8 research outputs found

    The SEM-4 Transcription Factor Is Required for Regulation of the Oxidative Stress Response in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Oxidative stress causes damage to cells by creating reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the overproduction of ROS have been linked to the onset of premature aging. We previously found that a brap-2 (BRCA1 associated protein 2) mutant significantly increases the expression of phase II detoxification enzymes in C. elegans. An RNAi suppression screen to identify transcription factors involved in the production of gst-4 mRNA in brap-2 worms identified SEM-4 as a potential candidate. Here, we show that knockdown of sem-4 suppresses the activation of gst-4 caused by the mutation in brap-2. We also demonstrate that sem-4 is required for survival upon exposure to oxidative stress and that SEM-4 is required for expression of the transcription factor SKN-1C. These findings identify a novel role for SEM-4 in ROS detoxification by regulating expression of SKN-1C and the phase II detoxification genes

    Functional Analysis of the Caenorhabditis elegans UNC-73B PH Domain Demonstrates a Role in Activation of the Rac GTPase In Vitro and Axon Guidance In Vivo

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    The Caenorhabditis elegans UNC-73B protein regulates axon guidance through its ability to act as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for the CeRAC/MIG-2 GTPases. Like other GEFs for Rho family GTPases, UNC-73B has a Dbl homology (DH) catalytic domain, followed by a C-terminal pleckstrin homology (PH) domain. We have explored whether the PH domain cooperates with the adjacent DH domain to promote UNC-73B GEF activity and axonal pathfinding. We show that the UNC-73B PH domain binds preferentially to monophosphorylated phosphatidylinositides in vitro. Replacement of residues Lys1420 and Arg1422 with Glu residues within the PH domain impaired this phospholipid binding but did not affect the in vitro catalytic activity of the DH domain. In contrast, a mutant UNC-73B protein with a Trp1502-to-Ala substitution in the PH domain still interacted with phosphorylated phosphatidylinositides but had lost its GEF activity. UNC-73B minigenes containing these mutations were microinjected into C. elegans and transferred to unc-73(e936) mutant worms. Unlike the wild-type protein, neither PH domain mutant was able to rescue the unc-73 axon guidance defect. These results suggest that the UNC-73B PH domain plays distinct roles in targeting and promoting GEF activity towards the Rac GTPase, both of which are important for the directed movements of motorneurons in vivo

    Loss of hif-1 promotes resistance to the exogenous mitochondrial stressor ethidium bromide in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Abstract Background Mitochondrial dysfunction is one of the leading causes of neurological disorders in humans. Mitochondrial perturbations lead to adaptive mechanisms that include HIF-1 stabilization, though the consequences of increased levels of HIF-1 following mitochondrial stress remain poorly understood. Results Using Caenorhabditis elegans, we show that a hif-1 loss-of-function mutation confers resistance towards the mitochondrial toxin ethidium bromide (EtBr) and suppresses EtBr-induced production of ROS. In mammals, the PD-related gene DJ-1 is known to act as a redox sensor to confer protection against antioxidants and mitochondrial inhibitors. A deletion mutant of the C. elegans homolog djr-1.1 also showed increased resistance to EtBr. Furthermore, our data implicates p38 MAP kinase as an indispensable factor for survival against mitochondrial stress in both hif-1 and djr-1.1 mutants. Conclusions We propose that EtBr-induced HIF-1 activates pathways that are antagonistic in conferring protection against EtBr toxicity and that blocking HIF-1 activity may promote survival in cells with compromised mitochondrial function

    The Oxidative Stress Response in Caenorhabditis elegans Requires the GATA Transcription Factor ELT-3 and SKN-1/Nrf2

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    Cellular damage caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS) is believed to be a major contributor to age-associated diseases. Previously, we characterized the C. elegans Brap2 ortholog (BRAP-2) and found that it is required to prevent larval arrest in response to elevated levels of oxidative stress. Here, we report that C. elegans brap-2 mutants display increased expression of SKN-1-dependent phase II detoxification enzymes that is dependent on PMK-1 (a p38 MAP kinase C. elegans ortholog). An RNAi screen was conducted using a transcription factor library to identify genes required for increased expression of the SKN-1 target gst-4 in brap-2 mutants. We identified ELT-3, a member of the GATA transcription factor family, as a positive regulator of gst-4p::gfp expression. We found that ELT-3 interacts with SKN-1 to activate gst-4 transcription in vitro and that elt-3 is required for enhanced gst-4 expression in the brap-2(ok1492) mutant in vivo Furthermore, nematodes overexpressing SKN-1 required ELT-3 for lifespan extension. Taken together, these results suggest a model where BRAP-2 acts as negative regulator of SKN-1 through inhibition of p38 MAPK activity and that the GATA transcription factor ELT-3 is required along with SKN-1 for the phase II detoxification response in C. elegans

    The Caenorhabditis elegans Oxidative Stress Response Requires the NHR-49 Transcription Factor

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    The overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cells can lead to the development of diseases associated with aging. We have previously shown that C. elegans BRAP-2 (Brca1 associated binding protein 2) regulates phase II detoxification genes such as gst-4, by increasing SKN-1 activity. Previously, a transcription factor (TF) RNAi screen was conducted to identify potential activators that are required to induce gst-4 expression in brap-2(ok1492) mutants. The lipid metabolism regulator NHR-49/HNF4 was among 18 TFs identified. Here, we show that knockdown of nhr-49 suppresses the activation of gst-4 caused by brap-2 inactivation and that gain-of-function alleles of nhr-49 promote gst-4 expression. We also demonstrate that nhr-49 and its cofactor mdt-15 are required to express phase II detoxification enzymes upon exposure to chemicals that induce oxidative stress. Furthermore, we show that NHR-49 and MDT-15 enhance expression of skn-1a/c. These findings identify a novel role for NHR-49 in ROS detoxification by regulating expression of SKN-1C and phase II detoxification genes