1,560 research outputs found


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    Fostering of Muslims in particular is a necessity. Muslims need guidance to stay on their nature, namely peace, calm, and peace (congratulations). Therefore, to maintain and preserve the atmosphere (peaceful, calm, serene), then one of the da'wah movements that has taken a role is the Tablighi Jamaat. Forms of coaching that have been done include syuro (deliberation), ta'awun (help-help). The coaching is intended to be social capital in developing Muslims. Social capital is intended as an adhesive tool for the community, because it often occurs in Islamic internal conflict communities that will affect external conflicts (among religious believers). The formation of Muslims by the followers of Tabligh has clearly brought developments to Muslims, especially in the city of Palu, this development was marked by an increase in the number of halaqah from 2 halaqah (2001) to 12 halaqah (2018), and the development has benefited the community based at the mosque

    Zonasi System In Admission of New Student and The Impact on The Psychological Condition of Students

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    This study aims to determine how well the zonasi system in new student admissions (PPDB) is. This achievement stems from the respondents' knowledge of the zonasi system's goals, advantages, and disadvantages. Furthermore, respondents' level of satisfaction and anxiety in dealing with PPDB is also analyzed. The respondents in this study were 250 students from 7 different school districts. The data obtained were analyzed quantitatively, descriptive, and regression. The results of this study indicate that the zonasi system was implemented appropriately. In principle, there is no difference between the new and old systems. Therefore, it is believed to encourage students to study harder. The level of student satisfaction tends to be high, and anxiety during PPDB tends to be low; the effect between the two was significant (r=-0.141; p <0.05). This study suggests the need for mapping the zones of state schools. Hence, there are no students outside the state school zone, considering the sudden transfer of students due to changes in assignments and parents' addresses, the need for potential academic tests as a reference for guidance and counseling teachers in providing guidance and counseling services; furthermore, the need to increase the number of new schools with state status.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa baik sistem zonasi dalam penerimaan siswa baru (PPDB). Pencapaian tersebut dilihat dari seberapa baik pengetahuan responden terhadap tujuan, keunggulan, dan kelemahan sistem zonasi. Selanjutnya, tingkat kepuasan dan kecemasan responden dalam menghadapi PPDB juga dianalisis. Penelitian ini diikuti 250 siswa dari 7 sekolah yang berbeda kabupaten. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara kuantitatif deskriptif dan regresi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sistem zonasi telah diterapkan dengan baik. Pada prinsipnya, sistem ini sama saja dengan sistem lama namun dipercaya lebih mampu mendorong siswa untuk belajar lebih giat meskipun tetap ditemukan kelemahan di dalamnya. Tingkat kepuasaan siswa cenderung tinggi dan kecemasan selama PPDB cenderung rendah; pengaruh antara keduanya ditemukan signifikan (r=-0.141; p <0,05). Penelitian ini menyarankan perlunya pemetaan zona sekolah-sekolah negeri sehingga tidak ada siswa yang berada diluar zona sekolah negeri, mempertimbangkan perpindahan siswa secara tiba-tiba karena perpindahan tugas dan alamat orangtua, perlunya tes potensi akademik sebagai referensi bagi Guru BK dalam memberikan layanan bimbingan dan konseling, dan perlunya menambah jumlah sekolah baru yang berstatus negeri

    Technology transfer in Indonesia: Legal perspective

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    This study aimed to analyses technology transfer in Indonesia.As we have indicated, Indonesian Patents Law, No. 14 of 2001, have failed to create technology transfer for Indonesia.Even though the transfer of technology is strongly campaigned as a principal means of relieving world poverty, there is no reliable and credible evidence that shows a significant correlation between technology transfer under the patent regime and the collective mastery of a nation to access information, knowledge and technology (INT) effectively in order to improve the quality of people’s lives


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    This study aimed to analyses the role of international patent system for technology transfer, viz: Paris Convention, WIPO, and TRIPS. As we have indicated how the lack of robust and full protection of IP worldwide benefited exclusively the industrialized countries during the Paris Convention and under the WIPO, throughout the former GATT, and also on the TRIPS Agreement under the WTO too. Lastly, IP protection is crucial for scientific development and technology transfer as well as the economic and social welfare of a country or of a continent


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    This article is the result of a descriptive qualitative study on the thinking of a community leader in Ntori Village, Bima Regency named H. Usman Mustakim. Appointed as an appreciation for his dedication to the formation of morals in society as a reflection of a complete human being who is not only knowledgeable but also has to have morals. This research uses the Sufism approach, with the data collection method of observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis process includes data collection, data verification, and validation, and concluding. The results of this study are a series of efforts by H. Usman Mustakim to form community morals by providing an understanding of the concept of morality in the style of the prophet and should be able to integrate the personalities of the prophet Sulaiman A.S, the prophet Daud A.S, the prophet Yusuf A.S, and the prophet Muhammad Saw. The four prophets are a reflection of the personal ideal as a servant of Allah, encompassing intelligence, assertiveness and strength, beauty and gentleness, and nobility like the prophet Muhammad


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    Kawasan Maghrib yang menjadi tempat transit yang menghubungkan Eropa (Andalusia) dan Afrika Utara (kawasan Islam) telah berkembang menjadi transformasi keilmuan. Kondisi dan dinamika politik yang turut mempengaruhi peran kawasan Maghrib menjadi tempat tujuan ulama dan intelektual Islam dari Andalusia mencari tempat perlindungan. Ibnu Khaldun sosok intektual yang terlahir dari kawasan Maghrib memberikan pijakan secara teoritis terhadap keilmuan sosial kemasyarakatan dengan menganalisis data-data sejarah. Analisis Ibnu Khaldun telah melahirkan kerangka secara fundamental yang mampu menjelaskan dibalik data-data sejarah yang terlihat. Kesadaran bersama menjadi hasil pengkajian yang dilakukan Ibnu Khaldun terhadap tumbuh, berkembang dan kejatuhan kekuasaan. Kehidupan Ibnu Khaldun yang terlibat dalam dunia politik praktis telah membuka ruang kekhasan dalam pemikirannya. Konteks pemikiran Ibnu Khaldun yang melibatkan pengalaman pribadi, analisis data-data sejarah dan teori yang dihasilkan memiliki pijakan empirik. Analisis Ibnu Khaldun terhadap kesadaran bersama bertumpuh pada badawah (nomaden) dan hadarah (menetap). Kesadaran bersama akan menguat bila kelompok masyarakat masih mementingkan kepentingan publik dibandingkan kepentingan privat. Kesadaran bermasa akan luntur apabila kepentingan individualistik yang berorientasi materi yang lebih dominan dalam lapisan masyarakat. Dialog pemikiran Ibnu Khaldun dengan fakta-fakta kekinian masih sangat memungkinkan dalam menghadirkan pemikiran Ibnu Khaldun yang berkelanjutan

    The Role of Patent System For The Technology Transfer In Indonesia

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    This study aimed to analyses the role of Indonesian Patent System for the technology transfer. As we have indicated, this Act have failed to create technology transfer for Indonesia. Even though the transfer of technology is strongly campaigned as a principal means of relieving world poverty, there is no reliable and credible evidence that shows a significant correlation between technology transfer under the patent regime and the collective mastery of a nation to access information, knowledge and technology (INT) effectively in order to improve the quality of people’s lives


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi kelas multimedia di SMP Negeri 1 Sungguminasa Kabupaten Gowa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan jenis pendekatan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kelas multimedia merupakan salah satu program di SMP Negeri 1 Sungguminasa kelas multimedia ini merupakan kelas unggulan, program kelas multimedia ini dibentuk sebagai ciri dari sekolah dari sekolah dan menjadi pembeda dengan sekolah lain. Proses dalam kelas multimedia ini dimuai dengan penyeleksihan siswa yang dimana memiih siswa yang memiliki prestasi maupun nilai yang tinggi dari hasil tes masuk di SMP Negeri 1 Sungguminasa. Adapun faktor pendorong dan peghambat dalam dalam program ini dimana salah satu pendorongnya yakni sekolah sudah menyiapakan beberapa alat yang disediakan dikelas sebagai penunjang dalam pembelajaran serta penghambatnya yakni masih ada beberapa siswa yang tidak memiliki laptop padahal sudah diketahui bahwa kelas ini diwajibkan untuk siswanya memiliki laptop


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    This research is motivated by the lack of use of educational props, especially in the matter of time. This study aims to develop Jarum Jam Kembar Bercincin props used to assist students in learning mathematics measuring time material that meets valid and practical criteria. This type of research is a research and development (R&D) which consists of several stages, namely preliminary studies, development processes and field trials. The subject of the product trial was grade II students of SDN 1 Kembang, Ampel District, Boyolali Regency. The instruments used were questionnaire and observation sheets. Questionnaire sheet to find out the validity of the media and an observation sheet to find out the practicality of the media. The results showed that Jarum Jam Kembar Bercincin props were suitable for use in learning time material for grade II elementary school students. This is indicated from the validation assessment which obtains very valid criteria with a value of 2.90. Whereas for practicality, it scores 2.52 with practical criteria. Â
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