62 research outputs found

    Deformed Harmonic Oscillators for Metal Clusters: Analytic Properties and Supershells

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    The analytic properties of Nilsson's Modified Oscillator (MO), which was first introduced in nuclear structure, and of the recently introduced, based on quantum algebraic techniques, 3-dimensional q-deformed harmonic oscillator (3-dim q-HO) with Uq(3) > SOq(3) symmetry, which is known to reproduce correctly in terms of only one parameter the magic numbers of alkali clusters up to 1500 (the expected limit of validity for theories based on the filling of electronic shells), are considered. Exact expressions for the total energy of closed shells are determined and compared among them. Furthermore, the systematics of the appearance of supershells in the spectra of the two oscillators is considered, showing that the 3-dim q-HO correctly predicts the first supershell closure in alkali clusters without use of any extra parameter.Comment: 25 pages LaTeX plus 21 postscript figure

    Cumulative incidence and risk factors for radiation induced leukoencephalopathy in high grade glioma long term survivors

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    The incidence and risk factors associated with radiation-induced leukoencephalopathy (RIL) in long-term survivors of high-grade glioma (HGG) are still poorly investigated. We performed a retrospective research in our institutional database for patients with supratentorial HGG treated with focal radiotherapy, having a progression-free overall survival > 30 months and available germline DNA. We reviewed MRI scans for signs of leukoencephalopathy on T2/FLAIR sequences, and medical records for information on cerebrovascular risk factors and neurological symptoms. We investigated a panel of candidate single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to assess genetic risk. Eighty-one HGG patients (18 grade IV and 63 grade III, 50M/31F) were included in the study. The median age at the time of radiotherapy was 48 years old (range 18–69). The median follow-up after the completion of radiotherapy was 79 months. A total of 44 patients (44/81, 54.3%) developed RIL during follow-up. Twenty-nine of the 44 patients developed consistent symptoms such as subcortical dementia (n = 28), gait disturbances (n = 12), and urinary incontinence (n = 9). The cumulative incidence of RIL was 21% at 12 months, 42% at 36 months, and 48% at 60 months. Age > 60 years, smoking, and the germline SNP rs2120825 (PPARg locus) were associated with an increased risk of RIL. Our study identified potential risk factors for the development of RIL (age, smoking, and the germline SNP rs2120825) and established the rationale for testing PPARg agonists in the prevention and management of late-delayed radiation-induced neurotoxicity

    Remarcs on the shape transition from spherical to deformed gamma unstable nuclei

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    Energies and transition probabilities for low lying states in 134^{134}Ba and ^{104Ru were calculated within a hybrid model.The ground and the first 2+2^+ states are described alternatively as a harmonic and anharmonic vibrator states while the remaining states as states with E(5) symmetry. One concludes that a gradual setting of the 'critical' potential yields a better agreement with the experimental data. Very good agreement with the data is obtained for 104^{104}Ru. Comparing the present results with those of E(5) symmetry, it is conspicuous that the present formalism add corrections to the E(5) formalism by bringing the predictions closer to the experimental data. Analytical relationship between the states with U(5) symmetry and those given by the E(5) description is established.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Rotationally Invariant Hamiltonians for Nuclear Spectra Based on Quantum Algebras

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    The rotational invariance under the usual physical angular momentum of the SUq(2) Hamiltonian for the description of rotational nuclear spectra is explicitly proved and a connection of this Hamiltonian to the formalisms of Amal'sky and Harris is provided. In addition, a new Hamiltonian for rotational spectra is introduced, based on the construction of irreducible tensor operators (ITO) under SUq(2) and use of q-deformed tensor products and q-deformed Clebsch-Gordan coefficients. The rotational invariance of this SUq(2) ITO Hamiltonian under the usual physical angular momentum is explicitly proved, a simple closed expression for its energy spectrum (the ``hyperbolic tangent formula'') is introduced, and its connection to the Harris formalism is established. Numerical tests in a series of Th isotopes are provided.Comment: 34 pages, LaTe

    Unified description of magic numbers of metal clusters in terms of the 3-dimensional q-deformed harmonic oscillator

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    Magic numbers predicted by a 3-dimensional q-deformed harmonic oscillator with Uq(3)>SOq(3) symmetry are compared to experimental data for atomic clusters of alkali metals (Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs), noble metals (Cu, Ag, Au), divalent metals (Zn, Cd), and trivalent metals (Al, In), as well as to theoretical predictions of jellium models, Woods-Saxon and wine bottle potentials, and to the classification scheme using the 3n+l pseudo quantum number. In alkali metal clusters and noble metal clusters the 3-dimensional q-deformed harmonic oscillator correctly predicts all experimentally observed magic numbers up to 1500 (which is the expected limit of validity for theories based on the filling of electronic shells), while in addition it gives satisfactory results for the magic numbers of clusters of divalent metals and trivalent metals, thus indicating that Uq(3), which is a nonlinear extension of the U(3) symmetry of the spherical (3-dimensional isotropic) harmonic oscillator, is a good candidate for being the symmetry of systems of several metal clusters. The Taylor expansions of angular momentum dependent potentials approximately producing the same spectrum as the 3-dimensional q-deformed harmonic oscillator are found to be similar to the Taylor expansions of the symmetrized Woods-Saxon and wine-bottle symmetrized Woods-Saxon potentials, which are known to provide successful fits of the Ekardt potentials.Comment: 23 pages including 7 table

    Thermal modification of wood and a complex study of its properties by magnetic resonance and other methods

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    © 2016, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.Thermal modification of wood is an effective method to improve some of the properties of wood. It is reported on studies of vacuum thermal-treated wood species by magnetic resonance methods. Wood species such as Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), birch (Betula pendula), Russian larch (Larix sibirica), Norway spruce (Picea abies), small-leaved lime (Tilia cordata) were vacuum treated by heat at 220 °C with various durations up to 8 h. This selection of wood species was investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance, nuclear magnetic resonance and microscopy methods before and after the thermal treatment. Electron paramagnetic resonance experiments revealed changes in the amount of free radicals in samples with the thermal treatment duration. Additional information on magnetic relaxation of 1H nuclei in samples at room temperature was obtained. Optical microscope analysis helped to detect structural changes in the thermally modified wood. Important properties of wood such as wood hardness and humidity absorption were also studied. The original results that were obtained correlate and complement each other, and clarify changes in the wood structure that appear with the heat treatment