying species in response groups relating to variations in environmental factors has triggered the search for functional traits that express differences in ecological behaviour among plant species (Lavorel & Garnier, 2002). Specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf dry matter content (LDMC) reflect a fundamental trade-off in plant functioning between a fast growth rate (high SLA, low LDMC species) and nutrient conservation (low SLA, high LDMC species). This study aimed to analyse the stability of ranking native grasses by SLA and LDMC values under different plant growing conditions

    Prendre confiance en l'herbe. Interview réalisé par Griffoul, B.

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    National audienceUtilisables partout en France, typologie des prairies et somme de températures apportent de nouveaux repères pour la gestion des prairies diversifiées

    Prendre confiance en l'herbe. Interview réalisé par Griffoul, B.

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    National audienceUtilisables partout en France, typologie des prairies et somme de températures apportent de nouveaux repères pour la gestion des prairies diversifiées