2 research outputs found

    Cross-calibration and combined analysis of the CTA-LST prototype and the MAGIC telescopes

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    The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is the next-generation gamma-ray observatory that is expected to reach one order of magnitude better sensitivity than that of current telescope arrays. The Large-Sized Telescopes (LSTs) have an essential role in extending the energy range down to 20 GeV. The prototype LST (LST-1) proposed for CTA was built in La Palma, the northern site of CTA, in 2018. LST-1 is currently in its commissioning phase and moving towards scientific observations. The LST-1 camera consists of 1855 photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) which are sensitive to Cherenkov light. PMT signals are recorded as waveforms sampled at 1 GHz rate with Domino Ring Sampler version 4 (DRS4) chips. Fast sampling is essential to achieve a low energy threshold by minimizing the integration of background light from the night sky. Absolute charge calibration can be performed by the so-called F-factor method, which allows calibration constants to be monitored even during observations. A calibration pipeline of the camera readout has been developed as part of the LST analysis chain. The pipeline performs DRS4 pedestal and timing corrections, as well as the extraction and calibration of charge and time of pulses for subsequent higher-level analysis. The performance of each calibration step is examined, and especially charge and time resolution of the camera readout are evaluated and compared to CTA requirements. We report on the current status of the calibration pipeline, including the performance of each step through to signal reconstruction, and the consistency with Monte Carlo simulation

    Monitoring the pointing of the Large Size Telescope prototype using star reconstruction in the Cherenkov camera

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    The first Large-Sized Telescope (LST-1) proposed for the forthcoming Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) has started to operate in 2019 in La Palma. The large structure of LST-1 - with a 23 m mirror dish diameter - imposes a strict control of its deformations that could affect the pointing accuracy and its overall performance. According to CTA specifications that are conceived to resolve e.g. the fine structure of galactic sources, the LST post-calibration pointing accuracy should be better than 14 arcseconds. To fulfill this requirement, the telescope pointing precision is monitored with two dedicated CCD cameras located at the dish center. The analysis of their images allows us to disentangle different systematic deformations of the structure. In this work, we investigate a complementary approach that offers the possibility to monitor the pointing of the telescope during the acquisition of sky data. After properly cleaning the events from the Cherenkov showers, the reconstructed positions of the stars imaged in the camera field of view are compared to their nominal expected positions in catalogues. This provides a direct measurement of the telescope pointing, that can be used to cross-check the other methods and as a real-time monitoring of the optical properties of the telescope and of the pointing corrections applied by the bending models. Additionally, this method benefits from not relying on specific hardware or dedicated observations. In this contribution we will illustrate this analysis and show results based on simulations of LST-1