26 research outputs found

    Vorwort und Danksagung der Herausgeber*innen

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    Mit der videographischen Begleitung einer sechsten Schulklasse, bestehend aus 17 Mädchen und 13 Jungen, über elf Unterrichtsfächer und die Klassenleiterinnen­stunde zu je 90 Minuten hinweg und damit bei elf verschiedenen Lehrkräften, stellt dieser Band eine Besonderheit dar. Selten zuvor gab es eine derart enge Begleitung mit der Kamera in Schule und Unterricht

    Fallübergreifende Perspektiven und methodische Reflexion

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    In diesem Schlusskapitel werden wir die einzelnen Beiträge zunächst aus fallüber­greifenden Perspektiven betrachten und abschließend einer methodischen Reflexion unterziehen. Im ersten Teil haben wir transversale überfachliche Befunde aus den verschiedenen Beiträgen extrahiert, um auf dieser Basis folgenden Fragen nachzugehen: Was zeigt sich in Klasse 6b insgesamt? Was können wir über den Unterricht in der Klasse 6b und über die Klasse 6b und sowie ihre Lehrer*innen facherübergreifend festhalten?Dazu haben wir nicht nur die Analysen unserer Kolleg*innen herangezogen, sondern um weitere Eindrücke aus den Videosichtungen des Herausgeber*innen ergänzt, wel­che selbstredend in weniger systematischer Weise erfolgt sind. Mit Blick auf das in der Einleitung des Bandes skizzierte methodische Vorgehen in den Beiträgen wollen wir abschließend eine kritische Reflexion vornehmen


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    Dieser Band verfolgt ein dreifaches Anliegen. Erstens blicken unterschiedliche Akteur*innen der Lehrerbildung(sforschung) auf eine Klasse und versuchen sich der Komplexität unterrichtlicher Realität anzunähern und durch ihre Analysen auch unterschiedliche Wissensformen beziehungsweise -ordnungen zugänglich zu machen. Zweitens wird durch die Analyse und Interpretation derselben Unterrichtsstunde durch Expertinnen und Experten verschiedener Fächer und Zu­gänge deutlich, dass sich keine objektive Einschätzung der Unterrichtstunde ergibt, sondern lediglich ein aspektgeleitetes und standortgebundenes, jedoch intersubjektiv nachprüfbares Bild. Drittens sollen durch die differenten Analysen der Autor*innen auch unterschiedliche Logiken der Betrachtung transparent gemacht werden, die vielleicht erst im jeweiligen Kontrast zueinander deutlich werden

    Update breast cancer 2021 part 5 – advanced breast cancer

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    Despite the COVID 19 pandemic and mostly virtual congresses, innovation in the treatment of breast cancer patients continues at an unabated pace. This review summarises the current developments. Initial overall survival data for CDK4/6 inhibitor treatment in combination with an aromatase inhibitor as the first advanced line of therapy in treatment-naive postmenopausal patients have been published. Similarly, a trial comparing trastuzumab-deruxtecan versus trastuzumab-emtansine revealed a clear benefit regarding progression-free survival. Understanding of biomarkers making checkpoint inhibitor therapy particularly effective is increasing, and new compounds such as oral selective estrogen receptor destabilisers (SERDs) are entering clinical development and completing the first phase III trials

    Update breast cancer 2021 part 4 – prevention and early stages

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    This past year has seen new and effective options for further improving treatment outcome in many patients with early-stage breast cancer. Patients with hormone receptor-positive disease benefited significantly from the addition of the CDK4/6 inhibitor abemaciclib to endocrine adjuvant therapy. In triple-negative disease, data were presented for two treatment regimens. Patients with advanced disease (stage 2 and 3) benefit from neoadjuvant treatment with the immune checkpoint inhibitor pembrolizumab in combination with standard chemotherapy, regardless of PD-L1 expression. When neoadjuvant therapy has failed to achieve the desired remission in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations, the administration of the PARP inhibitor olaparib has demonstrated an impressive response. Other data address translational issues in HER2-positive breast cancer and neoadjuvant therapy approaches with the oral SERD giredestrant and the PARP inhibitor talazoparib. This review presents and analyses the findings of this yearʼ s most important study outcomes

    Update breast cancer 2022 part 4 – advanced-stage breast cancer

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    For the treatment of patients with advanced HER2-negative hormone receptor-positive breast cancer, several substances have been introduced into practice in recent years. In addition, other drugs are under development. A number of studies have been published over the past year which have shown either an advantage for progression-free survival or for overall survival. This review summarizes the latest results, which have been published at current congresses or in specialist journals, and classifies them in the clinical treatment context. In particular, the importance of therapy with CDK4/6 inhibitors – trastuzumab deruxtecan, sacituzumab govitecan and capivasertib – is discussed. For trastuzumab deruxtecan, an overall survival benefit in HER2-negative breast cancer with low HER2 expression (HER2-low expression) was reported in the Destiny-Breast-04 study. Similarly, there was an overall survival benefit in the FAKTION study with capivasertib. The lack of overall survival benefit for palbociclib in the first line of therapy raises the question of clinical classification

    Update Breast Cancer 2022 part 3 – Early-stage breast cancer

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    This review summarizes recent developments in the prevention and treatment of patients with early-stage breast cancer. The individual disease risk for different molecular subtypes was investigated in a large epidemiological study. With regard to treatment, new data are available from long-term follow-up of the Aphinity study, as well as new data on neoadjuvant therapy with atezolizumab in HER2-positive patients. Biomarkers, such as residual cancer burden, were investigated in the context of pembrolizumab therapy. A Genomic Grade Index study in elderly patients is one of a group of studies investigating the use of modern multigene tests to identify patients with an excellent prognosis in whom chemotherapy may be avoided. These and other aspects of the latest developments in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer are described in this review

    Update breast cancer 2022 part 2 – advanced stage breast cancer

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    For patients with advanced breast cancer, several novel therapies have emerged in recent years, including CDK4/6 inhibitors, immune checkpoint inhibitors, PARP inhibitors, alpelisib, tucatinib and trastuzumab-deruxtecan, and sacituzumab-govitecan, which have transformed and expanded the therapeutic landscape for patients with advanced breast cancer. Some of these substances have now been approved for use in the early stages of the disease, or are expected to be approved in the near future, so the therapeutic landscape will change once again. Therefore, current scientific efforts are focused on the introduction of new substances and understanding their mechanisms of progression and efficacy. This review summarizes recent developments with reference to recent publications and conferences. Findings on the treatment of patients with HER2-positive breast cancer and brain metastases are presented, as are a number of studies looking at biomarkers in patients with HER2-negative, hormone receptor-positive breast cancer. In particular, the introduction of oral selective estrogen receptor degraders provides new opportunities to establish biomarker-based therapy. Molecular diagnostics is establishing itself as a diagnostic marker and parameter of progression