273 research outputs found

    English as a Foreign Language Teachers’ Motivation: An Activity Theory Perspective

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    Drawing upon Activity Theory, this mixed-methods study explored L2 teachers’ (de)motivation factors, motivation change, and voice in adopting strategies that could motivate L2 teachers. Semi-structured interviews, a motivational timeline diagram, and a researcher-developed scale were used to collect data from 226 in-service L2 teachers. The interview data collected from 15 participants were analyzed through open, axial, and selective coding using MAXQDA Analytics Pro version 12.3. Individual participants’ motivational timelines were also carried over into a collective diagram to illustrate motivational trajectories. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the quantitative data collected from 211 teachers. The findings identified a number of (de)motivation factors and indicated that L2 teachers experienced changes in their motivation due to some primary and secondary level contradictions in their motivational activity systems. Moreover, L2 teachers’ commitment to their profession revealed the significant role of teachers’ beliefs and agency in resolving those contradictions. The theoretical and practical implications of the study were accordingly discussed

    Letter from Robert P. Teymour to My Dear Colonel. 18 February 1868

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    Letter sent from Brashear City, Louisiana; regarding Radicalism, recent news of acquaintances, shared prison experience during war on Johnson\u27s Island.https://egrove.olemiss.edu/ciwar_corresp/1336/thumbnail.jp

    Conference Program

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    Theory of two point correlation function in a Vlasov plasma

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, 1981.MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND SCIENCE.Includes bibliographical references.by Teymour Boutros-Ghali.Ph.D

    Comparison of the effect of low level laser therapy with alvogyl on the management of alveolar osteitis

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    Background: This study investigated the efficacy of low level laser therapy (LLLT) for managing alveolar osteitis (AO). Material and Methods: Sixty patients with alveolar osteitis of mandibular third molars were randomly divided into three groups. In group 1, socket irrigation was followed by alvogyl placement, and the treatment was repeated 48 hours later. In group 2, socket was irradiated with a low power red laser for 3 consecutive days (200 mW, 30 seconds on each of the buccal and lingual surfaces and 30 seconds at the middle of the socket, 6 J per area). The subjects in group 3 underwent treatment with a low power infrared laser with the same parameters as group 2. A visual analogue scale (VAS) was used to record the degree of pain at the morning (T0, before intervention) and at 6 (T1) and 12 (T2) hours later for 3 days. Results: Pain was significantly lower in the alvogyl group than the other groups at T1 and T2 points on day 1 and at T0 and T1 points on day 2 ( p <0.05). At T2 point on day 2 and on day 3, VAS became significantly lower in the red laser group compared to the other groups ( p <0.05). The infrared laser was not more efficacious than the other groups at any of the treatment intervals, but it reduced VAS to an acceptable level. Conclusions: LLLT displayed good results in this study for treatment of alveolar osteitis and should be further investigated as an alternative to alvogyl for AO management

    Evaluation of evapotranspiration coefficient and daily crop reference evapotranspiration in a semi-arid region based on field water balance and FAO method

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    Precise estimation of daily crop reference evapotranspiration and crop coefficients (K c) is required for determining crop water use in order to practice proper irrigation management. Crop coefficients, which have been presented for most crops by FAO based on four crop stages (initial, development, middle, and late) are affected by many factors including soil moisture, growing degree days (GDD) and leaf area index (LAI). Therefore, the above-mentioned factors have to be considered in estimating these values. The purpose of this study was evolution of crop coefficients for sugar beet crop based on field water balance and FAO method through measuring soil moisture variation, and evaluating reference ET by FAO-penman-monteith equation in a semi-arid region. Crop coefficient curves and various mathematical relationships were developed for growth period to estimate the crop coefficient for this crop. The K c values during the growing season was 0.59, 1.19 and 0.85 for initial, mid and end stage respectively. The K c ini that was estimated with field water balance method was greater than FAO method but K c mid, K c end were lesser than FAO method over the growth season


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    برنامه ریزی اقتصادی ومدلسازی در بازار نفت با توجه به مفهوم "تجدید ناپذیری" و قریبالوقوع بودن ورود تکنولوژی رقیب نفت و"تخلیه اقتصادی" آن اهمیت روز افزون دارد. با توجه به لزوم سیاستگذاری بهینه در تولید نفت ، این بررسی با هدف دستیابی به مسیر بهینه تولید نفت حوزه نقتی مورد نظر از یک مدل ماکزیمم سازی منافع با قیود و ملاحظات فنی تولید استفاده میکند. مسئله بهینهیابی تصریح شده با استفاده از برنامه رایانهای طراحی شده در نرم افزارMATLAB وشرایط اولیه متغیرها و سطوح توسعه مورد انتظار تولید برای حوزه نفتی حل شده و مسیر های بهینه حاصل در چند سناریو برای دوره 1425-1365 شبیه سازی و تحلیل شده است. نتایج بررسی حاکی است، صرفنظر از تفاوت در سناریوها به لحاظ نرخ تنزیل یا دوره برنامهریزی، مسیرهای بهینه تولید نفت و تزریق گاز فاصله قابل توجهی با مقادیر تحقق یافته دارد. این نتایج را میتوان فقدان برنامهریزی اقتصادی در تولید نفت میدان و استفاده بهینه از منابع گازی در تولید صیانتی آن قلمداد کرد

    A Dynamic Network Comparison Analysis of Crude Oil Trade: Evidence from Eastern Europe and Eurasia

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    This article characterizes a dynamic crude oil trade network of Eastern Europe and Eurasia using the network connectedness measure of Diebold and Yilmaz (2014, 2015) and asymmetric reaction of crude oil bilateral trade flow in response to the positive and negative changes of its key determinants using the nonlinear panel ARDL model. Results indicate the existence of large and time-varying spillovers with a considerable explanatory power among the crude oil trade flow volatility of Iran, Russia, US and Saudi Arabia in Eastern Europe and Eurasia crude oil trade network. The findings also show that crude oil trade flow of Eastern Europe and Eurasia experiences net volatility transmission to Iran, Russia and US respectively, whereas it is a net volatility receiver from Saudi Arabia. Also based on gravity models, the analysis confirms the existence of impact, reaction and adjustment asymmetry through different magnitude among network participants

    The Effects of Oil Supply and Demand Shocks on Iran's Macroeconomic Variables: A Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Approach (DSGE)

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    Increasing oil consumption efficiency in the household and production sectors, as well as improving oil production technology, are among the most important factors that can improve the economic situation of oil-rich countries. Therefore, in this paper, the effects of oil consumption productivity (demand shocks) and technological oil production shocks (supply shocks) on macroeconomic variables are investigated in the form of the Keynesian Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium model. Annual data for the years 1352-1396 have been used to estimate the model parameters. The results show that oil consumption efficiency shocks in the household and production sectors have a positive and significant effect on oil exports, oil investment, total employment, and government spending. However, the shocks of oil consumption efficiency in the household sector reduce oil production and household’s oil consumption and increase inflation, while the effect of the shocks of oil consumption efficiency in the production sector on these three variables is inverse. Also, technological oil production shocks have a positive effect on oil investment, oil production and export, non-oil employment, total consumption, government spending, and inflation, and in contrast, slightly reduce employment in the oil sector and oil consumption. Given that the above three shocks have positive effects on oil exports, oil investment, employment, government revenue, and even the level of consumption and non-oil production, appropriate planning and policy-making that stimulates consumer productivity and improves oil production technology should be on the agenda of policymakers