4 research outputs found
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The Optimum Design Parameters in Terms of Total Specific Energy Requirements for the Rotary Blade Power Tiller under Unsaturated Sandy Clay Loam Soil Condition
ABSTRACT A mathematical modeling approach was applied to predict optimum design parameters in terms of the total specific energy requirements of a "Pick", a "C", an "I", an "L" and a "J"-shaped rotary blades. The modified total specific energy requirement model mainly has been includeds, the forward speed of the machine, the rotational speed, the depth of soil cut, the width of soil cut, the rotor radius, the angle of periphery, the angle of rotation, the specific soil resistance, the dry soil bulk density and volume of soil tilled. At the same working conditions the total specific energy requirement was predicted to be 231. 61, 160.72, 196.87, 168.56 and 167.56 kJ / m 3 for the "Pick", the "C", the "I", the "L" and the "J"-shaped rotary blades, respectively. The highest specific energy requirement was exhibited by the "Pick"-shaped and the lowest by the "C"-shaped blade. The higher total specific energy requirement the lower volume of soil tilled and the most effective and optimum soil tillage operational cost is achieved. Compared to another study at the same soil condition the specific energy requirement per volume of soil tilled by the "Pick"-shaped blade was exhibited 1900 kJ / m 3 which was higher by 87.81 % than the "Pick"-shaped blade in the present study. Therefore, the model suggests rotary tiller development under local conditions