52 research outputs found

    L’insediamento a bifacciali di Guado San Nicola (Monteroduni, Molise, Italia)

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    La monografia rappresenta un compendio di lavori specialistici sul sito paleolitico di Guado San Nicola a Monteroduni (Molise, Italia), oggetto di ricerche sistematiche ed indagini interdisciplinari inaugurate nell’area a partire dal 2000 dall'Università degli Studi di Ferrara. Il sito, ascrivibile al MIS 10/11, costituisce un tassello importante nell’ambito della ricostruzione del quadro del popolamento umano della penisola italiana e dell’intero bacino del Mediterraneo, alla luce delle considerazioni crono-stratigrafiche, della ricchezza della documentazione e della presenza di elementi innovativi dal punto di vista culturale quali la padronanza del metodo Levallois e l’uso di percussori in palchi di cervo

    Futurismo, cultura e politica

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    Nell’ambito della mostra “Futurismo e Futurismi”, curata da Palazzo Grassi a Venezia nel 1986, la Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli organizzò a Venezia, il 15 e 16 maggio 1986, il convegno “Futurismo, Cultura e Politica”, volto ad esplorare la dimensione politica e meta-politica del movimento e della cultura futurista, in Italia ed all’estero. Il volume raccoglie i saggi nati dalle relazioni presentate in quella occasione.- Indice #5- Introduzione di Renzo De Felice #9- Parte Prima. Gli aspetti generali del rapporto tra futurismo, cultura e politica #13- Futurismo e culture politiche in Europa: una prospettiva globale, George L. Mosse #15- Il ruolo di Marinetti nella costruzione del futurismo, Luciano De Maria #35- Il futurismo nel dibattito intellettuale italiano dalle origini al 1920, Alberto Asor Rosa #51- Futurismo e sinistra politica, Umberto Carpi #69- Macchine e rarimerletti. Alcune fonti del futurismo nell’ideologia e nella letteratura, Roberto Tessari #81- Parte Seconda. L’esperienza politica del futurismo italiano #105- II futurismo e la politica. Dal nazionalismo modernista al fascismo (1909-1920), Emilio Gentile #107- Futurismo e fascismo, Niccolò Zapponi #163- Settimelli e Carli dal futurismo al fascismo, Paolo Buchignani #179- Bottai: da intellettuale futurista a leader fascista, Giordano Bruno Guerri #223- La politica culturale del fascismo, le avanguardie e il problema del futurismo, Enrico Crispolti #249- Parte Terza. Futurismo, cultura e politica fuori d’Italia #287- Futurismo e culture politiche in Francia, Pasquale A. Jannini #289- Futurismo e rivoluzione conservatrice in Germania, Ferruccio Masini #307- Il futurismo italiano e l’avanguardia ungherese, Gianpiero Cavaglià #323- I contatti politico-culturali tra futuristi italiani e Russia, Cesare G. De Michelis #355- Il secondo futurismo russo: la dimensione politica, Halina Stephan #385- Futurismo, ultraismo e culture politiche nell’area ispanica, Jaime Brihuega #411- Futurismo, vorticismo e “mondomoderno”, William C. Wees #443- Interventi #459- Arti liberali e diritto dell’individuo in F. T. Marinetti, Leonardo Clerici #461- Futurismo e dibattito politico, Emilio R. Papa #483- Spettacolo politico e “18 BL”, Marco Verdone #48

    Sistemi di drenaggio per la stabilizzazione della linea di riva: l’esperienza italiana

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    none3noneTessari U.; Simeoni U.; Civitarese F.Tessari, Umberto; Simeoni, Umberto; Civitarese, F

    Intervento di ripristino dell’efficienza della bocca secondaria della Sacca di Goro (Delta del Po).

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    none5Studi e Ricerche, Collana dell'Autorità di Bacino della BasilicatamixedU. SIMEONI; V. BRUNELLI; C. CORBAU; U. TESSARI; K. UTIZISimeoni, Umberto; Brunelli, Valerio; Corbau, Corinne Sabine; Tessari, Umberto; Utizi, Kizz

    Protezione della costa attraverso interventi di ripristino di dune sui litorali del Faro di Gorino e Lido delle Nazioni (Emilia-Romagna).

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    none5Studi e Ricerche, collana dell'autorità di Bacino della BasilicatamixedV. BRUNELLI; C. CORBAU; U. SIMEONI; U. TESSARI; K. UTIZIBrunelli, Valerio; Corbau, Corinne Sabine; Simeoni, Umberto; Tessari, Umberto; Utizi, Kizz

    Impact of land subsidence due to residual gas production on surficial infrastructures: The Dosso degli Angeli field study (Ravenna, Northern Italy)

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    The Dosso degli Angeli reservoir is located along the coast of the Adriatic Sea, approximately 20 km north of Ravenna, Italy, in the nearby of the Comacchio Lagoons. The field was discovered in 1968 and the production started in 1971. The production strongly decreased from 1998 to 2004 and suspended in 2004. In 2012 Eni, the oil company managing the reservoir, has planned to complete the exploitation of the residual reserves over the period from 2013 to 2023. An elasto-plastic FE model provided by Eni was used to measure the expected residual land subsidence, whose maximum value will amount to 2.8 cm. In this work the environmental impact assessment of the expected land subsidence has been quantified on the lowlying coastland above the reservoir. Initially, the subsidence map has been used to quantify the displacement gradient ξ in correspondence of sensitive structures (bridges, pumping stations, lagoon embankments, historical buildings, power plants and a power lines) in order to assess the possible damages. Because the maximum ξ value amount to 1 ×10−5, i.e. 1 mm over 100 m, no damage is expected to the structures. Moreover, hydrological (HEC-HMS) and hydraulic (HEC-RAS) models have been used to evaluate the possible effects of the land subsidence on the efficiency of the main drainage networks used to keep dry the area, which is mainly located below the mean sea level. The results have shown a negligible loss of efficiency of the drainage system. The study allows concluding that land subsidence due to the residual gas production from the Dosso degli Angeli reservoir will not affects the environment, hydraulic safety, and infrastructures of the Comacchio Lagoons and the lowlying coastland surrounding this precious natural environment

    Integration of microplastic gravimetric separation protocol considering sediment texture and composition

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    Coastal-lagoon environments are highly vulnerable and subject to multiple stressors, among which marine litter (ML) is a serious global issue. The predominant category of ML recorded along coasts mainly consists of artificial polymeric materials (Le et al., 2024). In the environment, macro-ML degrades into smaller items due to photo-thermo-oxidative degradation: Large Micro Plastics (LMP, 5 - 1 mm), Small Micro Plastic (SMP, 1 mm – 20 μm), nano Plastics (nP, ≤ 20 μm). These microplastics are defined as secondary. However, primary microplastics can also be found in the environment, which are produced in microscopic sizes for specific purposes and various applications (Saeedi, 2024). Many protocols have been developed to study and quantify the presence of SMP in various types of coastal environments. Quantifying SMP along the sandy coasts of the northern Adriatic Sea remains challenging due to the very fine dimensions of the sediments in which microplastic items are trapped. Therefore, the gravimetric separation of microplastics from sediments using non-toxic and cost-effective saline solutions presents some practical difficulties. The protocol conventionally used in the Adriatic area for sampling and analysis of SMP (Palatinus et al., 2015) suggests adding 200 mL of saturated NaCl solution (density 1.2 g/cm3 ) to 50 mL of sampled sediment. This mixture is then stirred for 2 minutes to suspend the microplastic items embedded in the sediments. According to the protocol, a waiting time of 4 minutes is required for sediment precipitation, and then the supernatant can be collected and filtered in order to collect the microplastics on borosilicate glass fiber filters (Whatman® microfiber filetrs GF/D, mesh size 2,7 μm). However, the mentioned protocol does not provide information correlating sediment grain size with an optimal waiting time to perform this procedure. From various tests conducted by our team, it has been observed that the indicated waiting times are not sufficient to achieve the complete settlement of non-plastic particles, particularly for samples containing an average of 69% fine sediments, rich in muddy fraction (d < 0.250 mm). With this work, we suggest a possible integration to the protocol based on preliminary tests useful for verifying the optimal waiting times for collecting the supernatant to be filtered, in relation to the textural and compositional characteristics of the sediments. This integration helps to avoid both the deposition of a compact solid matrix on the filter, which could mask the presence of the microplastics to be observed, and the damage to the equipment used for vacuum filtration