202 research outputs found
Berryman Institute Professional and Program Awards
The Berryman Institute (BI) is a national organization based in the Department of Wildland Resources at Utah State University. We are dedicated to improving human–wildlife relationships and resolving human–wildlife conflicts through teaching, research, and extension
Awards: Call for Nominations: Berryman Institute Professional and Program Recognition
The Berryman Institute (BI) is a national organization based in the Department of Wildland Resources at Utah State University. We are dedicated to improving human– wildlife relationships and resolving human– wildlife conflicts through teaching, research, and extension
Call for Papers: Special Topic: Wild Horse and Burro Management
Human–Wildlife Interactions is seeking contributed original science and/ or synthesis and review papers for a special section on wild horse and burro management to be published in March/April 2018. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) created the Wild Horse and Burro Program to implement the Wild-Free Roaming Horses and Burros Act, passed by Congress in 1971. Broadly, the law stipulates that the BLM and the U.S. Forest Service have the responsibility to manage and protect herds in their respective jurisdictions within areas where wild horses and burros were found roaming in 1971. Bureau of Land Management rangelands can only support around 27,000 horses and burros, yet nearly 73,000 inhabit these ranges and \u3e45,000 are held in off - range facilities, which cost about $50 million each year. By next year, the on range population could grow another 15–20%. The goal of the special section synthesizes the science, management, and policy regarding implementation of the 1971 Wild Horse and Burro Act and the management of wild horses and burros worldwide
The Communicator, April 2012
This publication is an issue of The Communicator highlighting details of sage-grouse local working groups
The Communicator, October 2011
This publication is an issue of The Communicator highlighting details of sage-grouse local working groups
2007 SGRP Report
Information gained will be used to assist private landowners, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Soil Conservation Districts, and state wildlife agency field staff in the planning and implementation of habitat projects and practices on private lands to benefit sage-grouse and other sagebrush-steppe obligate species
Letter from the Editor
This issue of Human–Wildlife Interactions features a special section highlighting the urban coyote (Canis latrans). The special section is entitled “Cosmopolitan Coyotes,” not because coyotes are present in practically every metropolitan center, city, and town across North America, but more so because I just like using alliteration. In reality, coyotes are on the move, and more and more urban areas are providing them with suitable refugia. Many urban residents are in denial as to the cause, while still trying to get used to their new neighbors and their predatory habits
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