64 research outputs found

    Algebraic entropy of an extended Hietarinta-Viallet equation

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    We introduce a series of discrete mappings, which is considered to be an extension of the Hietarinta-Viallet mapping with one parameter. We obtain the algebraic entropy for this mapping by obtaining the recurrence relation for the degrees of the iterated mapping. For some parameter values the mapping has a confined singularity, in which case the mapping is equivalent to a recurrence relation between irreducible polynomials. For other parameter values, the mapping does not pass the singularity confinement test. The properties of irreducibility and co-primeness of the terms play crucial roles in the discussion.Comment: 22 page

    Discrete Painleve equations and discrete KdV equation over finite fields

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    We investigate some of the discrete Painleve equations (dPII, qPI and qPII) and the discrete KdV equation over finite fields. The first part concerns the discrete Painleve equations. We review some of the ideas introduced in our previous papers and give some detailed discussions. We first show that they are well defined by extending the domain according to the theory of the space of initial conditions. We then extend them to the field of p-adic numbers and observe that they have a property that is called an `almost good reduction' of dynamical systems over finite fields. We can use this property, which can be interpreted as an arithmetic analogue of singularity confinement, to avoid the indeterminacy of the equations over finite fields and to obtain special solutions from those defined originally over fields of characteristic zero. In the second part we study the discrete KdV equation. We review the previous discussions and present a way to resolve the indeterminacy of the equation by treating it over a field of rational functions instead of the finite field itself. Explicit forms of soliton solutions and their periods over finite fields are obtained. Note: This is a review article on the recent developments in the theory of discrete integrable equations over finite fields based on arXiv:1201.5429, arXiv:1206.4456, arXiv:1209.0223. This article is published as the proceedings of the domestic conference "The breadth and depth of nonlinear discrete integrable systems" in RIMS, Kyoto University, Japan, on August 2012.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, Review articl

    Graphs emerging from the solutions to the periodic discrete Toda equation over finite fields

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    The periodic discrete Toda equation defined over finite fields has been studied. We obtained the finite graph structures constructed by the network of states where edges denote possible time evolutions. We simplify the graphs by introducing a equivalence class of cyclic permutations to the initial values. We proved that the graphs are bi-directional and that they are composed of several arrays of complete graphs connected at one of their vertices.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, NOLTA Vol. E7-N, No.3, Jul. 201

    Singularity confinement and chaos in two-dimensional discrete systems

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    We present a quasi-integrable two-dimensional lattice equation: i.e., a partial difference equation which satisfies a criterion of integrability, singularity confinement, although it has a chaotic aspect in the sense that the degrees of its iterates exhibit exponential growth. By systematic reduction to one-dimensional systems, it gives a hierarchy of ordinary difference equations with confined singularities, but with positive algebraic entropy including a generalized form of the Hietarinta-Viallet mapping. We believe that this is the first example of such quasi-integrable equations defined over a two-dimensional lattice.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    Singularities of the discrete KdV equation and the Laurent property

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    We study the distribution of singularities for partial difference equations, in particular, the bilinear and nonlinear form of the discrete version of the Korteweg-de Vries (dKdV) equation. By the Laurent property, the irreducibility, and the co-primeness of the terms of the bilinear dKdV equation, we clarify the relationship of these properties with the appearance of zeros in the time evolution. The results are applied to the nonlinear dKdV equation and we formulate the famous integrability criterion (singularity confinement test) for nonlinear partial difference equations with respect to the co-primeness of the terms. (v2,v3,v4: minor revisions have been made)Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    A stochastic optimal velocity model and its long-lived metastability

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    In this paper, we propose a stochastic cellular automaton model of traffic flow extending two exactly solvable stochastic models, i.e., the asymmetric simple exclusion process and the zero range process. Moreover it is regarded as a stochastic extension of the optimal velocity model. In the fundamental diagram (flux-density diagram), our model exhibits several regions of density where more than one stable state coexists at the same density in spite of the stochastic nature of its dynamical rule. Moreover, we observe that two long-lived metastable states appear for a transitional period, and that the dynamical phase transition from a metastable state to another metastable/stable state occurs sharply and spontaneously

    Algebraic entropy of a multi-term recurrence of the Hietarinta-Viallet type

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    We introduce a family of extensions of the Hietarinta-Viallet equation to a multi-term recurrence relation via a reduction from the coprimeness-preserving extension to the discrete KdV equation. The recurrence satisfies the irreducibility and the coprimeness property although it is nonintegrable in terms of an exponential degree growth. We derive the algebraic entropy of the recurrence by an elementary method of calculating the degree growth. The result includes the entropy of the original Hietarinta-Viallet equation.Comment: 24 pages, To appear in RIMS Kokyuroku Bessats

    Pattern formation of vascular network in a mathematical model of angiogenesis

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    We discuss the characteristics of the patterns of the vascular networks in a mathematical model for angiogenesis. Based on recent in vitro experiments, this mathematical model assumes that the elongation and bifurcation of blood vessels during angiogenesis are determined by the density of endothelial cells at the tip of the vascular network, and describes the dynamical changes in vascular network formation using a system of simultaneous ordinary differential equations. The pattern of formation strongly depends on the supply rate of endothelial cells by cell division, the branching angle, and also on the connectivity of vessels. By introducing reconnection of blood vessels, the statistical distribution of the size of islands in the network is discussed with respect to bifurcation angles and elongation factor distributions. The characteristics of the obtained patterns are analysed using multifractal dimension and other techniques

    A two dimensional lattice equation as an extension of the Heideman-Hogan recurrence

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    We consider a two dimensional extension of the so-called linearizable mappings. In particular, we start from the Heideman-Hogan recurrence, which is known as one of the linearizable Somos-like recurrences, and introduce one of its two dimensional extensions. The two dimensional lattice equation we present is linearizable in both directions, and has the Laurent and the coprimeness properties. Moreover, its reduction produces a generalized family of the Heideman-Hogan recurrence. Higher order examples of two dimensional linearizable lattice equations related to the Dana-Scott recurrence are also discussed.Comment: 13 page

    Irreducibility and co-primeness as an integrability criterion for discrete equations

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    We study the Laurent property, the irreducibility and co-primeness of discrete integrable and non-integrable equations. First we study a discrete integrable equation related to the Somos-4 sequence, and also a non-integrable equation as a comparison. We prove that the conditions of irreducibility and co-primeness hold only in the integrable case. Next, we generalize our previous results on the singularities of the discrete Korteweg-de Vries (dKdV) equation. In our previous paper (arXiv:1311.0060), we described the singularity confinement test (one of the integrability criteria) using the Laurent property, and the irreducibility, and co-primeness of the terms in the bilinear dKdV equation, in which we only considered simplified boundary conditions. This restriction was needed to obtain simple (monomial) relations between the bilinear form and the nonlinear form of the dKdV equation. In this paper, we prove the co-primeness of the terms in the nonlinear dKdV equation for general initial conditions and boundary conditions, by using the localization of Laurent rings and the interchange of the axes. We assert that co-primeness of the terms can be used as a new integrability criterion, which is a mathematical re-interpretation of the confinement of singularities in the case of discrete equations. v2, v3: minor revisionsComment: 18 page
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