45 research outputs found

    GroomGen: A High-Quality Generative Hair Model Using Hierarchical Latent Representations

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    Despite recent successes in hair acquisition that fits a high-dimensional hair model to a specific input subject, generative hair models, which establish general embedding spaces for encoding, editing, and sampling diverse hairstyles, are way less explored. In this paper, we present GroomGen, the first generative model designed for hair geometry composed of highly-detailed dense strands. Our approach is motivated by two key ideas. First, we construct hair latent spaces covering both individual strands and hairstyles. The latent spaces are compact, expressive, and well-constrained for high-quality and diverse sampling. Second, we adopt a hierarchical hair representation that parameterizes a complete hair model to three levels: single strands, sparse guide hairs, and complete dense hairs. This representation is critical to the compactness of latent spaces, the robustness of training, and the efficiency of inference. Based on this hierarchical latent representation, our proposed pipeline consists of a strand-VAE and a hairstyle-VAE that encode an individual strand and a set of guide hairs to their respective latent spaces, and a hybrid densification step that populates sparse guide hairs to a dense hair model. GroomGen not only enables novel hairstyle sampling and plausible hairstyle interpolation, but also supports interactive editing of complex hairstyles, or can serve as strong data-driven prior for hairstyle reconstruction from images. We demonstrate the superiority of our approach with qualitative examples of diverse sampled hairstyles and quantitative evaluation of generation quality regarding every single component and the entire pipeline.Comment: SIGGRAPH Asia 202

    Synthesizing Diverse Human Motions in 3D Indoor Scenes

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    We present a novel method for populating 3D indoor scenes with virtual humans that can navigate the environment and interact with objects in a realistic manner. Existing approaches rely on high-quality training sequences that capture a diverse range of human motions in 3D scenes. However, such motion data is costly, difficult to obtain and can never cover the full range of plausible human-scene interactions in complex indoor environments. To address these challenges, we propose a reinforcement learning-based approach to learn policy networks that predict latent variables of a powerful generative motion model that is trained on a large-scale motion capture dataset (AMASS). For navigating in a 3D environment, we propose a scene-aware policy training scheme with a novel collision avoidance reward function. Combined with the powerful generative motion model, we can synthesize highly diverse human motions navigating 3D indoor scenes, meanwhile effectively avoiding obstacles. For detailed human-object interactions, we carefully curate interaction-aware reward functions by leveraging a marker-based body representation and the signed distance field (SDF) representation of the 3D scene. With a number of important training design schemes, our method can synthesize realistic and diverse human-object interactions (e.g.,~sitting on a chair and then getting up) even for out-of-distribution test scenarios with different object shapes, orientations, starting body positions, and poses. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art human-scene interaction synthesis frameworks in terms of both motion naturalness and diversity. Video results are available on the project page: https://zkf1997.github.io/DIMOS

    Fast Nonlinear Least Squares Optimization of Large-Scale Semi-Sparse Problems

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    Many problems in computer graphics and vision can be formulated as a nonlinear least squares optimization problem, for which numerous off-the-shelf solvers are readily available. Depending on the structure of the problem, however, existing solvers may be more or less suitable, and in some cases the solution comes at the cost of lengthy convergence times. One such case is semi-sparse optimization problems, emerging for example in localized facial performance reconstruction, where the nonlinear least squares problem can be composed of hundreds of thousands of cost functions, each one involving many of the optimization parameters. While such problems can be solved with existing solvers, the computation time can severely hinder the applicability of these methods. We introduce a novel iterative solver for nonlinear least squares optimization of large-scale semi-sparse problems. We use the nonlinear Levenberg-Marquardt method to locally linearize the problem in parallel, based on its firstorder approximation. Then, we decompose the linear problem in small blocks, using the local Schur complement, leading to a more compact linear system without loss of information. The resulting system is dense but its size is small enough to be solved using a parallel direct method in a short amount of time. The main benefit we get by using such an approach is that the overall optimization process is entirely parallel and scalable, making it suitable to be mapped onto graphics hardware (GPU). By using our minimizer, results are obtained up to one order of magnitude faster than other existing solvers, without sacrificing the generality and the accuracy of the model. We provide a detailed analysis of our approach and validate our results with the application of performance-based facial capture using a recently-proposed anatomical local face deformation model

    ETH-XGaze: A Large Scale Dataset for Gaze Estimation under Extreme Head Pose and Gaze Variation

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    Gaze estimation is a fundamental task in many applications of computer vision, human computer interaction and robotics. Many state-of-the-art methods are trained and tested on custom datasets, making comparison across methods challenging. Furthermore, existing gaze estimation datasets have limited head pose and gaze variations, and the evaluations are conducted using different protocols and metrics. In this paper, we propose a new gaze estimation dataset called ETH-XGaze, consisting of over one million high-resolution images of varying gaze under extreme head poses. We collect this dataset from 110 participants with a custom hardware setup including 18 digital SLR cameras and adjustable illumination conditions, and a calibrated system to record ground truth gaze targets. We show that our dataset can significantly improve the robustness of gaze estimation methods across different head poses and gaze angles. Additionally, we define a standardized experimental protocol and evaluation metric on ETH-XGaze, to better unify gaze estimation research going forward. The dataset and benchmark website are available at https://ait.ethz.ch/projects/2020/ETH-XGazeComment: Accepted at ECCV 2020 (Spotlight

    Interactive Sculpting of Digital Faces Using an Anatomical Modeling Paradigm

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    Digitally sculpting 3D human faces is a very challenging task. It typically requires either 1) highly-skilled artists using complex software packages for high quality results, or 2) highly-constrained simple interfaces for consumer-level avatar creation, such as in game engines. We propose a novel interactive method for the creation of digital faces that is simple and intuitive to use, even for novice users, while consistently producing plausible 3D face geometry, and allowing editing freedom beyond traditional video game avatar creation. At the core of our system lies a specialized anatomical local face model (ALM), which is constructed from a dataset of several hundred 3D face scans. User edits are propagated to constraints for an optimization of our data-driven ALM model, ensuring the resulting face remains plausible even for simple edits like clicking and dragging surface points. We show how several natural interaction methods can be implemented in our framework, including direct control of the surface, indirect control of semantic features like age, ethnicity, gender, and BMI, as well as indirect control through manipulating the underlying bony structures. The result is a simple new method for creating digital human faces, for artists and novice users alike. Our method is attractive for low-budget VFX and animation productions, and our anatomical modeling paradigm can complement traditional game engine avatar design packages

    Coupled 3D reconstruction of sparse facial hair and skin

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    ITI-GEN: Inclusive Text-to-Image Generation

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    Text-to-image generative models often reflect the biases of the training data, leading to unequal representations of underrepresented groups. This study investigates inclusive text-to-image generative models that generate images based on human-written prompts and ensure the resulting images are uniformly distributed across attributes of interest. Unfortunately, directly expressing the desired attributes in the prompt often leads to sub-optimal results due to linguistic ambiguity or model misrepresentation. Hence, this paper proposes a drastically different approach that adheres to the maxim that "a picture is worth a thousand words". We show that, for some attributes, images can represent concepts more expressively than text. For instance, categories of skin tones are typically hard to specify by text but can be easily represented by example images. Building upon these insights, we propose a novel approach, ITI-GEN, that leverages readily available reference images for Inclusive Text-to-Image GENeration. The key idea is learning a set of prompt embeddings to generate images that can effectively represent all desired attribute categories. More importantly, ITI-GEN requires no model fine-tuning, making it computationally efficient to augment existing text-to-image models. Extensive experiments demonstrate that ITI-GEN largely improves over state-of-the-art models to generate inclusive images from a prompt. Project page: https://czhang0528.github.io/iti-gen.Comment: Accepted to ICCV 2023 (Oral Presentation