27 research outputs found

    Bordering a set of energy criteria for the contributing in the transition level to sustainable energy in electrical Iraqi Projects

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    Design Engineering is considered in all their details as an engineering road-map that implementing companies must adhere to. Therefore, designers must consider sustainable standards in engineering designs in general and designs for energy-related parts of buildings. For the purpose of disseminating sustainable energy designs, the analytical require study of performance construction in terms of energy consumption, knowledge of the sources of this energy. The extent to basic electrical and mechanical designs are simulated to the energy performance requirements of a sustainable methodology. For this reason, this research paper sheds light on a survey study of the extent to which projects conform in terms of implementation and design to methodological standards in the performance of sustainable energy by relying on a group of experts and specialists in this field. Therefore, the researcher has adopted a set of standards that simulate the burning environment and in an open questionnaire whose outputs have turned into a closed questionnaire to include a group of specialized experts to reach the importance of organizing these standards to be part of the Iraqi construction electrical project

    Optimization of capacity in non-Gaussian noise models with and without fading channels for sustainable communication systems

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    The highest rate at which information may be reliably sent via a communication link is known as its capacity. In the case of non-Gaussian noise, the capacity of the channel depends on the specific characteristics of the noise, which can cause severe errors and reduce the reliability of communication systems over a fading channel. The Gaussian mixture impulsive noise model (GMINM), which is a more general and flexible non-Gaussian model for impulsive noise, has been compared in this paper with the Middleton Class-A impulsive noise model (MCAINM) in terms of derived channel capacity normalized by channel bandwidth (C/BW) with and without Rayleigh fading (Rf) channels. It also investigated the trade-off between complexity and accuracy in modeling the impulsive noise using two simplified Middleton Class-A impulsive noise models based on derived C/BW. The derived C/BW of these models under various conditions, such as different signal-to-noise ratios and impulsive noise parameters and models, have been performed and evaluated using two different scenarios: the exact method and the semi-analytical method. When the impulsive noise parameters  and A are both near 0 in GMINM and MCAINM, respectively, the capacity of the impulsive noise channel is found to be equivalent to that of the Gaussian channel sustainable, as shown by the findings based on Monte-Carlo simulations. We have shown that when the impulsive noise decreases, the capacity increases in all models; however, the capacity of Gaussian noise is higher than the capacity of non-Gaussian noise, which in turn is higher than the capacity of non-Gaussian noise over the Rf channel overall values of SNR in dB. Moreover, multi-channel configuration introduces spatial diversity and multiplexing gains that have been proposed to sustainably optimize the ergodic capacity for the challenge case when the channel state information (CSI) is unknown at the transmitter in non-Gaussian noise over Rf channel. In today's rapidly evolving world, sustainable communication systems play a crucial role in ensuring efficient and responsible utilization of resources. As the demand for wireless communication continues to rise, it becomes imperative to optimize the capacity of communication channels, especially in scenarios involving non-Gaussian noise models and fading channels.

    Water desalination and purification using desalination units powered by solar panels

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    One of the problems of the south area in Iraq is the reduced of quantity and the lack of quality of the supplied water, especially in the remote areas. This problem is caused due to many reasons. One of these reasons is the decrease of supplied electricity, which reflected on the performance of water pumping and desalination stations. This paper presenting a project that presented to municipality of Al-Nasiriya city to overcome the problem of the lack in quantity and quality of the supplied water to some villages that remote from the center of the city, through the use of complex modules that consists of small renewable power station with desalination unit. The project goes through some stages starting from collecting the data that related to the aim of the project like; sun radiation level, wind speed, dust quantity, quality and quantity of the presented water, and the type of activity in the area. The collected data were analyzed and evaluated and then the decision comes to execute three complex modules in three locations, powered by small solar energy unit in each. The operation of these modules gives good results, where they offers an acceptable quality with sufficient quantity of water and this an encourage results to populate this experiment in remote areas

    A comprehensive system for detection of flammable and toxic gases using IoT

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    The majority of the existing gases constitute a risk to the health of humans and the environment in general. There is a wide range of diseases that can arise as a result of exposure to toxic and dangerous gases, which can be a cause of death or serious health problems. More so, deadly explosions may occur as a result of leakages of such gases. However, such consequences can be avoided when these dangerous gases are not detected early. Many researchers have proposed different kinds of systems for the detection of gas leakage, but most of the proposed systems were mainly designed to detect LPG gas. Therefore, in this study, a system is proposed for detecting different kinds of flammable and toxic gases. The gases that are detectable by the proposed system include smoke, Ethanol, CNG Gas, Methane, toluene, propane, Carbon Monoxide, acetone, Hydrogen Gas, and Formaldehyde. The system can detect gases efficiently and release evacuation alarms simultaneously, then send SMS for emergencies. The proposed system is ready to use and can be installed at any work location

    Enhancement of the efficiency of solar energy cells by selecting suitable places based on the simulation of PV System

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    At present, the increasing demand for electrical energy and the presence of renewable sources in various forms in the world and, particularly in Iraq, such as solar energy and wind energy, have become the focus of researchers' attention. Huge efforts are focused on finding ways to use ecologically friendly energy to generate electricity and eliminate fossil fuels. In this study paper, we propose the use of a simulation program to discover the ideal location for a solar cell and the amount of time to be exposed to the sun's rays, so that a home powered by solar energy can be built. Also, through this program, the losses were calculated that accompany the conversion of light energy into electrical energy to find the necessary solutions to make the solar cell work with high efficiency

    Analysis of the problems of electricity in Iraq and recommendations of methods of overcoming them

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    The Iraqi power sector is at a critical stage that requires urgent reforms. Concerns regarding the ability of the system to provide steady power and its operational inefficiencies, in general, have been expressed by the industry and academia. Currently, the power industry is experiencing one of the highest demand growth in the world, and given that it is capital intensive, it takes up a large share of Iraq’s government capital investment program. More so, there is a huge increase in the financial burden of the Iraqi electricity supply industry due to the high subsidies required for the coverage of the recurrent expenditure. This subsidy is regarded as one of the highest in the world, given the extremely low traffic which does not cover up to 20% of the periodic expenditure. Apart from the huge subsidy in electricity tariff, another major and indirect socioeconomic subsidy is the fact that the industry is over-staffed with over 50,000 employees which under normal circumstances should not be more than 15,000. The estimated annual cost of the aforementioned inefficiencies and insufficient power supply is about $3 to 4 billion. In 2013, about 70% of the generated electricity was lost, and this loss is in three areas, including commercial, technical, and administrative losses. Therefore, there is a need for massive reforms that are targeted at addressing the entire issue. This can be achieved through the engagement of the private sector, higher competition, and the introduction of novel regulatory and legislative frameworks. In addition to that, the available sources of energy in Iraq need to be optimized alongside gas usage related to oil extraction, while solar energy in Iraq is explored and the solar hybridization of the current power stations

    Design and implementation control system for a self-balancing robot based on internet of things by using Arduino microcontroller

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    This project is designed for attempting on developing an autonomous self-balancing robot. In this work, the two-wheel robotic system consists of a microcontroller (Arduino), Dc motor, and sensor. The Arduino is used to read the sensor data and gives the order of the motor based on the control algorithm to remaine the system is stable at different impediment. The robot is drive with Dc motor and the Arduino cannot drive. A motor driver (L298 type) is used to provide a sufficient current. The Ultrasonic sensor (used to sense impediment during the movement) and 3-axis gyroscope accelerometer sensor (To measure the robot inclination angle) to control the two-wheel robot. The controller laws allow reaching static or moving targets based on three structured IOT interactions between the elementary controllers and the sensor with actuator via Cloud environment. Regarding the technical detail must be designed based on the mathematical model. The mathematical model is used based on the model of some references, after that, the transfer function of the system is found. In this work, the MATLAB Simulink is used in the design of the controller, and the PID controller is used due to the simplicity and good activity in central systems. The PID tuner package Simulink is used to obtain the controller parameter (kp, ki, kd) that gives fast and good system response and stability. The result of the designed controller shows that the system has remained stable (remained vertically) and very fast (less than 1sec) until the system reaches the desired output

    Enhancement of educational services by using the internet of things applications for talent and intelligent schools

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    This study deals with the issue of improving educational services for schools of talent and intelligence. The availability of devices, equipment, sensors, and the Internet of things applications led to a direct contribution to improve the level of student education. In addition, the students can complete the tasks and homework easily. The talented and intelligent students are more efficient, skilled, and active. In addition, they are Deeping to understand virtual reality and coexist with it with awareness and consciousness of the development period of information, the spread of equipment, and smart devices. Educational entities achieved their goals by graduating intelligent students who can join the labor market and contribute to the development of the country. In this research, the important features of the Internet of things that are available in the educational environment were studied, and how to get the benefit from them in developing educational services and scientific research service. The Developing of artificial intelligence capabilities, building the right management strategies and creating comprehensive (security, health, and economic) databases that can be relied upon with complete reliability

    Design a system for an approved video copyright over cloud based on biometric iris and random walk generator using watermark technique

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    Copyright is a tool for preventing anyone forged to copy an electronic work from another person and claim that electronic work is referred to him. Since the identity of the person is always determined by his name and biometrics, there is a concern to handle this information, to preserve the copyright. In this paper, a new idea for copyright technology is used to prove video copyright, by using blind watermarking technique, the ownership information is hidden inside video frames using linear congruential generator (LCG) for adapted the locations of vector features extracted from the name and biometric image of the owner instead of hidden the watermark in the Pseudo Noise sequences or any other feature extraction technique. When providing the watermarked vector, a statistical operation is used to increase randomization state for the amplifier factors of LCG function. LCG provides random positions where the owner's information is stored inside the video. The proposed method is not difficult to execute and can present an adaptable imperceptibility and robustness performance. The output results show the robustness of this approach based on the average PSNR of frames for the embedded in 50 frames is around 47.5 dB while the watermark remains undetectable. MSSIM values with range (0.83 to 0.99)

    Digital citizenship for faculty of Iraqi universities

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    Digital Citizenship (DC) is a set of rules, controls, standards, norms, ideas, and principles followed in the optimal and proper use of technology, which citizens, young and old, need to contribute to the progress of the nation. In short, it is guidance and protection, guidance to the benefits of modern technologies, and protection from their dangers. Or more precisely, it is the smart approach to technology. The concept of digital citizenship has a strong relationship with the education system, so academics in higher education and scientific research institutions must be the most experienced, and effective among their students in this field. Especially after the Corona pandemic and the trend that the universe has gone through towards using the internet in all areas of life, including education, especially integrated education, it has become very important for a citizen to be digital. This study dealt with a sample of university professors with (200) questionnaires. All the professors who belong to colleges with a scientific and human specialization possess digital citizenship. There are no differences between gender except in the education axis, which was in favor of the teaching staff male. In addition to the specialization, it was in favor of the colleges of science