8 research outputs found

    A disaggregated framework for the analysis of structural developments in public finances

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    In this paper, we present a disaggregated framework for the analysis of past and projected structural developments in the most relevant revenue and expenditure categories and the fiscal balance. The framework, in particular, distinguishes between the effects of discretionary fiscal policy and of macroeconomic and other developments and is sufficiently standardised to be used in multi-country studies. Here, it is applied to Belgium, Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Portugal over the period 1998 to 2004. During this period the structural primary balance ratio clearly worsened in all countries except Finland. In Belgium, Italy and the Netherlands, both revenue and expenditure contributed to the deterioration of the structural primary balance. In Germany the large deterioration in revenue was partially offset by the decline in the structural primary expenditure ratio, while the opposite was true for Portugal. The analysis highlights the various factors that contributed to these developments.

    A disaggregated framework for the analysis of structural developments in public finances

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    In this paper, we present a disaggregated framework for the analysis of past and projected structural developments in the most relevant revenue and expenditure categories and the fiscal balance. The framework, in particular, distinguishes between the effects of discretionary fiscal policy and of macroeconomic and other developments and is sufficiently standardised to be used in multi-country studies. Here, it is applied to Belgium, Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Portugal over the period 1998 to 2004. During this period the structural primary balance ratio clearly worsened in all countries except Finland. In Belgium, Italy and the Netherlands, both revenue and expenditure contributed to the deterioration of the structural primary balance. In Germany the large deterioration in revenue was partially offset by the decline in the structural primary expenditure ratio, while the opposite was true for Portugal. The analysis highlights the various factors that contributed to these developments. --Structural budget balance,fiscal forecasting and monitoring,fiscal indicators

    A disaggregated framework for the analysis of structural developments in public finances

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    In this paper, we present a disaggregated framework for the analysis of past and projected structural developments in the most relevant revenue and expenditure categories and the fiscal balance. The framework, in particular, distinguishes between the effects of discretionary fiscal policy and of macroeconomic and other developments and is sufficiently standardised to be used in multi-country studies. Here, it is applied to Belgium, Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Portugal over the period 1998 to 2004. During this period the structural primary balance ratio clearly worsened in all countries except Finland. In Belgium, Italy and the Netherlands, both revenue and expenditure contributed to the deterioration of the structural primary balance. In Germany the large deterioration in revenue was partially offset by the decline in the structural primary expenditure ratio, while the opposite was true for Portugal. The analysis highlights the various factors that contributed to these developments. JEL Classification: H20, H50, H60, E69Fiscal forecasting and monitoring, fiscal indicators, Structural budget balance

    Investeren in onderwijs: een collectieve kwestie?

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    The educational attainment of the Dutch labour force is lower than in neighbouring countries. Despite this worrying picture, and the fact that financial resources devoted to education are relatively small, it is argued that increasing public expenditure is not the obvious answer. As the social rate of return of education seems to be approximately equal to the private rate of return, external effects cannot be called upon to justify a general increase in public expenditure. Instead, the low private share in the funding of education could be increased in the Netherlands. In addition, the high number of drop-outs and the persistently low interest in science-related subjects require ongoing attention.Expenditure on education, Return on education

    Lastenverlichting en consumptiegroei in Nederland: is er een puzzel in 2001?

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    This article discusses the reduction in the tax burden resulting from the Dutch tax reform that was implemented in 2001. The consumption growth lagged behind the substantial increase in purchasing power. This 'consumption puzzle' is put in the perspective of the relatively high consumption growth in the preceding years. Wealth- and saturation-effects are put forward as the main explanations for the divergence of the consumption growth and the purchasing power increase in recent years.