92 research outputs found

    Tổng hợp điện hóa màng natri hydroxyapatit trên nền thép không gỉ 316L

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    Sodium dope hydroxylapatite (NaHAp) were deposited on the 316L stainless steel (316L SS) substrates by electrodeposition technique. The influences of precursor solution concentration, scanning potential ranges, scaning times, scanning rates and temperature to deposit NaHAp coating were researched. The analytical results of FTIR, SEM, Xray, AAS, thickness and adhension of the obtained coating at the solution containing Ca(NO3)2 3×10-2 M, NH4H2PO4 1.8×10-2 M and NaNO3 0.06 M; scanning potential ranges of 0÷-1.7 V/SCE; scaning times of 5; scanning rates of 5 mV/s showed that NaHAp coating was sigle phase, plate shape, dense and uniform with average size about 150×25 nm, thickness 7.8 µm, adhesion strength 7.16 MPa and Na+ ions doped on HAp with mass percentage of 1.5 %. Keywords. 316L SS, electrochemical deposition, sodium dope hydroxyapatite coating

    Đánh giá khả năng tăng cường tích lũy tinh bột ở cây thuốc lá chuyển gen AGPS và AGPL mã hóa Enzyme AGPase ở cây sắn

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    The AGPase (ADP-Glucose pyrophosphorylase) is one of the ubiquitous enzymes catalyzing the first step in starch biosynthesis. It plays an important role in regulation and adjusts the speed of the entire cycle of glycogen biosynthesis in bacteria and starch in plants. In higher plants, it is a heterotetramer and tetrameric enzyme consisting two large subunits (AGPL) and two small subunits (AGPS) and encoded by two genes. In this paper, both AGPS and AGPL genes were sucessfully isolated from cassava varieties KM140 and deposited in Genbank with accession numbers KU243124 (AGPS) and KU243122 (AGPL), these two genes were fused with P2a and inserted into plant expression vector pBI121 under the control of 35S promoter. The efficient of this construct was tested in transgenic N. tabacum. The presence and expression of AGPS and AGPL in transgenic plants were confirmed by PCR and Western hybridization. The starch content was quantified by the Anthrone method. Transgenic plant analysis indicated that that two targeted genes were expressed simultaneously in several transgenic tobacco lines under the control of CaMV 35S promoter.  The starch contents in 4 analyzed tobacco transgenic lines displays the increase 13-116%  compared to WT plants. These results indicated that the co-expression of AGPS and AGPL is one of effective strategies for enhanced starch production in plant. These results can provide a foundation for developing other genetically modified crops to increase starch accumulation capacity.Enzyme AGPase là một trong những enzyme quan trọng, xúc tác cho bước đầu tiên trong quá trình tổng hợp tinh bột và đã được chứng minh là enzyme điều hòa, điều chỉnh tốc độ phản ứng của toàn bộ chu trình sinh tổng hợp glycogen ở vi khuẩn và tinh bột ở thực vật. Ở thực vật bậc cao, AGPase được xác định là enzyme dị lập thể, được cấu tạo bởi hai tiểu phần lớn (AGPL) và hai tiểu phần nhỏ (AGPS) do hai gen tương tứng mã hóa. Trong nghiên cứu này, chúng tôi đã phân lập hai gen mã hóa cho tiểu phần lớn và tiểu phần nhỏ của AGPase từ giống sắn KM140. Hai gen được nối với nhau bằng trình tự P2a và được biểu hiện đồng thời trên một khung đọc mở dưới sự điều khiển của promoter CaMV 35S. Cấu trúc này được chèn vào vector pBI121 và được biến nạp vào cây thuốc lá bằng phương pháp chuyển gen thông qua A. tumefaciens. Cây chuyển gen được kiểm tra bằng phương pháp PCR, Western blot và định lượng hàm lượng tinh bột bằng phương pháp Anthrone. Kết quả đã cho thấy hàm lượng tinh bột tích lũy trong lá cây chuyển gen cao hơn các cây đối chứng từ 13-116% trong cùng điều kiện nuôi dưỡng. Nghiên cứu của chúng tôi tạo ra thêm một hướng tiếp cận trong việc tạo cây trồng biến đổi gen tăng cường khả năng tích lũy tinh bột


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    UTILIZATION OF CO2 CAPTURED FROM THE COAL-FIRED FLUE GAS FOR GROWING  SPIRULINA PLATENSIS SP4 The paper presents the results concerning the utilization of CO2 captured from the coal-fired flue gas for growing the  Spirulina platensis SP4 in laboratory condition. Several research results on the conversion of CO32- and HCO3- in algal suspension and CO2 intake efficiency by the alga were presented. The growth and  biomass quality of  Spirulina platensis SP4 using CO2 from fired-coal flue gas were equivalent to that of the alga grown in the pure CO2 experimental lot


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    SUMMARY Neotectonics and geological hazards in Vietnam Sea and surroundings This paper presents velocities of present-day tectonic movements in Vietnam and surroundings determined from GPS campaigns from 2007 to 2010. Absolute displacements and velocities of GPS stations in the IGS05 frame were determined. The result indicates that Lang station (LANG) moves eastward with slip rate of ~39mm/yr, southward with slip rate of ~11 mm/yr. The rate of Bach Long Vi (BLV1) is ~30mm/yr for the eastern component and ~11mm/yr for southern component. Song Tu Tay (STT1) moves eastwards with the rate of ~24mm/yr and southwards of 8mm/yr. Con Dao (CDA1) moves to the east with the rate of ~22mm/yr and to the south with the rate of ~6mm/yr. Dong Hoi (DOHO) move to the east with the rate of ~27mm/yr and to the south with the rate of ~8mm/yr. Hue (HUES) moves to the east with the rate of ~30 mm/yr and to the south with the rate of ~12mm/yr. HOCM move to the east with the rate of ~22mm/yr and to the south with the rate of ~10mm/yr. Calculate errors for both direction vary in 0.6 - 1mm/y. Based on seismic profiles, focal mechanisms and regional stress field, several fault segments in Pliocene - Quaternary sediments in East Vietnam Sea has been identified in Red River, Cuu Long and Nam Con Son basins with maximum of 15 km in length. Actual stress regimes in Vietnam and south Hainan basins being transitional demonstrate no source of large tsunami closing to Vietnam shelf. The subduction zone located at north Borneo is not active at present. Only Manila subduction zone is the source for large tsunami in East Vietnam Sea. Based on gravimetric field, topography, distribution of focal mechanisms in various depths and the rate of actual tectonic movement, 5 fault zones of the Manila subduction zone have been divided. The fault zones F3 and F4 can produce respectively maximum earthquake of 8.1 and 8.4. Modeling of displacement of fault zone F4 from the depth 15 to 20 km, 2m high of tsunami at Quang Ngai can be occurred. The depth of tsunami flood can be up to 4-5 m at some places in Quang Ngai and Da Nang