82 research outputs found

    Variations on a theorem of Beurling

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    We consider functions satisfying the subcritical Beurling's condition, viz., RnRnf(x)f^(y)eaxydxdy<\int_{\R^n}\int_{\R^n} |f(x)| |\hat{f}(y)| e^{a |x \cdot y|} \, dx \, dy < \infty for some 0<a<1. 0 < a < 1. We show that such functions are entire vectors for the Schr\"{o}dinger representations of the Heisenberg group. If an eigenfunction ff of the Fourier transform satisfies the above condition we show that the Hermite coefficients of ff have certain exponential decay which depends on aa.Comment: 21 page

    On the Hermite expansions of functions from Hardy class

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    Considering functions f f on Rn \R^n for which both f f and f^ \hat{f} are bounded by the Gaussian e1/2ax2,0<a<1 e^{-{1/2}a|x|^2}, 0 < a < 1 we show that their Fourier-Hermite coefficients have exponential decay. Optimal decay is obtained for O(n) O(n)-finite functions thus extending the one dimensional result of Vemuri.Comment: 22 page

    On the structure of analytic vectors for the schrodinger representation

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    This article deals with the structure of analytic and entire vectors for the Schr\"{o}dinger representations of the Heisenberg group. Using refined versions of Hardy's theorem and their connection with Hermite expansions we obtain very precise representation theorems for analytic and entire vectors.Comment: 19 page

    On Hermite pseudo-multipliers

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    In this article we deal with a variation of a theorem of Mauceri concerning the Lp L^p boundedness of operators M M which are known to be bounded on L2. L^2. We obtain sufficient conditions on the kernel of the operaor M M so that it satisfies weighted Lp L^p estimates. As an application we prove Lp L^p boundedness of Hermite pseudo-multipliers.Comment: 28 page

    Fourier multipliers and pseudo-differential operators on Fock-Sobolev spaces

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    Any bounded linear operator T T on L2(Rn) L^2(\mathbb{R}^n) gives rise to the operator S=BTB S= B \circ T \circ B^\ast on the Fock space \mathcal{F}(\C^n) where B B is the Bargmann transform. In this article we identify those S S which correspond to Fourier multipliers and pseudo-differential operators on L2(Rn) L^2(\mathbb{R}^n) and study their boundedness on the Fock-Sobolev spaces \mathcal{F}^{s,2}(\C^n).Comment: 18 page