2 research outputs found

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    Chile: The Balanced View Edited by Francisco Orrego Vicuna Santiago: The University of Chile, 1975. Pp. 298. =============== Codification in the Communist World--Symposium in Memory of Zsolt Szirmai Organized by Donald Barry, F.J.M. Feldbrugge & Dominick Lasok Leiden: A.W. Sijthoff, 1975. Pp. xv, 353. 42.50. =============== Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons: Prevention and Punishment By Louis M. Bloomfield & Gerald F. Fitzgerald. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1975. Pp. xviii, 272. 16.50. =============== Criminal Justice in Eighteenth Century Mexico By Colin M. MacLachlan Berkeley: University of California Press, 1974. Pp.viii, 141. 9.00.================EECAntiโˆ’TrustLawโˆ’โˆ’PrinciplesandPracticeByD.Barounos,D.F.HallandJ.RaynerJamesToronto:Butterworths,1975.Pp.xxxv,440.9.00. ================ EEC Anti-Trust Law--Principles and Practice By D. Barounos, D.F. Hall and J. Rayner James Toronto: Butterworths, 1975. Pp.xxxv, 440. 52.50. ================== The European Convention on Human Rights By Francis G. Jacobs Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1975. Pp. xi, 286. 22.50. =========== International Law and the Independent State By Ingrid Delupis New York: Crane, Russak & Co., Inc., 1974. Pp. xi, 252. 23.00. ============== International Law in the Enlightment--The Background of Emmerich de Vattel\u27s le Droit des Gens. By Francis Stephen Ruddy Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Oceana Publications, Inc., 1975. Pp.xvi, 364. 40.00.=================InternationalTerrorismandPoliticalCrimeEditedbyM.CherifBassiouniSpringfield,Ill.:Chas.C.Thomas,1975.Pp.xxvi,594.40.00. ================= International Terrorism and Political Crime Edited by M. Cherif Bassiouni Springfield, Ill.: Chas. C. Thomas, 1975. Pp.xxvi, 594. 19.50. ============= The Law of the Near & Middle East By Herbert J. Liebesny Albany, N.Y.: State University Press of New York, 1975. Pp. xii,316. 15.00.=============TheLegalStatusofForeignInvestmentsintheEastAfricanCommonMarketByOsitaC.EzeLeiden:A.W.Sijthoff,1975.Pp.xv,353.15.00. ============= The Legal Status of Foreign Investments in the East African Common Market By Osita C. Eze Leiden: A.W. Sijthoff, 1975.Pp. xv, 353. 26.00. ============== OPEC and the Petroleum Industry By Mana Saeed Al-Otaiba New York: John Wiley & Sons (Halsted Press), 1975. Pp. x, 192.14.50.============ThePublicOrderofOceanResources:ACritiqueoftheContemporaryLawoftheSeaByP.SreenivasaRaoCambridge,Mass.:TheM.I.T.Press,1975.Pp.xi,313.14.50. ============ The Public Order of Ocean Resources: A Critique of the Contemporary Law of the Sea By P. Sreenivasa Rao Cambridge, Mass.: The M.I.T. Press, 1975. Pp. xi, 313. 17.50. ========== Taxes on Direct Investment Income in the EEC--A Legal and Economic Analysis By Bernard Snoy New York: Praeger Publish-ers, 1975. Pp. xxviii, 349. 22.50.============AxIncentivesforU.S.ExportsByRobertFeinschreiberDobbsFerry,N.Y.:OceanaPublications,Inc.,1975.Pp.xiii,385.22.50. ============ Ax Incentives for U.S. Exports By Robert Feinschreiber Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Oceana Publications, Inc., 1975. Pp. xiii, 385. 22.50