6 research outputs found
Professionals’ involvement of relatives – only good intentions?
- Author
- Committee for Human Medicinal Products
- Danish Health Authority
- Danish Health Authority
- Danish Health Authority
- Danish Regions
- European Medicines Agency
- GCP (The Governmental Committee on the Future Organization of Danish Psychiatry) (Udvalget O.P.)
- HM Government
- Ministry of Health
- Ministry of Health and Prevention Ministry of Children, Gender Equality, Integration and Social Affairs, and Ministry for Higher Education and Science
- National Board of Social Services and Danish Health Authority
- The Danish Research Ethics Committee
- World Medical Association
- Publication venue
- 'Emerald'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Challenges of Ethical Clearance in International Health Policy and Social Sciences Research: Experiences and Recommendations from a Multi-Country Research Programme
- Author
- Act on Research ethics Review of Health Research Projects.
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research
- Central Committee on Research inv.
- Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences.
- European Commission.
- European Commission.
- European Union.
- F Claudot
- M Cuttini
- M Israel
- National Advisory Board on Research Ethics.
- National Committee on Medical Research Ethics.
- National Ethics Code.
- National Institutes of Health.
- Nuffield Council on Bioethics.
- Personal Data Protection Act.
- Regulations on medical research involving human subjects Medical Research Human Subjects Act.
- Research into Policy to Enhance Physical Activity.
- SM Greene
- The Danish Data Protection Agency.
- World Association of Medical Editors Publication Ethics Committee.
- World Health Organization.
- World Medical Association.
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Towards a European Standard for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research
- Author
- Advisory Committee on Ethics of Scientific and Technical Research
- Bioethics Consultative Committee
- Bioethikkommission
- Bioethikkommission
- Braun K.
- Comité Consultatif
- Commission Consultative Nationale d'Ethique
- Danish Council of Ethics
- Danish Council of Ethics
- European Group on ethics in sciences and new technologies
- European Group on ethics in sciences and new technologies
- Finnish National Ethics Committees
- GrieĂźler E.
- Health Council of the Netherlands
- Heinemann Th.
- Hellenic National Bioethics Commission
- Irish Council for Bioethics
- Kopetzki Ch.
- Korinek K.
- Körtner U.
- National
- National
- National
- National
- Prainsack B.
- President's Council on Bioethics
- President's Council on Bioethics
- Rengeling H.
- Schlag M.
- Scottish Council on Human Bioethics
- Swedish National Council on Medical Ethics
- Wobus A.M.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Long-term sickness absence from combined factors related to physical work demands: prospective cohort study
- Author
- Andersen
- Andersen
- Andersen
- Andersen
- Andersen
- Andreas Holtermann
- Coenen
- Committee System on Biomedical Research Ethics
- Cox
- da Costa
- de Croon
- Foss
- Hjollund
- Holtermann
- Holtermann
- Hoogendoorn
- Jakobsen
- Kuorinka
- Lagersted-Olsen
- Lars L Andersen
- Lund
- Mari-Ann Flyvholm
- Mayer
- National Research Centre for the Working Environment
- Orhede
- Pejtersen
- Petersson
- Pincus
- Poulsen
- Sannie V Thorsen
- Sommer
- Sterud
- Sterud
- Sundstrup
- The Danish Data Protection Agency
- van den Heuvel
- Vandenbroucke
- Viikari-Juntura
- Publication venue
- 'Oxford University Press (OUP)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Anticipatory Governance: Bioethical Expertise for Human/Animal Chimeras
- Author
- Academy of Medical Sciences (AMS)
- Academy of Medical Sciences (AMS)
- Ahuja A.
- Alison Harvey
- Animal Procedures Committee (APC)
- Animal Procedures Committee (APC)
- Barben D.
- Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)
- Boyd Group
- Boyd Group
- Brian Salter
- Chimbrids project
- Council of Europe
- Danish Council of Ethics
- Dupré J.
- European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM)
- General Assembly of the United Nations
- German Ethics Council
- Irwin A.
- Irwin A.
- Jasanoff S.
- Munzer S. R.
- National Research Council
- Nuffield Council on Bioethics (NCoB)
- Nuffield Council on Bioethics (NCoB)
- President's Council on Bioethics
- Russell W.
- Streiffer R.
- Swedish National Council on Medical Ethics
- The Royal Society
- United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
- Wetherall D.
- Wolpe P.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Socio-economic research on genetically modified crops: a study of the literature
- Author
- A Ely
- A Herrero
- A Hilbeck
- A Mannion
- A Rip
- A Spök
- A Stirling
- AM Espinoza-Esquivel
- AM Nkwake
- Anne I. Myhr
- AP Rudy
- B Adi
- B Flyvbjerg
- B Freese
- B Wynne
- B Wynne
- Brian Wynne
- CE Pray
- CM Benbrook
- D Glover
- D Glover
- D Gurian-Sherman
- D Stabinsky
- D Zamir
- Danish Council of Ethics
- DE Ervin
- DE Ervin
- DE Ervin
- DE Kolady
- DE Pemsl
- DG Richards
- DJ Spielman
- DK Asante
- DL Kleinman
- EFSA Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)
- FB Barwale
- FJ Areal
- G Catacora-Vargas
- G Catacora-Vargas
- G Vanloqueren
- GD Stone
- GD Stone
- Georgina Catacora-Vargas
- GU Berger
- H Thomas
- HE Bouis
- HE Bouis
- HE Bouis
- I Potrykus
- I Taverniers
- IAASTD (International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge Science and Technology for Development)
- Interorganizational Committee on Principles and Guidelines for Social Impact Assessment
- J Dibden
- J Park
- J Pretty
- J Scott
- J Thompson
- J Thompson
- JA Heinemann
- JA Heinemann
- JB Falck-Zepeda
- JB Falck-Zepeda
- JC Zadoks
- JJ Glenna
- JJ Glenna
- K Anderson
- K Asdal
- K Fischer
- K Fischer
- K Jansen
- KJ Bryant
- L NordgĂĄrd
- M Callon
- M Gouse
- M Leach
- M Mascarenhas
- M Qaim
- M Qaim
- M Qaim
- M Smale
- MA Altieri
- MA Altieri
- MG Rivera-Ferre
- NASEM (The National Academies of Sciences Engineering and Medicine)
- NRC (National Research Council)
- P Bereano
- P Christou
- PC Phillips
- R Binimelis
- R Binimelis
- R Mackenzie
- R Walters
- Rosa Binimelis
- S Brooks
- S Francescon
- S Mugo
- S Wang
- SB Powles
- SCBD (Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity)
- SCBD (Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity)
- SM Lélé
- SZ Knezevic
- T Kaphengst
- T Satterfield
- U Felt
- V Arunachalam
- V Pavone
- W KlĂĽmper
- WEF (World Economic Forum)
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study