66 research outputs found

    Spin Chains and Chiral Lattice Fermions

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    The generalization of Lorentz invariance to solvable two-dimensional lattice fermion models has been formulated in terms of Baxter's corner transfer matrix. In these models, the lattice Hamiltonian and boost operator are given by fermionized nearest-neighbor Heisenberg spin chain operators. The transformation properties of the local lattice fermion operators under a boost provide a natural and precise way of generalizing the chiral structure of a continuum Dirac field to the lattice. The resulting formulation differs from both the Wilson and staggered (Kogut-Susskind) prescriptions. In particular, an axial Q5Q_5 rotation is sitewise local, while the vector charge rotation mixes nearest neighbors on even and odd sublattices.Comment: 3 pages, latex, no figure

    Topological Charge Fluctuations and Low-Lying Dirac Eigenmodes

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    We discuss the utility of low-lying Dirac eigenmodes for studying the nature of topological charge fluctuations in QCD. The implications of previous results using the local chirality histogram method are discussed, and the new results using the overlap Dirac operator in Wilson gauge backgrounds at lattice spacings ranging from a~0.04 fm to a~0.12 fm are reported. While the degree of local chirality does not change appreciably closer to the continuum limit, we find that the size and density of local structures responsible for chiral peaking do change significantly. The resulting values are in disagreement with the assumptions of the Instanton Liquid Model. We conclude that the fluctuations of topological charge in the QCD vacuum are not locally quantized.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, Lattice2001(confinement

    Low-dimensional long-range topological structure in the QCD vacuum

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    Lattice topological charge associated with Ginsparg-Wilson fermions exhibits generic topological stability over quantum ensemble of configurations contributing to the QCD path integral. Moreover, the underlying chiral symmetry leads to the suppression of ultraviolet noise in the associated topological charge densities ("chiral smoothing"). This provides a solid foundation for the direct study of the role of topological charge fluctuations in the physics of QCD vacuum. Using these tools it was recently demonstrated that: (a) there is a well-defined space-time structure (order) in topological charge density (defined through overlap fermions) for typical configurations contributing to QCD path integral; (b) this fundamental structure is low-dimensional, exhibiting sign-coherent behavior on subsets of dimension less than four and not less than one; (c) the structure has a long-range global character (spreading over maximal space-time distances) and is built around the locally one-dimensional network of strong fields (skeleton). In this talk we elaborate on certain aspects and implications of these results.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure; Lattice2003(topology

    Superfrustration of charge degrees of freedom

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    We review recent results, obtained with P. Fendley, on frustration of quantum charges in lattice models for itinerant fermions with strong repulsive interactions. A judicious tuning of kinetic and interaction terms leads to models possessing supersymmetry. In such models frustration takes the form of what we call superfrustration: an extensive degeneracy of supersymmetric ground states. We present a gallery of examples of superfrustration on a variety of 2D lattices.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, contribution to the proceedings of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics (2007) in Genova, Ital

    Fluctuation Pressure of a Stack of Membranes

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    We calculate the universal pressure constants of a stack of N membranes between walls by strong-coupling theory. The results are in very good agreement with values from Monte-Carlo simulations.Comment: Author Information under http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/institution.html Latest update of paper also at http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/31

    Topological Structure of the QCD Vacuum Revealed by Overlap Fermions

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    Overlap fermions preserve a remnant of chiral symmetry on the lattice. They are a powerful tool to investigate the topological structure of the vacuum of Yang-Mills theory and full QCD. Recent results concerning the localization of topological charge and the localization and local chirality of the overlap eigenmodes are reported. The charge distribution is radically different, if a spectral cut-off for the Dirac eigenmodes is applied. The density q(x) is changing from the scale-a charge density (with full lattice resolution) to the ultraviolet filtered charge density. The scale-a density, computed on the Linux cluster of LRZ, has a singular, sign-coherent global structure of co-dimension 1 first described by the Kentucky group. We stress, however, the cluster properties of the UV filtered topological density resembling the instanton picture. The spectral cut-off can be mapped to a bosonic smearing procedure. The UV filtered field strength reveals a high degree of (anti)selfduality at "hot spots" of the action. The fermionic eigenmodes show a high degree of local chirality. The lowest modes are seen to be localized in low-dimensional space-time regions.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, accepted to appear in the Proceedings of "HLRB, KONWIHR and Linux-Cluster: Review, Results and Future Projects Workshop", Leibniz Rechenzentrum Munich, December 200

    Form factors of the XXZ Heisenberg spin-1/2 finite chain

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    Form factors for local spin operators of the XXZ Heisenberg spin-1/2 finite chain are computed. Representation theory of Drinfel'd twists for the sl2 quantum affine algebra in finite dimensional modules is used to calculate scalar products of Bethe states (leading to Gaudin formula) and to solve the quantum inverse problem for local spin operators in the finite XXZ chain. Hence, we obtain the representation of the n-spin correlation functions in terms of expectation values(in ferromagnetic reference state) of the operator entries of the quantum monodromy matrix satisfying Yang-Baxter algebra. This leads to the direct calculation of the form factors of the XXZ Heisenberg spin-1/2 finite chain as determinants of usual functions of the parameters of the model. A two-point correlation function for adjacent sites is also derived using similar techniques.Comment: 30 pages, LaTeX2

    Strings on type IIB pp-wave backgrounds with interacting massive theories on the worldsheet

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    We consider superstring theories on pp-wave backgrounds which result in an integrable N=(2,2){\cal N}=(2,2) supersymmetric Landau-Ginzburg theory on the worldsheet. We obtain exact eigenvalues of the light-cone gauge superstring hamiltonian in the massive and interacting world-sheet theory with superpotential Z3ZZ^3-Z. We find the modes of the supergravity part of the string spectrum, and their space-time interpretation. Because the system is effectively at strong coupling on the worldsheet, these modes are not in one-to-one correspondence with the usual type IIB supergravity modes in the p0p_{-} \to 0 limit. However, the above correspondence holds in the α0\alpha'\to 0 limit.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure; minor changes, comments adde

    New Criticality of 1D Fermions

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    One-dimensional massive quantum particles (or 1+1-dimensional random walks) with short-ranged multi-particle interactions are studied by exact renormalization group methods. With repulsive pair forces, such particles are known to scale as free fermions. With finite mm-body forces (m = 3,4,...), a critical instability is found, indicating the transition to a fermionic bound state. These unbinding transitions represent new universality classes of interacting fermions relevant to polymer and membrane systems. Implications for massless fermions, e.g. in the Hubbard model, are also noted. (to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett.)Comment: 10 pages (latex), with 2 figures (not included

    Integrability breakdown in longitudinaly trapped, one-dimensional bosonic gases

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    A system of identical bosons with short-range (contact) interactions is studied. Their motion is confined to one dimension by a tight lateral trapping potential and, additionally, subject to a weak harmonic confinement in the longitudinal direction. Finite delay time associated with penetration of quantum particles through each other in the course of a pairwise one-dimensional collision in the presence of the longitudinal potential makes the system non-integrable and, hence, provides a mechanism for relaxation to thermal equilibrium. To analyse this effect quantitatively in the limit of a non-degenerate gas, we develop a system of kinetic equations and solve it for small-amplitude monopole oscillations of the gas. The obtained damping rate is long enough to be neglected in a realistic cold-atom experiment, and therefore longitudinal trapping does not hinder integrable dynamics of atomic gases in the 1D regime