4 research outputs found

    Reproduction of Varroa jacobsoni in colonies of Apis cerana indica under natural and experimental conditions

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    In North India the infestation with Varroa jacobsoni of drone and worker brood in Apis cerana colonies was checked monthly. Natural reproduction of the mite was found to be restricted to drone brood and to springtime. The potential reproduction in worker brood was investigated by artificially induced infection. Since the bees recognized and eliminated any mites originating from other hives, the grafting was performed within the same colony. Even then, 75% of the transferred mites were removed by the bees. Of the remaining Varroa females, about 90% were found to be infertile. The significance of the hitherto known varroatosis resistance factors related to reproduction is discussed with regard to a balanced host-parasite relationship

    Acari parassiti

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