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4 research outputs found
Association of Glomerular Filtration Rate With Unsuccessful Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention and Subsequent Mortality in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction
Aoki J Ikari Y, Sugimoto T, Fukuda
Asinger RW Henry TD, Herzog CA, Pa
+17 more
Hiroshi Kasanuki
Hiroshi Koganei
Hiroshi Ogawa
Hobbach HP Gibson CM, Giugliano RP
Koreny M Karth GD, Geppert A, Neun
Kosuge M Kimura K, Kojima S, Sakam
Mehta RH Harjai KJ, Cox D, Stone G
Reis SE Olson MB, Fried L, Reeser
Rubenstein MH Harrell LC, Sheynber
Schiele F Legalery P, Didier K, Me
Shlipak MG Heidenreich PA, Noguchi
Shyu KG Cheng JJ, Kuan P
Takeshita S Isshiki T, Tagawa H, Y
The Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infa
Vaitkus PT Guidera SA
White HD Assmann SF, Sanborn TA, J
Yukio Tsurumi
Publication venue
'Japanese Circulation Society'
Publication date
Field of study
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Effects of Intravenous Administration of Tissue Plasminogen Activator Before Thrombectomy in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction
Armstrong PW Collen D
Dibra A Mehilli J, Dirschinger J,
+23 more
Gibson CM Cannon CP, Daley WL, Dod
Gibson CM Cannon CP, Murphy SA, Ry
Hajime Otani
Henriques JP Zijlstra F, Ottervang
Hiroshi Kamihata
Ito H Tomooka T, Sakai N, Yu H, Hi
Kondo H Suzuki T, Fukutomi T, Suzu
Kotani J Mintz GS, Pregowski J, Ka
Kurihara H Matsumoto S, Tamura R,
Lapeyre AC Klodas E, Rogers PJ, Si
Nakamura T Kubo N, Seki Y, Ikeda N
Napodano M Pasquetto G, Sacca S, C
Neumann FJ Blasini R, Schmitt C, A
Prasad A Stone GW, Stuckey TD, Cos
Satoshi Yamamoto
Skyschally A Erbel R, Heusch G
Stone GW Webb J, Cox DA, Brodie BR
Taguchi I Kanaya T, Toi T, Abe S,
The Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infa
Topol EJ Ohman EM, Armstrong PW, W
Toshiji Iwasaka
Yasuo Sutani
Yuzo Akita
Publication venue
'Japanese Circulation Society'
Publication date
Field of study
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Atherosclerotic Plaque With Ultrasonic Attenuation Affects Coronary Reflow and Infarct Size in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome
Baim DS Wahr D, George B, Leon MB,
Bartorelli AL Potkin BN, Almagor Y
+23 more
Furukawa E Hibi K, Kosuge M, Nakat
Gibson CM Cannon CP, Daley WL, Dod
Grines CL Cox DA, Stone GW, Garcia
Gussenhoven EJ Essed CE, Lancee CT
Haruyuki Taguchi
Hiroyuki Okura
Iku Toda
Ito H Maruyama A, Iwakura K, Takiu
Ito H Tomooka T, Sakai N, Yu H, Hi
Junichi Yoshikawa
Kiyoshi Yoshida
Mehran R Dangas G, Mintz GS, Lansk
Minoru Yoshiyama
Nishimura RA Edwards WD, Warnes CA
Oshima A Ochiai M, Takeshita S, Yo
Potkin BN Bartorelli AL, Gessert J
Prati F Arbustini E, Labellarte A,
Sato H Iida H, Tanaka A, Tanaka H,
Stone GW Cox D, Garcia E, Brodie B
Stone GW Rogers C, Hermiller J, Fe
The Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infa
Tomoichiro Kubo
Yamada R Okura H, Kawamoto T, Kume
Publication venue
'Japanese Circulation Society'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Correlation Between Distal Left Anterior Descending Artery Flow Velocity by Transthoracic Doppler Echocardiography and Corrected TIMI Frame Count Before Mechanical Reperfusion in Patients With Anterior Acute Myocardial Infarction
Akasaka T Yoshida K, Kawamoto T, K
Anderson JL Karagounis LA, Becker
+39 more
Angioplasty Substudy Investigators
Caiati C Montaldo C, Zedda N, Bina
Chuwa Tei
Fusejima K
Gibson CM Cannon CP, Daley WL, Dod
Hachiro Obata
Hackett D Davies G, Chierchia S, M
Heyndrickx GR Amano J, Patrick TA,
Hiroshi Arimura
Hitoshi Toda
Hozumi T Yoshida K, Ogata Y, Akasa
Iwakura K Ito H, Takiuchi S, Taniy
Kern MJ Moore JA, Aguirre FV, Bach
Kloner RA Ganote CE, Jennings RB
Koichi Toyonaga
Kurisu S Inoue I, Kawagoe T, Ishih
Lee S Otsuji Y, Minagoe S, Hamasak
Masaaki Miyata
Rentrop KP Cohen M, Blanke H, Phil
Ross JJ Jr Mintz GS, Chandrasekara
Ryan TJ Antman EM, Brooks NH, Cali
Sadatoshi Biro
Shimada K Watanabe H, Hosoda K, Ta
Shinichi Minagoe
Shuichi Hamasaki
Souki Lee
Stankovic G Manginas A, Voudris V,
Sugimoto K Ito H, Iwakura K, Ikush
Takuro Takumi
The GUSTO Angiographic Investigator
The GUSTO-1 Angiographic Investigat
The Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infa
The TIMI Study Group
Voci P Mariano E, Pizzuto F, Puddu
Voci P Pizzuto F, Mariano E, Puddu
Watanabe K Nagao K, Watanabe I, Ka
Yamamoto K Ito H, Iwakura K, Kawan
Yutaka Otsuji
Publication venue
'Japanese Circulation Society'
Publication date
Field of study
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