138 research outputs found

    Public Health und die Frage nach dem 'richtigen' Gesundheitsverständnis

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    Der Verfasser setzt sich aus wissenssoziologischer Sicht auf begrifflicher Ebene mit dem sozialepidemiologischen Ansatz zur Reduzierung epidemiologischer Risiken auseinander. Er relativiert das Begriffspaar 'gesund/krank' und plädiert für ein stärker hermeneutisch ausgerichtetes Gesundheitsverständnis. Der Verfasser zeigt, daß das im Kontext von Public Health dominierende positive, auf Verhaltensänderungen abzielende Gesundheitsverständnis zur Überforderung der Adressaten durch die Verhaltens- und Verantwortungszumutungen des etablierten Gesundheitsdiskurses oder zu einem ideologischen Affekt gegen staatlich verordnete Gesundheitsregulierung führen kann. Anknüpfend an Fox stellt er ein alternatives Gesundheitsverständnis (Arche-Gesundheit) vor, das sich gegen eine Regulierung des Körpers wendet und den Weg freigibt für eine 'Verantwortung zum Anderssein'. (ICE2

    GeographielehrerInnen erproben Service Learning. Empirische Rekonstruktion von Bewertungsmustern, Akzeptanzkomponenten und Gelingensbedingungen für einen gemeinwohlorientierten Geographieunterricht

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    Ausgangspunkt dieser Arbeit ist die Frage: „Wovon hängt die Bewertung von Service Learning-Projekten durch GeographielehrerInnen ab?“. Der empirischen Beantwortung dieser Forschungsfrage geht eine theoretische und literaturgestütze Potenzialanalyse von „Service Learning im Geographieunterricht“ voraus. Diese offenbart, dass Service Learning als innovativer und vielversprechender konzeptioneller Ansatz für einen an den Bildungsstandards (DGFG 2012) orientierten und modernen Geographieunterricht bewertet werden kann. Sie zeigt jedoch auch, dass Service Learning - trotz dieser vermeintlichen Potenzialvielfalt - bislang nahezu keine Anwendung im Geographieunterricht gefunden hat. Es ist das Ziel dieser Arbeit zu erforschen, welche Gründe und Barrieren für den zurückhaltenden Umgang der GeographielehrerInnen mit der Unterrichtskonzeption vor-liegen und - in einer positiven Betrachtungsweise und als Forschungsschwerpunkt - welche Akzeptanzkomponenten für Service Learning im Geographieunterricht sich aus den Wahrnehmungs- und Bewertungsmustern von LehrerInnen, die erstmalig ein Service Learning-Projekt umgesetzt haben, ableiten lassen. Diese so gewonnenen Akzeptanzkomponenten werden abschließend im Sinne der Grounded Theory (GLASER & STRAUSS 1967) zu einem Gelingensbedingungsgefüge verknüpft. Dieses kann als wissenschaftlich hergeleitete Hilfestellung für Initiations- und Implementationsprozesse der Unterrichtskonzeption Service Learning in den Geographieunterricht verstanden werden und richtet sich somit an GeographielehrerInnen, FachleiterInnen und GeographiedidaktikerInnen

    Informationseffizienz von Handelsplattformen für Schiffsfonds

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    Geschlossene Fonds sind heutzutage ein wichtiger Bestandteil des Kapitalmarktes. Mehr und mehr haben sich für solche Fonds Handelsplattformen, sog. Zweitmärkte, herausgebildet, auf denen diese Beteiligung nach Erwerb gehandelt werden können. In diesem Artikel wird der marktmikrostrukturtheoretischen Frage nachgegangen, ob die Abschlüsse für Schiffsfonds auf solchen Plattformen informationseffizient sind. Es zeigt sich, dass die Abschlusskurse stark von theoretischen Wertdeterminanten wie beispielsweise dem Charterratenniveau abhängen. Somit kann man die Hypothese, dass informationseffiziente Abschlüsse auf solchen Plattformen zustande kommen, nicht abgelehnt werden. --Martkeffizienz,Informationseffizienz,geschlossene Fonds,Wertdeterminanten

    Электропривод приёмного устройства линии производства гибких нагревательных элементов

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    Целью работы является разработка и исследование системы векторного управления асинхронным двигателем с короткозамкнутым ротором для приёмного устройства линии производства гибких нагревательных элементов с инвертором с синусоидальной ШИМ с предмодуляцией третьей гармоникой, а также исследование свойств и выявление достоинств и недостатков различных способов управления автономных инверторов напряжения по принципу широтно-импульсной модуляции.The aim of the work is to develop and analyze the system of vector control of induction motor with squirrel-cage rotor for take-up machine of the cable production line with the voltage source inverter with third harmonic injection sinusoidal PWM, as well as to analyze the properties and identify the advantages and disadvantages of various methods of control of voltage source inverter on the principle of pulse width modulation

    Gait Stability and Its Influencing Factors in Older Adults

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    A stable gait pattern is a prerequisite to successfully master various activities of daily living. Furthermore, reduced gait stability is associated with a higher risk of falling. To provide specific intervention strategies to improve gait stability, gaining detailed knowledge of the underlying mechanism and influencing factors is of utmost importance. The effects of relevant influencing factors on gait stability are poorly examined, yet. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to quantify the effects of various influencing factors on gait stability. In a cross-sectional study, we assessed dynamic gait stability and relevant influencing factors in 102 older adults (age >65 years). In addition to dynamic gait stability (largest Lyapunov exponent [LLE] and gait variability measures) during normal over-ground (single-task: ST) and dual-task (DT) walking, we registered the following influencing factors: health status (SF12), pain status (painDETECT, SES), fear of falling (falls efficacy scale), depression (CES-D), cognition performance (Stroop test), physical activity (Freiburger Fragebogen zur körperlichen Aktivität), proprioception (joint position sense), peripheral sensation (mechanical and vibration detection threshold), balance performance (static balance on force plate) and muscular fitness (instrumented sit-to-stand test). We used a principal components regression to link the identified principal components with the gait stability and gait variability responses. The four principal components “strength and gender” (e.g., p = 0.001 for LLE during ST), “physical activity” (e.g., p = 0.006 for LLE during ST), “pain” (e.g., p = 0.030 for LLE during DT) and “peripheral sensation” (e.g., p = 0.002 for LLE during ST) were each significantly associated with at least two of the analyzed gait stability/variability measures. The dimension “balance” was a significant predictor in only one gait measure. While “proprioception” tends to correlate with a gait variability measure, we did not find a dependency of mental health on any gait measure. In conclusion, the participants' ability to recover from small perturbations (as measured with the largest Lyapunov exponent) seems to be related to gender and strength, the amount of physical activity the participants spent every week, peripheral sensation and pain status. Since the explained variance is still rather low, there could be more relevant factors that were not addressed, yet

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    Feridun Necdet'in Türk Kadını'nda tefrika edilen Onlar ve Biz adlı roman

    Seeing Emotion with Your Ears: Emotional Prosody Implicitly Guides Visual Attention to Faces

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    Interpersonal communication involves the processing of multimodal emotional cues, particularly facial expressions (visual modality) and emotional speech prosody (auditory modality) which can interact during information processing. Here, we investigated whether the implicit processing of emotional prosody systematically influences gaze behavior to facial expressions of emotion. We analyzed the eye movements of 31 participants as they scanned a visual array of four emotional faces portraying fear, anger, happiness, and neutrality, while listening to an emotionally-inflected pseudo-utterance (Someone migged the pazing) uttered in a congruent or incongruent tone. Participants heard the emotional utterance during the first 1250 milliseconds of a five-second visual array and then performed an immediate recall decision about the face they had just seen. The frequency and duration of first saccades and of total looks in three temporal windows ([0–1250 ms], [1250–2500 ms], [2500–5000 ms]) were analyzed according to the emotional content of faces and voices. Results showed that participants looked longer and more frequently at faces that matched the prosody in all three time windows (emotion congruency effect), although this effect was often emotion-specific (with greatest effects for fear). Effects of prosody on visual attention to faces persisted over time and could be detected long after the auditory information was no longer present. These data imply that emotional prosody is processed automatically during communication and that these cues play a critical role in how humans respond to related visual cues in the environment, such as facial expressions

    Influence of heat treatment parameters on phase transformations in the near-beta titanium alloy Ti-1Al-8V-5Fe

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    This research aims to combine in-situ diffraction techniques with transmission electron microscopy to answer open questions with respect to phase transformations in near-β titanium alloys. The exact mechanism of the β- to ω-phase transformation was determined in a Ti-1Al-8V-5Fe alloy. Specific attention was paid to the role the ω-phase plays in subsequent α-phase precipitation. Specimens were heated to α-precipitation temperatures between 763 and 823 K at rates of 1 to 100 K/min in-situ in high-energy X-ray, neutron and electron diffraction facilities. In addition, an isothermal holding time at 623 K was imposed in some experiments. These in-situ techniques provided insights into the exact sequence of phase transformations as well as the kinetics of transformation as influenced by the selected heat treatments. Selected specimens were prepared for ex-situ electron microscopy investigations, which shed further light on the mechanisms of the pertaining phase transformation at atomic level. These investigations revealed that the extent of solute diffusion plays a major role in determining the phase transformation sequence and hence, α-nucleation kinetics and morphology. Experimental conditions that promote a high degree of solute diffusion, such as heating rates of less than 5 K/min or holding at 623 K, lead to full β- to ω-phase transition. The ω-phase precipitates as small, homogeneously distributed particles and of hexagonal crystal structure. Such a microstructure provides the ideal conditions for α-phase formation at elevated temperatures by enhancing α-phase nucleation kinetics. Under these conditions α-phase nucleation will initiate below 700 K. The α-precipitates nucleate on ω-precipitates and grow to consume them, thereby producing a microstructure that consists of fine α-precipitates, homogeneously distributed through the β-matrix and of a composition close to equilibrium. Conversely, heating cycles that significantly limit the extent of solute diffusion, such as heating at a rate of 100 K/min, lead to incomplete β- to ω-phase transition. In this instance the ω-phase precipitates are not of hexagonal crystal structure and in addition, only a small fraction of these ω-precipitates form. Such heat treatments lead to a delay in the subsequent α-phase precipitation kinetics, to the extent that α- phase nucleation only occurs at 823 K. The primary α-precipitates formed under these conditions are coarse, but small secondary α-precipitates also form and hence, an inhomogeneous microstructure results. The improved understanding of microstructural development, specifically the link between thermo-mechanical parameters and the resulting microstructure of a Ti-1Al- 8V-5Fe alloy, gained through this study should lead to an improved ability to tailor the mechanical properties of products in industrial practice. The findings outlined in this thesis contribute to a better understanding of the scientific principles underpinning the phase transformation mechanisms in near-β titanium alloys. Moreover, in addition to making a contribution to science it is envisaged that a better foundation for an improved design of products manufactures from Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al and related alloys have been laid