1,700 research outputs found

    Birefringent Electroweak Textures

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    The behaviour of electromagnetic waves propagating through an electroweak homilia string network is examined. This string network is topologically stable as a cosmic texture, and is characterized by the spatial variation of the isospin rotation of the Higgs field. As a consequence the photon field couples to the intermediate vector bosons, producing a finite range electromagnetic field. It is found that the propagation speed of the photon depends on its polarization vector, whence an homilia string network acts as a birefringent medium. We estimate the birefringent scale for this texture and show that it depends on the frequency of the electromagnetic wave and the length scale of the homilia string network.Comment: 10 page

    A Test-Retest Transition Matrix: A Modification of McNemar’s Test

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    McNemar introduced what is known today as a test for symmetry in a two by two contingency tables. The logic of the test is based on a sample of matched pairs with a dichotomous response. In our example, the sample consists of the scores before and after an education program and the responses before and after the program. Each pair of scores is from only one person. The pretest divides the group of responders according to their answers to a dichotomous question. The posttest divides the two groups into two groups of like labels. The result is a two by two table. We construct a test of homogeneity, where the proportion of initially partitioned subjects will be equally distributed over the same partition after the program is completed, conditioned on the initial distribution

    On Treating A Survey Of Convenience Sample As A Simple Random Sample

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    Threat of bias has kept many from using data gathered in less than optimal conditions. We maintain that when convenience sampling represents race and gender at nearly correct proportions and can be beneficial, as these two variables are quite often used as stratification variables. We compared a convenience sample with a proven sample. Race and Sex were nearly proportional as was found in the proven sample. We conclude that the convenience sample can be used as though it is simple random

    Stability of a spherical flame ball in a porous medium

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    Gaseous flame balls and their stability to symmetric disturbances are studied numerically and asymptotically, for large activation temperature, within a porous medium that serves only to exchange heat with the gas. Heat losses to a distant ambient environment, affecting only the gas, are taken to be radiative in nature and are represented using two alternative models. One of these treats the heat loss as being constant in the burnt gases and linearizes the radiative law in the unburnt gas (as has been studied elsewhere without the presence of a solid). The other does not distinguish between burnt and unburnt gas and is a continuous dimensionless form of Stefan's law, having a linear part that dominates close to ambient temperatures and a fourth power that dominates at higher temperatures.Numerical results are found to require unusually large activation temperatures in order to approach the asymptotic results. The latter involve two branches of solution, a smaller and a larger flame ball, provided heat losses are not too high. The two radiative heat loss models give completely analogous steady asymptotic solutions, to leading order, that are also unaffected by the presence of the solid which therefore only influences their stability. For moderate values of the dimensionless heat-transfer time between the solid and gas all flame balls are unstable for Lewis numbers greater than unity. At Lewis numbers less than unity, part of the branch of larger flame balls becomes stable, solutions with the continuous radiative law being stable over a narrower range of parameters. In both cases, for moderate heat-transfer times, the stable region is increased by the heat capacity of the solid in a way that amounts, simply, to decreasing an effective Lewis number for determining stability, just as if the heat-transfer time was zero

    Stability of string defects in models of non-Abelian symmetry breaking

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    In this paper we describe a new type of topological defect, called a homilia string, which is stabilized via interactions with the string network. Using analytical and numerical techniques, we investigate the stability and dynamics of homilia strings, and show that they can form stable electroweak strings. In SU(2)xU(1) models of symmetry breaking the intersection of two homilia strings is identified with a sphaleron. Due to repulsive forces, the homilia strings seperate, resulting in sphaleron annihilation. It is shown that electroweak homilia string loops cannot stabilize as vortons, which circumvents the adverse cosmological problems associated with stable loops. The consequences for GUT scale homilia strings are also discussed.Comment: 15 pages, revtex, with 8 figures. Submitted to PR

    Exotic spacetimes, superconducting strings with linear momentum, and (not quite) all that

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    We derive the general exact vacuum metrics associated with a stationary (non static), non rotating, cylindrically symmetric source. An analysis of the geometry described by these vacuum metrics shows that they contain a subfamily of metrics that, although admitting a consistent time orientation, display "exotic" properties, such as "trapping" of geodesics and closed causal curves through every point. The possibility that such spacetimes could be generated by a superconducting string, endowed with a neutral current and momentum, has recently been considered by Thatcher and Morgan. Our results, however, differ from those found by Thatcher and Morgan, and the discrepancy is explained. We also analyze the general possibility of constructing physical sources for the exotic metrics, and find that, under certain restrictions, they must always violate the dominant energy condition (DEC). We illustrate our results by explicitly analyzing the case of concentric shells, where we find that in all cases the external vacuum metric is non exotic if the matter in the shells satisfies the DEC.Comment: 13 pages with no figures. Accepted in PR

    Logics for Unranked Trees: An Overview

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    Labeled unranked trees are used as a model of XML documents, and logical languages for them have been studied actively over the past several years. Such logics have different purposes: some are better suited for extracting data, some for expressing navigational properties, and some make it easy to relate complex properties of trees to the existence of tree automata for those properties. Furthermore, logics differ significantly in their model-checking properties, their automata models, and their behavior on ordered and unordered trees. In this paper we present a survey of logics for unranked trees