226 research outputs found

    Non-equilibrium almost-stationary states and linear response for gapped quantum systems

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    We prove the validity of linear response theory at zero temperature for perturbations of gapped Hamiltonians describing interacting fermions on a lattice. As an essential innovation, our result requires the spectral gap assumption only for the unperturbed Hamiltonian and applies to a large class of perturbations that close the spectral gap. Moreover, we prove formulas also for higher order response coefficients. Our justification of linear response theory is based on a novel extension of the adiabatic theorem to situations where a time-dependent perturbation closes the gap. According to the standard version of the adiabatic theorem, when the perturbation is switched on adiabatically and as long as the gap does not close, the initial ground state evolves into the ground state of the perturbed operator. The new adiabatic theorem states that for perturbations that are either slowly varying potentials or small quasi-local operators, once the perturbation closes the gap, the adiabatic evolution follows non-equilibrium almost-stationary states (NEASS) that we construct explicitly.Comment: v1->v2 section 4 on linear response added, presentation partly reworked. v2->v3 slightly stronger statements for "fast" switching. Final version as to appear in CM

    Semiclassical approximations for adiabatic slow-fast systems

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    In this letter we give a systematic derivation and justification of the semiclassical model for the slow degrees of freedom in adiabatic slow-fast systems first found by Littlejohn and Flynn [5]. The classical Hamiltonian obtains a correction due to the variation of the adiabatic subspaces and the symplectic form is modified by the curvature of the Berry connection. We show that this classical system can be used to approximate quantum mechanical expectations and the time-evolution of operators also in sub-leading order in the combined adiabatic and semiclassical limit. In solid state physics the corresponding semiclassical description of Bloch electrons has led to substantial progress during the recent years, see [1]. Here, as an illustration, we show how to compute the Piezo-current arising from a slow deformation of a crystal in the presence of a constant magnetic field

    Adiabatic currents for interacting electrons on a lattice

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    We prove an adiabatic theorem for general densities of observables that are sums of local terms in finite systems of interacting fermions, without periodicity assumptions on the Hamiltonian and with error estimates that are uniform in the size of the system. Our result provides an adiabatic expansion to all orders, in particular, also for initial data that lie in eigenspaces of degenerate eigenvalues. Our proof is based on ideas from a recent work of Bachmann et al. who proved an adiabatic theorem for interacting spin systems. As one important application of this adiabatic theorem, we provide the first rigorous derivation of the so-called linear response formula for the current density induced by an adiabatic change of the Hamiltonian of a system of interacting fermions in a ground state, with error estimates uniform in the system size. We also discuss the application to quantum Hall systems.Comment: 46 pages; v1->v2: typos corrected, references added, Remark 4 after Thm 2 slightly reworded, v2->v3: major revision of the presentation of the result, 3 figures adde

    Adiabatic Decoupling and Time-Dependent Born-Oppenheimer Theory

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    We reconsider the time-dependent Born-Oppenheimer theory with the goal to carefully separate between the adiabatic decoupling of a given group of energy bands from their orthogonal subspace and the semiclassics within the energy bands. Band crossings are allowed and our results are local in the sense that they hold up to the first time when a band crossing is encountered. The adiabatic decoupling leads to an effective Schroedinger equation for the nuclei, including contributions from the Berry connection.Comment: Revised version. 19 pages, 2 figure

    Constrained Quantum Systems as an Adiabatic Problem

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    We derive the effective Hamiltonian for a quantum system constrained to a submanifold (the constraint manifold) of configuration space (the ambient space) in the asymptotic limit where the restoring forces tend to infinity. In contrast to earlier works we consider at the same time the effects of variations in the constraining potential and the effects of interior and exterior geometry which appear at different energy scales and thus provide, for the first time, a complete picture ranging over all interesting energy scales. We show that the leading order contribution to the effective Hamiltonian is the adiabatic potential given by an eigenvalue of the confining potential well-known in the context of adiabatic quantum wave guides. At next to leading order we see effects from the variation of the normal eigenfunctions in form of a Berry connection. We apply our results to quantum wave guides and provide an example for the occurrence of a topological phase due to the geometry of a quantum wave circuit, i.e. a closed quantum wave guide.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Generalised Quantum Waveguides

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    We study general quantum waveguides and establish explicit effective Hamiltonians for the Laplacian on these spaces. A conventional quantum waveguide is an ε\varepsilon-tubular neighbourhood of a curve in R3\mathbb{R}^3 and the object of interest is the Dirichlet Laplacian on this tube in the asymptotic limit ε→0\varepsilon\to0. We generalise this by considering fibre bundles MM over a dd-dimensional submanifold B⊂Rd+kB\subset\mathbb{R}^{d+k} with fibres diffeomorphic to F⊂RkF\subset\mathbb{R}^k, whose total space is embedded into an ε\varepsilon-neighbourhood of BB. From this point of view BB takes the role of the curve and FF that of the disc-shaped cross-section of a conventional quantum waveguide. Our approach allows, among other things, for waveguides whose cross-sections FF are deformed along BB and also the study of the Laplacian on the boundaries of such waveguides. By applying recent results on the adiabatic limit of Schr\"odinger operators on fibre bundles we show, in particular, that for small energies the dynamics and the spectrum of the Laplacian on MM are reflected by the adiabatic approximation associated to the ground state band of the normal Laplacian. We give explicit formulas for the according effective operator on L2(B)L^2(B) in various scenarios, thereby improving and extending many of the known results on quantum waveguides and quantum layers in R3\mathbb{R}^3

    Peierls substitution for magnetic Bloch bands

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    We consider the Schr\"odinger operator in two dimensions with a periodic potential and a strong constant magnetic field perturbed by slowly varying non-periodic scalar and vector potentials, ϕ(ϵx)\phi(\epsilon x) and A(ϵx)A(\epsilon x), for ϵ≪1\epsilon\ll 1. For each isolated family of magnetic Bloch bands we derive an effective Hamiltonian that is unitarily equivalent to the restriction of the Schr\"odinger operator to a corresponding almost invariant subspace. At leading order, our effective Hamiltonian can be interpreted as the Peierls substitution Hamiltonian widely used in physics for non-magnetic Bloch bands. However, while for non-magnetic Bloch bands the corresponding result is well understood, for magnetic Bloch bands it is not clear how to even define a Peierls substitution Hamiltonian beyond a formal expression. The source of the difficulty is a topological obstruction: magnetic Bloch bundles are generically not trivializable. As a consequence, Peierls substitution Hamiltonians for magnetic Bloch bands turn out to be pseudodifferential operators acting on sections of non-trivial vector bundles over a two-torus, the reduced Brillouin zone. Part of our contribution is the construction of a suitable Weyl calculus for such pseudos. As an application of our results we construct a new family of canonical one-band Hamiltonians Hθ,qBH^B_{\theta,q} for magnetic Bloch bands with Chern number θ∈Z\theta\in \mathbb{Z} that generalizes the Hofstadter model HHofB=H0,1BH^B_{\rm Hof} = H^B_{0,1} for a single non-magnetic Bloch band. It turns out that Hθ,qBH^B_{\theta,q} is isospectral to HHofq2BH^{q^2B}_{\rm Hof} for any θ\theta and all spectra agree with the Hofstadter spectrum depicted in his famous black and white butterfly. However, the resulting Chern numbers of subbands, corresponding to Hall conductivities, depend on θ\theta and qq, and thus the models lead to different colored butterflies.Comment: 39 pages, 4 figures. Final version to appear in Analysis & PD
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