4 research outputs found


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    The object of this study is to examine the segmental movement of the left arm in a golf swing and determine its contribution to the final club head speed. In order to examine this movement, a procedure for quantifying joint movement was developed. Electrogoniometers (Biometrics, UK) with frequency of 1000 Hz were attached to the subjects during the execution of the swing to obtain the joint angles throughout the motion. The velocities of the segment rotation can be computed with dual velocity analysis. A zero handicapper was tested with the method. The method uncovers the importance of longitudinal segmental rotations in his swing. These rotations are often neglected in 2-dimensional approaches

    A three dimensional kinematic method for determining the effectiveness of arm segment rotations in producing clubhead speed

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    131 p.Most golfers tend to associate the improvement of their games with the improvement of their golf swing. This set a trail of searches for the elusive 'perfect swing'. The aim of this research is to explore various methods to examine, quantify and analyse various aspects of the golf swing. One study involved utilizing electrogoniometer (Biometrics, UK) to obtain the joint angles and joint velocities of the left arm throughout the swing motion. Using algorithm developed with dual number, the dual Euler method, the locations and velocities of the measured segments or end-effectors were calculated. In this way, the swing can be examined, quantified and analysed. Verification of the results with video shows good agreement. The results were then animated to illustrate the arm movement and the swing path of the club. The goniometers and the dual Euler method together give plentiful of details and insights that conventional three-dimensional methods could not reveal. For example, segmental analysis reveals the importance of hand flexion and supination in contributing to high clubhead speed.MASTER OF ENGINEERING (MAE

    Analysis of left arm segmental contribution in golf swing

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    The object of this study is to examine the segmental movement of the left arm in a golf swing and determine its contribution to the final club head speed. In order to examine this movement, a procedure for quantifying joint movement was developed. Electrogoniometers (Biometrics, UK) with frequency of 1000 Hz were attached to the subjects during the execution of the swing to obtain the joint angles throughout the motion. The velocities of the segment rotation can be computed with dual velocity analysis. A zero handicapper was tested with the method. The method uncovers the importance of longitudinal segmental rotations in his swing. These rotations are often neglected in 2-dimensional approaches.Koon Kiat Teu, Wangdo Kim, Franz Konstantin Fuss and John Tanhttp://w4.ub.uni-konstanz.de/cpa/article/view/138