209 research outputs found

    Structure of the Milky Way stellar halo out to its outer boundary with blue horizontal-branch stars

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    We present the structure of the Milky Way stellar halo beyond Galactocentric distances of r=50r = 50 kpc traced by blue horizontal-branch (BHB) stars, which are extracted from the survey data in the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program (HSC-SSP). We select BHB candidates based on (g,r,i,z)(g,r,i,z) photometry, where the zz-band is on the Paschen series and the colors that involve the zz-band are sensitive to surface gravity. About 450 BHB candidates are identified between r=50r = 50 kpc and 300 kpc, most of which are beyond the reach of previous large surveys including the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We find that the global structure of the stellar halo in this range has substructures, which are especially remarkable in the GAMA15H and XMM-LSS fields in the HSC-SSP. We find that the stellar halo can be fitted to a single power-law density profile with an index of α3.3\alpha \simeq 3.3 (3.53.5) with (without) these fields and its global axial ratio is q2.2q \simeq 2.2 (1.31.3). Thus, the stellar halo may be significantly disturbed and be made in a prolate form by halo substructures, perhaps associated with the Sagittarius stream in its extension beyond r100r \sim 100 kpc. For a broken power-law model allowing different power-law indices inside/outside a break radius, we obtain a steep power-law slope of α5\alpha \sim 5 outside a break radius of 100\simeq 100 kpc (200200 kpc) for the case with (without) GAMA15H and XMM-LSS. This radius of 200200 kpc might be as close as a halo boundary if there is any, although larger BHB sample is required from further HSC-SSP survey to increase its statistical significance.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, revised version, accepted for publication in PAS

    Prolongation of total permissible circulatory arrest duration by deep hypothermic intermittent circulatory arrest

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    AbstractObjective: We determined whether the duration of permissible circulatory arrest could be prolonged by deep hypothermic intermittent circulatory arrest. Methods: Twenty-five beagles were cooled on bypass to 18° C to initiate deep hypothermia that was maintained for 3 hours. Five protocols were then studied: group 1, uninterrupted bypass during hypothermia; group 2, arrest for 40 minutes during hypothermia; group 3, arrest for 60 minutes during hypothermia; group 4, arrest for 80 minutes during hypothermia; and group 5, intermittent circulatory arrest, consisting of six cycles of 20 minutes of arrest followed by 10 minutes of systemic recirculation during hypothermia (total, 120 minutes of arrest). The oxyhemoglobin concentration in the brain was measured with near infrared spectrophotometry. Results: In groups 2, 3, and 4, the oxyhemoglobin concentration in the brain decreased continuously after arrest, finally reaching a plateau after 24.9 ± 1.2 minutes. This finding suggested that the available cerebral oxyhemoglobin was depleted. In contrast, the available cerebral oxyhemoglobin was not depleted during hypothermic intermittent arrest in group 5. The mitochondrial respiratory control index was significantly lower in group 4 than in the other groups (p < 0.05). However, there were no significant differences in the respiratory control index for groups 1, 2, 3, and 5. Moreover, the formation of brain edema was significantly lower in group 5 than in the other groups (p < 0.05). Conclusions: These results indicate that deep hypothermic intermittent arrest can increase the duration of total permissible circulatory arrest and will be a useful modality when prolonged arrest is anticipated. (J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1998;116:163-70


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    本研究の目的は,新人教員が認識している教育および研究活動に対する悩みを明らかにすることである. 調査対象は,全国の看護系大学に勤務する新人教員とした.調査方法は,郵送による自由記載方式の質問紙調査である.倫理的配慮として,調査の趣旨,守秘義務および調査目的以外の使用,個人情報等の保護を調査依頼文で説明し,調査に同意を得られた場合に記入後,返送してもらった.69名から回答があり,平均年齢31.7歳であった.分析は,教育および研究活動に対する悩みが記載されている文章を対象とした.記載内容については,文章単位とし,意味内容の類似性に従いカテゴリ化し,タイトルをつけた.分析の結果,カテゴリは20抽出した.≪教育活動に対する悩み≫6カテゴリ,≪実習に対する悩み≫8カテゴリ,≪研究活動に対する悩み≫6カテゴリに分類できた.教育活動では,講義,演習,実習に関わらず教育方法や指導方法などの具体的な方法に関する悩みを抱えていた.またそれ以外に,上司などとの関係の悩みがあった.研究活動では,研究方法に関するものが最も多く,不本位な研究を行うこと,研究者としての経験および力不足に関する悩みが上位を占めた. 新人教員は,教育・研究活動を行うための具体的な方法に自信がみられなかった.また上司との関係や関係機関との調整と,教育・研究の両方の役割を担う者としての経験不足と力不足に悩んでいることが推察された.それらを視野に入れた支援の必要性が示唆された.PURPOSE : This study was designed to identify the problems in teaching and research that novice faculty members face in university nursing programs. METHODS : A self-administered questionnaire was mailed to novice faculty members holding appointments in university nursing programs. Mean age of the subjects (n=69) was 31.7 years. A semi-structured instrument was developed to identify difficulties encountered by the subjects in teaching and research activities. Also their unstructured written comments were analyzed. The cover letter to potential respondents clearly indicated that informed consent was assumed on completion and return of the questionnaire. RESULTS : The subjects’ responses sorted into the following categories : six for educational activity, eight for student advising in clinical practice, and six for research activities-a total of 20 categories. Data analysis revealed that in their educational activity and student advising, novice teachers had difficulties with instructional methods including lectures, class exercises, and clinical practices. They also faced problems in their personal relationships with senior staff and others. In research activities, most subjects revealed lack of knowledge and experience, i.e., applying scientific methodology, doing research reluctantly, and lacking the ability and experience to conduct research. CONCLUSIONS : Novice faculty members lacked confidence not only in teaching and conducting research but also in fulfilling other aspects of an unfamiliar role to them. These concerns included problematic relationships with a senior colleague and other staff. University administrators and experienced faculty members might plan an institutional program and/or procedure to mentor and support their junior colleagues

    Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 Producing Growth Hormone- Releasing Factor in an Endocrine Pancreatic Tumor

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    We report a very rare case of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN 1) where a pituitary tumor presenting with acromegaly was associated with a growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF) producing pancreatic tumor. Twenty-seven months after surgery for pituitary adenoma, a 27-year-old male visited our hospital complaining of epigastralgia and back pain. Radiological examination revealed a 7-cm tumor in the pancreatic tail. Endocrinological studies revealed an abnormal increase in the level of growth hormone (GH). After resection of the pancreatic tumor, the GH level was normalized. Immunohistochemical studies confirmed the existence of GRF in the tumor. A diagnosis of GRF-producing pancreatic tumor was established. Nine months after surgery for the pancreatic tumor, the GH level remained normal and the pituitary gland had decreased in size. We speculate that secondary hyperpituitarism was caused by GRF produced by the endocrine pancreatic tumor in this case

    Gender differences of the influential factors on the mental health condition of teachers in the A university

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    The purpose of this research was to investigate the gender differences of the influential factors on the mental health condition among university teachers in the A university in Japan. A questionnaire survey was mailed to 924 university teachers in Japan, with a survey return rate of 43.8% (N=405). The General Health Questionnaire 28 (GHQ-28), Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), the Japanese version of the Brief Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced (COPE) and the Work Situation Questionnaire (WSQ) developed by the authors were administered to subjects. The GHQ-28 total score and all of sub-score of the woman was significantly higher than men. In the correlated factor of mental health, level of job satisfaction and job control, social support of significant others was observed in the both sexes. However, gender differences was observed in the coping style. Some copings including self-distraction and self-blame were related to the men, but the woman was related to the substance use. University teachers had some gender differences in the factors affecting their mental health condition. In order to improve university teacher’s mental health condition, it is necessary to increase their level of job satisfaction and feeling of job control in the workplace. Especially, it was considered women’s coping using substance use was important