23 research outputs found

    Vitamin C as a Potential Prophylactic Measure Against Frozen Shoulder in an In Vivo Shoulder Contracture Animal Model

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    BACKGROUND Frozen shoulder is a common, painful, and movement-restricting condition. Although primary frozen shoulder is idiopathic, secondary frozen shoulder can occur after trauma or surgery. Prophylactic and therapeutic options are often unsatisfactory. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a potent physiological antioxidant and likely inhibits the activation of nuclear factor κB, which plays a decisive role in inflammatory reactions. HYPOTHESIS Because of its anti-inflammatory effects, vitamin C may be valuable in the prevention of secondary frozen shoulder. STUDY DESIGN Controlled laboratory study. METHODS An in vivo shoulder contracture model was conducted by fixation of the right proximal limb of Sprague-Dawley rats. A treatment group (n = 8) receiving vitamin C orally was compared with a control group (n = 9) without vitamin C. The primary outcome was capsular thickness at the shoulder joint measured on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination. Further histological examination was performed but was not statistically analyzed because of variability of the cutting plane through the glenoid. RESULTS Vitamin C treatment resulted in less thickening of the axillary fold of the operated shoulder at 2 of the 3 locations measured on MRI compared with untreated controls (insertion to the glenoid, P = .074; insertion to the humerus, P = .006; middle of the axillary recess, P = .008). The observed structural changes in histological examination corroborated the significant changes obtained from the MRI measurements. CONCLUSION Prophylactic vitamin C seemed to reduce the thickening of the axillary recess in secondary frozen shoulder in this preclinical study. CLINICAL RELEVANCE Vitamin C may be helpful as a noninvasive therapeutic measure to prevent secondary frozen shoulder (eg, within the context of surgery in the shoulder region or immobilization) or to treat primary frozen shoulder at an early stage. Further studies are required to evaluate the effect of this treatment in humans and the necessary dosage in humans

    Platelet-rich plasma as a potential prophylactic measure against frozen shoulder in an in vivo shoulder contracture model

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    INTRODUCTION: Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) is a common painful and functionally-limiting disease affecting around 2% of the population. So far, therapeutic options are limited and often unsatisfactory. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has been used as a treatment option in other orthopedic diseases since it contains growth factors that stimulate tissue repair. So far, the effect of PRP on frozen shoulder lacks evidence. We hypothesized that PRP may be valuable in the prophylaxis and treatment of secondary frozen shoulder due to capsular remodeling. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An experimental study of an in vivo frozen shoulder model was conducted. Twenty Sprague-Dawley rats underwent surgery in which the body of the scapula was connected to the humerus with a high-strength suture. Two groups of 8 weeks survival time were allocated; a treatment group with one intraoperative injection of PRP into the glenohumeral joint (n = 10) and a control group without PRP (n = 10). The primary outcome was the structural change in the posterior synovial membrane of the posterior and inferior part of the glenohumeral joint using a semi-quantitative grading from 0 (lowest) to 3 (highest). RESULTS: The posterior synovial membrane structural changes were significantly lower in the PRP group (median = 1 [interquartile range (IQR) = 0-1]) compared to controls (median = 2 [IQR = 1-3]) (p = 0.028). There were no differences for the remaining synovial membrane changes and fibrous capsule responses between groups. CONCLUSIONS: In this in vivo shoulder contracture model, PRP injections seem to reduce the histological severity grade of some parts (i.e., posterior synovial membrane changes) of the secondary frozen shoulder without causing any side effects. It may be considered to investigate this effect further in future studies as a potential prophylaxis of secondary frozen shoulder (e.g., in operated or immobilized shoulders) or as a treatment option for patients with frozen shoulder in the early stage

    One-Year Outcome of an Ongoing Pre-Clinical Growing Animal Model for a Tissue-Engineered Valved Pulmonary Conduit

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    Objectives: A self-constructed valved pulmonary conduit made out of a de-cellularized porcine small intestinal submucosal extracellular matrix biological scaffold was tested in a chronic growing lamb model. Methods: The conduit was implanted in pulmonary valve position in 19 lambs. We monitored clinical, laboratory, and echocardiographic findings until 12 months after surgery. In two animals, euthanasia was planned at nine and twelve months. Pre-mortem chest computed tomography and post-mortem pathologic work up were performed. Data are presented as frequency and percentage, median and range, or mean and standard deviation. Results: Twelve (63.2%) animals survived the perioperative period. Three unexpected deaths occurred during the follow-up period: one due to aspiration pneumonia at 23 days after surgery, and two due to early and late infective endocarditis of the conduit at 18 and 256 days. In the two animals with planned scarification, the pre-mortem CT scan revealed mild or no calcification within the conduit or valve leaflets. In the echocardiographic examination at 12 months, peak and mean systolic pressure gradients across the conduit valve were 6.5 (3-21) mmHg and 3 (2-12) mmHg, while valve regurgitation was none (n = 2), trivial (n = 5), moderate (n = 1), or severe (n = 1). No clinical or laboratory signs of hemolysis were seen. After 12 months of follow-up, the animals' body weights had increased from 33 (27-38) kg to 53 (38-66) kg (p = 0.010). Conclusions: Implantation of a valved pulmonary conduit in our growing lamb model was feasible. Infective endocarditis of the implanted valved conduit remained a significant complication.</p

    One-Year Outcome of an Ongoing Pre-Clinical Growing Animal Model for a Tissue-Engineered Valved Pulmonary Conduit

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    Objectives: A self-constructed valved pulmonary conduit made out of a de-cellularized porcine small intestinal submucosal extracellular matrix biological scaffold was tested in a chronic growing lamb model. Methods: The conduit was implanted in pulmonary valve position in 19 lambs. We monitored clinical, laboratory, and echocardiographic findings until 12 months after surgery. In two animals, euthanasia was planned at nine and twelve months. Pre-mortem chest computed tomography and post-mortem pathologic work up were performed. Data are presented as frequency and percentage, median and range, or mean and standard deviation. Results: Twelve (63.2%) animals survived the perioperative period. Three unexpected deaths occurred during the follow-up period: one due to aspiration pneumonia at 23 days after surgery, and two due to early and late infective endocarditis of the conduit at 18 and 256 days. In the two animals with planned scarification, the pre-mortem CT scan revealed mild or no calcification within the conduit or valve leaflets. In the echocardiographic examination at 12 months, peak and mean systolic pressure gradients across the conduit valve were 6.5 (3-21) mmHg and 3 (2-12) mmHg, while valve regurgitation was none (n = 2), trivial (n = 5), moderate (n = 1), or severe (n = 1). No clinical or laboratory signs of hemolysis were seen. After 12 months of follow-up, the animals' body weights had increased from 33 (27-38) kg to 53 (38-66) kg (p = 0.010). Conclusions: Implantation of a valved pulmonary conduit in our growing lamb model was feasible. Infective endocarditis of the implanted valved conduit remained a significant complication

    Establishing a pre-clinical growing animal model to test a tissue engineered valved pulmonary conduit

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    Background: Many valvular pathologies of the heart may be only sufficiently treated by replacement of the valve if a reconstruction is not feasible. However, structural deterioration, thrombosis with thromboembolic events and infective endocarditis are commonly encountered complications over time and often demand a re-operation. In congenital heart disease the lack of small diameter valves with the potential to grow poses additional challenges and limits treatment options to homo- or xenograft implants. Methods: In this study, a chronic sheep model (24 months follow-up), a self-constructed valved conduit was created out of a tissue engineered (TE) patch (CorMatrix® Cardiovascular, Inc, USA) and implanted in orthotopic right ventricular (RV)-pulmonary artery (PA) position. Thereafter, the sheep were regularly monitored by clinical, laboratory and echocardiographic examinations to evaluate cardiac function and the implanted RV-PA-conduit. Discussion: Here, we summarize the study protocol and our experiences during the perioperative phase and the follow up period and explain how we constructed a valved conduit out of a commercially available TE patch. Trial registration: License number: ZH 284/14

    Assessment of post-operative pain by nest complexity scoring in mice

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    Pain in laboratory mice is difficult to detect with conventional methods as mice do not obviously show symptoms of mild to moderate pain. Here we investigated the feasibility and reliability of nest building performance under various conditions as a method to detect mild to moderate post-operative pain in laboratory mice and aimed to standardise this method for the routine use. Female mice were randomly allocated into control (anaesthesia +/- analgesia) and surgery groups (minor laparotomy +/- analgesia) in two housing conditions. Animals were observed before (baseline) and after treatments (experiment). The nests were scored at seven time points with a numeric scoring system and latency of nest building was measured as well as consumption of the nesting material. Baseline nest scores were always higher than experimental scores and a reliable discrimination was found at three to nine hours after the start of the measurements. A clear graduation in nest complexity was seen after experiments, with higher nest scores in control groups than in surgery groups. Latency in the baseline was always shorter than in the experiment and latency in control groups was shorter than in surgery groups during experimental measurements. Pair housed mice had a slightly higher consumption of the nesting material than individually housed mice. In conclusion, scoring of nest complexity at three to nine hours after laparotomy was useful to identify post-operative impairment, caused by moderate pain

    Injection anaesthesia with fentanyl-midazolam-medetomidine in adult female mice: importance of antagonization and perioperative care

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    Injection anaesthesia is commonly used in laboratory mice; however, a disadvantage is that post-anaesthesia recovery phases are long. Here, we investigated the potential for shortening the recovery phase after injection anaesthesia with fentanyl-midazolam-medetomidine by antagonization with naloxone-flumazenil-atipamezole. In order to monitor side-effects, the depth of anaesthesia, heart rate (HR), core body temperature (BT) and concentration of blood gases, as well as reflex responses, were assessed during a 50 min anaesthesia. Mice were allowed to recover from the anaesthesia in their home cages either with or without antagonization, while HR, core BT and spontaneous home cage behaviours were recorded for 24 h. Mice lost righting reflex at 330 ± 47 s after intraperitoneal injection of fentanyl-midazolam-medetomidine. During anaesthesia, HR averaged 225 ± 23 beats/min, respiratory rate and core BT reached steady state at 131 ± 15 breaths/min and 34.3 ± 0.25℃, respectively. Positive pedal withdrawal reflex, movement triggered by tail pinch and by toe pinch, still occurred in 25%, 31.2% and 100% of animals, respectively. Arterial blood gas analysis revealed acidosis, hypoxia, hypercapnia and a marked increase in glucose concentration. After anaesthesia reversal by injection with naloxone-flumazenil-atipamezole, animals regained consciousness after 110 ± 18 s and swiftly returned to physiological baseline values, yet they displayed diminished levels of locomotion and disrupted circadian rhythm. Without antagonization, mice showed marked hypothermia (22 ± 1.9℃) and bradycardia (119 ± 69 beats/min) for several hours. Fentanyl-midazolam-medetomidine provided reliable anaesthesia in mice with reasonable intra-anaesthetic side-effects. Post-anaesthetic period and related adverse effects were both reduced substantially by antagonization with naloxone-flumazenil-atipamezole

    Voluntary intake of paracetamol-enriched drinking water and its influence on the success of embryo transfer in mice

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    Embryo transfer (ET) in mice is a key technique in biomedical research, and is carried out mostly via surgery by transferring founder embryos into pseudo-pregnant recipient females. To cover post-operative analgesic requirements in surrogate mothers, oral self-administration of painkillers has several advantages, but its effectiveness has also been criticized as voluntary ingestion of the drug can be uncertain. Additionally, concerns about potential negative side effects of analgesics on embryo viability and development have been raised. In this regard, we investigated the impact of orally administered analgesia by comparing the outcome of ET with and without para-cetamol in the drinking water (3.5 mg/ml) of surrogate mothers. Water intake increased significantly when paracetamol, as a sweet-tasting formulation (children's syrup), was added to the drinking water. Measurements of paracetamol concentrations in blood serum confirmed reasonable drug uptake. Success rate of ETs and the body weight of newborn offspring were not different whether paracetamol was administered for two days after surgery or not. In conclusion, paracetamol in drinking water was consumed voluntarily in substantial doses, without detectable side-effects, by freshly operated surrogate mothers, and can therefore be recommended as a feasible method for providing analgesic treatment for surgical ET in mice

    Individual housing of female mice: influence on postsurgical behaviour and recovery

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    Individual housing of laboratory mice may increase vulnerability to surgical stress, and interfere with postsurgical recovery. To analyse the effect of housing conditions on recovery, pair- and single-housed female C57BL/6J mice underwent a minor laparotomy +/- analgesia, anaesthesia only or no treatment. Animals were monitored using non-invasive methods during the immediate postsurgical period to assess pain and general impairment. While no appearance or posture abnormalities were observed postexperiment, home cage behaviours were affected distinctly. Discriminant analysis identified self-grooming, locomotion, climbing and resting as mainly responsible for experimental group separation. Behavioural rhythmicity was disrupted, and behaviours related to wellbeing, such as nest building, climbing and burrowing, decreased. Behavioural pain signs (e.g. press) increased. Most behavioural alterations showed a gradation between treatments, e.g. burrowing latency ranged from an intermediate level following anaesthesia only and surgery with analgesia, to pronounced prolongation after surgery without analgesia. Significantly lower burrowing performance after surgery without analgesia in individually-housed animals indicates better recovery in pairs. Social interaction in pairs--an important component of normal behaviour (64%) and a potential indicator for direct social support--was nearly absent (0.3-0.5%). While anaesthesia and surgery resulted in clear changes in behaviour, differences between housing conditions were minor. Hence, despite a tendency towards better recovery in pairs, we found no distinct negative effect of individual housing. In conclusion, both housing conditions are acceptable during the period immediately following minor surgery, though social housing is always preferable in female mice