427 research outputs found

    Dynamical Modulation of Wintertime Synoptic-Scale Cyclone Activity over the Japan Sea due to Changbai Mountain in the Korean Peninsula

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    The dynamical impact of the Changbai Mountain Range in the Korean Peninsula on the extratropical cyclone activity over the Japan Sea in early winter is examined using the Weather Research Forecasting model. We have conducted two independent long-term integrations over 15 winter months (December only) from 2000 to 2014 with and without modified topography. The results show that the Changbai Mountain Range plays a vital role in increasing cyclone track frequency, low-level poleward eddy heat flux, and the local deepening rate over the Japan Sea through enhancement of the lower-tropospheric baroclinic zone (LTBZ). This mountain range gives rise to activation of the synoptic-scale cyclone activity over that region. From our case study on three typical cyclones, it is found that mesoscale structures in the vicinity of a cyclone’s center are dynamically modulated when it passes through the LTBZ and that cyclogenesis is triggered around that zone. A vorticity budget analysis shows that the stretching term relevant to enhanced low-level convergence plays a dominant role in intensifying cyclonic vorticities. We confirmed that the composite features of the three typical cases are consistent with the statistical ones of the dynamical modulation of the Changbai Mountain on synoptic-scale cyclone activity

    The successful strategy for mutual cooperation in the experimental multi-game contact

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    Playing multiple games simultaneously is popular, but we hardly know how people act in this situation to reach mutual cooperation in the long run. To answer the question, we conduct a series of experiments on multi-game contact. The results indicate that the number of information sets in the stage game and the payoff structure are important. We find that for making mutual cooperation subjects employ two types of TFT strategies, which simplify the complicated contact. In these strategies, they avoid separating behavior such as cooparating in one game but deviating in the other. This makes it easy for the opponents to understand thier cooperative intention

    Relation Between Moisture Sorption and Hygroexpansion of Sitka Spruce During Adsorption Processes

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    Moisture adsorption processes carried out in successive steps at three increasing levels of RH (45, 75, 85%) at 20°C for Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis Carr.) were studied. Moisture content and dimensional changes in radial and tangential directions of the specimens were measured and it was found that moisture changes were slower than dimensional. The modeling on this moisture-dimensional relationship, based on the idea of dividing sorbed water into two components having different effects on dimensional changes, not only shows a good agreement with experimental results, but also presents a new understanding of the mechanism of hygroexpansion of wood

    Itinerant Ferromagnetism in layered crystals LaCoOX (X = P, As)

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    The electronic and magnetic properties of cobalt-based layered oxypnictides, LaCoOX (X = P, As), are investigated. LaCoOP and LaCoOAs show metallic type conduction, and the Fermi edge is observed by hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Ferromagnetic transitions occur at 43 K for LaCoOP and 66 K for LaCoOAs. Above the transition temperatures, temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility follows the Curie-Weiss law. X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) is observed at the Co L2,3-edge, but not at the other edges. The calculated electronic structure shows a spin polarized ground state. These results indicate that LaCoOX are itinerant ferromagnets and suggest that their magnetic properties are governed by spin fluctuation.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, Physical Review B, in press. Received 17 February 2008. Accepted 29 May 200


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    垂直軸効力型の風車のひとつにサボニウス風車がある。サボニウス風車には、低速回転、高トルクという特徴があるため、風力発電に用いられることはほとんどないが、最近注目されている海流発電用の回転装置として利用される可能性がある。前報ではこの点に注目して、サボニウス風車まわり流れの数値シミュレーションを行う第1段階として、サボニウス風車が複数台あっても適用可能な格子生成法を示した。本報告では、実際にこの格子を用いた流れの数値シミュレーションを、主として2台の風車が等速で逆回転している場合に着目して実行し、流れ場の様子を調べた。基礎方程式として2次元の非圧縮性ナビエ・ストークス方程式を採用し、差分法を用いて数値的に解いた。なお、高レイノルズ数流れでも計算を可能にするため、方程式の非線形項は3次精度上流差分法を用いて近似した。流れは2台の風車の中心を結ぶ線に対して90度、45度、0度の3種類の角度であたるとして、その条件のもとでシミュレーションを行った。それぞれの角度により流れ場は大きく異なり、2台の風車の相互作用が明らかになった。One of the vertical axis wind turbines that utilize drag force is the Savonius wind turbine. Savonius wind turbines are characterized by low speed rotation and high torque, so they are rarely used for wind power generation but have possibility to apply to ocean current power generation, which has been attracting attention recently. Focusing on this point, the previous report showed a grid generation method that can be applied even if there are multiple Savonius wind turbines as the first step in performing a numerical simulation of the flow around these turbines. In this report, we actually performed a numerical simulation of the flow using this grid, focusing mainly on the case where two wind turbines are rotating in reverse at a constant speed, and investigated the state of the flow field. Two-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equations are adopted as the basic equation and solved numerically using the finite difference method. In addition, in order to enable calculation even in a high Reynolds number flow, the nonlinear term of the equations are approximated by using the third-order accuracy upstream difference method. The simulation is performed under the condition that the flow corresponds to three types of angles of 90 degrees, 45 degrees, and 0 degrees with respect to the line connecting the centers of the two wind turbines. The flow field differs greatly depending on each angle, and the interaction between the two wind turbines has been clarified

    Capital and Capitalism

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    A Comparative Study on the Practical Teaching Experience and Reconstruction of Teacher Culture in Japan and Italy

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    This paper examines the types of new teachers Japan and Italy are attempting to train using quantitative investigation data from students who would like to become kindergarten, primary or secondary school teachers and have practical teaching experience. From this comparative survey, some important finding have been drawn. In Japan, the experience of practical teaching is linked to the development of the abilities and attitudes required of a teacher. This appears to contribute to the reproduction of the ethos of teachers built from the views and abilities that an existing workplace possesses. On the other hand, in Italy, the links between the practical training experience of teachers and the abilities and attitudes they have developed are not as clear as they are in Japan.However, the Italian efforts identified so far suggest that the country is trying to restructure the current culture of teachers from outside the context of universities in a global society. It can be assumed that, together with practical skills, Italy is attempting to foster academic abilities and attitudes and to promote reflective thought and action, which lie at the heart of a framework of key competencies.本論文の目的は、日本とイタリアの教職志望学生を対象とした質問紙調査データを用い、教育実習に関する彼らの経験と意識を国際比較することを通して、どのような教師を養成しようとしているのかを考察することである。比較調査研究から、次の重要な点が明らかになった。日本では、教育実習の経験が教師として必要な力量と態度の形成に結びついており、既存の現場が有している価値観や力量といった教師文化の再生産に貢献しているようである。その一方で、新たな教育実習プログラム改革を行っているイタリアの場合、改革が開始され初めての修了生がでた第一段階では、教育実習の経験と教師の力量・態度の形成の関連は日本ほど明確ではなかった。教育実習に熱心に取り組むことが力量と態度の形成と必ずしも直線的に結びついておらず、模擬的な体験や子どもとの関わりの影響は限定的であった。だが、これまで確認してきたイタリアの取り組みからは、グローバル社会のなかで大学という学校現場の外から現在の教師文化の再構造化を行おうとする姿がよみとれる。つまり、学校現場や実践を相対化することに力点が置かれるようになっている。実践的指導力とともに、アカデミックな力や態度であり、キー・コンピテンシーの枠組みの中心にある、思慮深い思考や態度を育成しようとしていると推察される

    A Quantitative Immunochromatography Assay of Whole Blood Samples for Antigen-specific IgE—A New Method for Point of Care Testing for Allergens—

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    ABSTRACTBackgroundThe development of an inexpensive point-of-care testing system for antigen-specific IgE is greatly needed. We, therefore, tried to develop a quantitative enzyme immunochromatography assay system for antigen-specific IgE in fresh whole blood.MethodsWhole blood sample was mixed with a reagent containing detergent to lyse red blood cells, and the mixture was applied to an immunochromatography strip. The lysate was observed to migrate in the strip and was washed away by the substrate buffer. When the sample contained the specific IgE, the antigen-specific IgE line was clearly observed on the strip macroscopically.ResultsResults were obtained 20 minutes after the application of hemolysed blood sample to immunochromatography, and these results showed positive correlation with those obtained by the AlaSTAT system, which is one of the popular assay kits for specific IgE. The results were not affected significantly by the hematocrit value of the blood sample, by the kind of anticoagulant in the blood collection tube, or by the concentration of the total IgE, provided it was lower than 20000IU/ml.ConclusionsThese results indicate that our system is applicable for point-of-care testing for antigen-specific IgE


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    本研究では、どうような状況も作り出せるという数値シミュレーションの利点を活かして、リーマン面内の流体の仮想的な流れのシミュレーションを行った。具体的には2枚のリーマン面と3枚のリーマン面内に楕円柱が置かれて、それに一様流があたっている状態を想定して流れのシミュレーションを行った。基礎方程式として非圧縮性のナビエ・ストークス方程式を用い、標準的なMAC法を用いて方程式を数値的に解いた。レイノルズ数は、カルマン渦が発生する200として、現実におきる流れと比較した。リーマン面が2枚の場合、2枚の面で一様流の流れをわずかに変化させたところ、それに応じてカルマン渦の位相がわずかにずれた。3枚の場合ではリーマン面によって双子渦と位相がほぼ180°ずれたカルマン渦の流れが現れた。In this study, the virtual flow of fluid in the Riemann surface is simulated by taking advantage of the numerical simulation that can create any situation. Specifically, it is assumed that one elliptical column is placed in two Riemann surfaces and three Riemann surfaces, and a uniform flow is applied to them. The incompressible Navier-Stokes equation is used as the basic equation, and the equation is solved numerically using the standard MAC method. The Reynolds number is set to 200, where Karman vortices are generated and the result is compared with the actual flow. When there are two Riemann surfaces, when the flow of uniform flow is slightly changed on the two surfaces, the phase of the Karman vortex is slightly shifted accordingly. In the case of three Riemann surfaces, the twin vortex flow and two kind of Karman vortex flow that is approximately 180 ° out of phase appeared on each surface