3 research outputs found

    Analytical approximations for curved primordial power spectra

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    We extend the work of Contaldi et al. and derive analytical approximations for primordial power spectra arising from models of inflation which include primordial spatial curvature. These analytical templates are independent of any specific inflationary potential and therefore illustrate and provide insight into the generic effects and predictions of primordial curvature, manifesting as cut-offs and oscillations at low multipoles and agreeing with numerical calculations. We identify through our analytical approximation that the effects of curvature can be mathematically attributed to shifts in the wavevectors participating dynamically.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, supplementary material available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4024321. v1: As submitted to PRD. v2: As published in PRD (with only minor additions between v1 and v2

    On Graviton non-Gaussianities in the Effective Field Theory of Inflation

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    We derive parity-even graviton bispectra in the Effective Field Theory of Inflation (EFToI) to all orders in derivatives. Working in perturbation theory, we construct all cubic interactions that can contribute to tree-level graviton bispectra, showing that they all come from EFToI operators containing two or three powers of the extrinsic curvature and its covariant derivatives: all other operators can be removed by field redefinitions or start at higher-order in perturbations. For operators cubic in the extrinsic curvature, where the single-clock consistency relations are satisfied without a correction to the graviton two-point function, we use the Manifestly Local Test (MLT) to efficiently extract the effects of evolving graviton fluctuations to the end of inflation. Despite the somewhat complicated nature of the bulk interactions, the final boundary correlators take a very compact form. For operators quadratic in the extrinsic curvature, the leading order bispectra are a sum of contact and single exchange diagrams, which are tied together by spatial diffeomorphisms, and to all orders in derivatives we derive these bispectra by computing the necessary bulk time integrals. For single exchange diagrams we exploit factorisation properties of the bulk-bulk propagator for massless gravitons and write the result as a finite sum over residues. Perhaps surprisingly, we show these single exchange contributions have only total-energy poles and also satisfy the MLT

    On graviton non-Gaussianities in the Effective Field Theory of Inflation

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    Abstract We derive parity-even graviton bispectra in the Effective Field Theory of Inflation (EFToI) to all orders in derivatives. Working in perturbation theory, we construct all cubic interactions that can contribute to tree-level graviton bispectra, showing that they all come from EFToI operators containing two or three powers of the extrinsic curvature and its covariant derivatives: all other operators can be removed by field redefinitions or start at higher-order in perturbations. For operators cubic in the extrinsic curvature, where the single-clock consistency relations are satisfied without a correction to the graviton two-point function, we use the Manifestly Local Test (MLT) to efficiently extract the effects of evolving graviton fluctuations to the end of inflation. Despite the somewhat complicated nature of the bulk interactions, the final boundary correlators take a very compact form. For operators quadratic in the extrinsic curvature, the leading order bispectra are a sum of contact and single exchange diagrams, which are tied together by spatial diffeomorphisms, and to all orders in derivatives we derive these bispectra by computing the necessary bulk time integrals. For single exchange diagrams we exploit factorisation properties of the bulk-bulk propagator for massless gravitons and write the result as a finite sum over residues. Perhaps surprisingly, we show these single exchange contributions have only total-energy poles and also satisfy the MLT.</jats:p