56 research outputs found


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    三原市内の保育園児と幼稚園児および小学生合計175名を対象に, ハサミで線や形を切る能力の発達について調査を行った。直線と折線および曲線が1mm幅の線の通りに切れるようになるのは6歳6カ月であった。しかし, 形を切る課題では線が1mm幅では7歳6カ月を超えてもまだ未達成であった。課題の線から左右に1mmの誤差範囲内すなわち3mm幅以内で切れるようになるのは, 四角は6歳6カ月であり, 三角と円は7歳6カ月であった。ハサミで線や形を切る発達は, 男児に比べて女児の方が早い傾向がみられた。The purpose of this study was to investigate when a child becomes able to cut line and form with scissors. The subjects of this study included 175 children who attend nursery school and primary school in Mihama City. We found that a 6-year 6 month old child could cut a straight line, a polygonal line and a curve. But a 7-year 6 month old child was unable to if the line was 1-aothick. If the thickness of the line was 3-ao a 6 year 6 month old child could cut and a triangle, and a 7-year 6 month old child could cut a circle. Girls tend to develop a little earlier than boys do.国立情報学研究所で電子

    Political Propaganda through the Emblematic Production of the Students in the Brussels Jesuit College under the Archduke Leopold William (1647-1656)

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    Since its creation at the beginning of the seventeenth century, the Brussels Jesuit College kept with the political power privileged and intense relations, especially under the Archduke Leopold William (1647-1656), a member of the Spanish royal family. That appears clearly from the emblematic productions of the Poetry and Rhetoric’s classes’ students, the so-called affixiones, exhibited once a year and which were constructed around the Archiduke and dedicated to him. Through these productions, the students expressed in a verbal and visual way their patriotism to the Spanish power during a time full of international problems between Spain, France and Northern Netherlands, and it seems thus very important to examine how this visual and verbal propaganda was received on one hand by the Archduke himself, who frequently visited the exhibitions and who had shown more than once his favour to the Jesuits, and on the other hand by the Brussels’ dwellers