207 research outputs found

    Local Current Distribution and "Hot Spots" in the Integer Quantum Hall Regime

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    In a recent experiment, the local current distribution of a two-dimensional electron gas in the quantum Hall regime was probed by measuring the variation of the conductance due to local gating. The main experimental finding was the existence of "hot spots", i.e. regions with high degree of sensitivity to local gating, whose density increases as one approaches the quantum Hall transition. However, the direct connection between these "hot spots" and regions of high current flow is not clear. Here, based on a recent model for the quantum Hall transition consisting of a mixture of perfect and quantum links, the relation between the "hot spots" and the current distribution in the sample has been investigated. The model reproduces the observed dependence of the number and sizes of "hot spots" on the filling factor. It is further demonstrated that these "hot spots" are not located in regions where most of the current flows, but rather, in places where the currents flow both when injected from the left or from the right. A quantitative measure, the harmonic mean of these currents is introduced and correlates very well with the "hot spots" positions

    Modeling single- and multiple-electron resonances for electric-field-sensitive scanning probes

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    We have developed a modeling method suitable to analyze single- and multiple-electron resonances detected by electric-field-sensitive scanning probe techniques. The method is based on basic electrostatics and a numerical boundary-element approach. The results compare well to approximate analytical expressions and experimental data.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Local atomic structure and discommensurations in the charge density wave of CeTe3

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    The local structure of CeTe3 in the incommensurate charge density wave (IC-CDW) state has been obtained using atomic pair distribution function (PDF) analysis of x-ray diffraction data. Local atomic distortions in the Te-nets due to the CDW are larger than observed crystallographically, resulting in distinct short and long Te-Te bonds. Observation of different distortion amplitudes in the local and average structures are explained by the discommensurated nature of the CDW since the PDF is sensitive to the local displacements within the commensurate regions whereas the crystallographic result averages over many discommensurated domains. The result is supported by STM data. This is the first quantitative local structural study within the commensurate domains in an IC-CDW system.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Direct observation of micron-scale ordered structure in a two-dimensional electron system

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    We have applied a novel scanned probe method to directly resolve the interior structure of a GaAs/AlGaAs two-dimensional electron system in a tunneling geometry. We find that the application of a perpendicular magnetic field can induce surprising density modulations that are not static as a function of the field. Near six and four filled Landau levels, stripe-like structures emerge with a characteristic wave length ~2 microns. Present theories do not account for ordered density modulations on this length scale.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Scanning-probe spectroscopy of semiconductor donor molecules

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    Semiconductor devices continue to press into the nanoscale regime, and new applications have emerged for which the quantum properties of dopant atoms act as the functional part of the device, underscoring the necessity to probe the quantum structure of small numbers of dopant atoms in semiconductors[1-3]. Although dopant properties are well-understood with respect to bulk semiconductors, new questions arise in nanosystems. For example, the quantum energy levels of dopants will be affected by the proximity of nanometer-scale electrodes. Moreover, because shallow donors and acceptors are analogous to hydrogen atoms, experiments on small numbers of dopants have the potential to be a testing ground for fundamental questions of atomic and molecular physics, such as the maximum negative ionization of a molecule with a given number of positive ions[4,5]. Electron tunneling spectroscopy through isolated dopants has been observed in transport studies[6,7]. In addition, Geim and coworkers identified resonances due to two closely spaced donors, effectively forming donor molecules[8]. Here we present capacitance spectroscopy measurements of silicon donors in a gallium-arsenide heterostructure using a scanning probe technique[9,10]. In contrast to the work of Geim et al., our data show discernible peaks attributed to successive electrons entering the molecules. Hence this work represents the first addition spectrum measurement of dopant molecules. More generally, to the best of our knowledge, this study is the first example of single-electron capacitance spectroscopy performed directly with a scanning probe tip[9].Comment: In press, Nature Physics. Original manuscript posted here; 16 pages, 3 figures, 5 supplementary figure
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