10 research outputs found


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    The results of the research, which was conducted in 2015 among the students and pupils of the Orel region with the purpose to identificate the Patriotic qualities among the representatives of the youth, are presented in the article. A comparative analysis of different age categories (8-graders (14–15 years), 11th graders (16–17 years) and University students (18–22 years) was made on the grounds of the results of the research. It shows a reduction in the level of patriotism at student age. We need to find fundamentally new ways for the effective solution of the problem of patriotic purposefulness of young people, whose will not lead to losing the Patriotic qualities with age, but to its increase and multiplication.В статье приведены результаты исследования, проведенного в 2015 году среди студентов и школьников Орловской области с целью выявления у представителей молодёжи патриотических качеств. По результатам исследования сделан сравнительный анализ развитости патриотических качеств в разных возрастных категориях (8-классники (14–15 лет), 11-классники (16–17 лет) и студенты (18–22 года) и выявлено их снижение к студенческому возрасту. Для эффективного решения проблемы патриотической направленности молодёжи требуется искать принципиально новые пути, которые будут приводить не к потере уже имеющихся патриотических качеств с возрастом, а к их усилению и преумножению

    О патриотизме русского народа на примере призывников Орловского края

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    The patriotism of Russian people was showed with huge force during the Great Patriotic War. The history of the Orel region is rich with examples of a military feat, the reference to which promotes to educate the young people of our modern country in patriotic style, and also to prepare the young generation for Native land protection. Research of pre-war and a wartime recruit’s rewarding sheets opens new names of the heroes whose destiny at a certain stage was connected with the Orel region.Во время Великой Отечественной войны патриотизм русского народа проявился с небывалой силой. История Орловской области богата примерами военного подвига, обращение к которым способствует патриотическому воспитанию молодежи в современных условиях, а также моральной подготовке молодого поколения к защите Родины. Исследование наградных листов призывников довоенного и военного времени открывает новые имена героев, судьба которых на определенном этапе была связана с Орловским краем

    Ecological communications of modern students (experience of the Moscow automotive-road state technical university)

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    The article presents the results of the analysis of the process of expansion and diversity of communication channels in the university environment, which is relevant from the standpoint of achieving the goals of sustainable development in the field of education. It is shown that one of the most accessible and open communication channels, in which modern students are actively involved, is the channel of environmental communications. They have many manifestations, which corresponds to the most exceptionally wide ecological space, reflecting both individual and collective interests, features of a narrow professional attitude to nature and its civilizational understanding. A significant part of the disciplines studied in higher education contributes to the formation of students' environmental competencies. The specificity of the ecological approach to education and upbringing contributes to involvement of students in activities for the nature protection. The regularities of environmental communications functioning can be traced on the example of environmental education carried out at the Moscow Automobile Road State Technical University (MADI)


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    Barley is one of the basic grain forage crop. About 80% of the barley yields are used as forage. Russia ranks second in the barley production after the EC-27 countries. The Southern Federal District, where Rostov region is located, produces 15% of total barley production in Russia. The hybridization of varieties tolerant to winter, drought, lodging and diseases is one of the main task of winter barley breeding in All-Russian Research Institute of Grain Crops after I.G. Kalinenko. The article considers morphological and economic-biological characteristics of the new winter barley cultivar ‘Erema’, hybridized in the department of breeding and seed-growing of winter and spring barley of ARRI of Grain Crops after I.G. Kalinenko using the method of intraspecific complex gradual hybridization.  The new cultivar was included in the State Register of Selection Achievements of RF in 2015 for six regions. The variety is used for forage. The type of the development is winter. ‘Erema’ is characterized by high features of winter tolerance, resistance to lodging and productivity. During variety testing (2012-2014) the average productivity of the cultivar was 6,9 t/ha, which was 1,2 t/ha more than the standard variety ‘Master’ produced. Introduction of winter wheat variety ‘Erema’ will allow stabilizing grain production in the south of Russia

    The lanthanide ions as structural probes in biological and model systems

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