10 research outputs found

    Ovarian cancer and inflammation. Part 2. Anti-inflammatory cytokines

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    Inflammation plays a key role in epithelial ovarian cancer tumorigenesis and progression. The growth and progression of epithelial ovarian cancer may be due to local cytokine-induced immunosu-ppression, which may lead to an immunity impairment. Thus, cytokine antagonism may be an essential factor in the treatment of ovarian cancer. Based on the increased knowledge on the role of the immune system in ovarian cancer, major improvements are to be expected of immunotherapy based treatment of this disease. This article aims to summarize the current literature views on the evidence for a role for chronic inflammation with a specific focus on anti-inflammatory cytokines

    Polyphenols and flavonoids in the prevention and treatment of diabetes type 2

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    The genetic basis of diabetes is associated with genes that predispose to obesity development. There are also variants of genes that change the metabolism and distribution of glucose in the body tissues. Others regulate the lipid profile or affect insulin resistance, directly or indirectly affecting the risk of developing diabetes. Polyphenols are a group of compounds that have a protective effect on pancreatic cells. Thanks to their antioxidant activity, they protect cells against apoptosis, improve glucose metabolism and reduce hyperglycemia. The aim of the review was to discuss the mechanisms of bioactive food compounds influence on the human genome and to demonstrate their relationship between diabetes prevention and treatment

    Nutrigenomics – a new approach for cancer prevention and treatment

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    Diet is a major environmental factor which maintains metabolic balance and body homeostasis. The aim of the study was to present the latest reports on the biological activity of the food compounds in a critical review. It has been shown that bioactive substances supplied with food e.g. polyphenols, flavonoids or phenolic acids exhibit immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory fun-ctions. What is more, they favourably downregulate major oncogenes and enhance suppressors’ expression. Studies show that these substances can be an important component of cancer prevention and treatment. However, there are micronutrients like iron or copper which elevated levels in cancer cells occurs and should be considered as a therapeutic targets

    The influence of carotenoid and chlorophyll content on the oxidative processes in the selected vegetable oils

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    Purpose: More than 100 plant species have been classified as oil products, but only a few of them are used in industrial production. In the available literature, there are no studies that would describe the relationship between the content of plant dyes and their impact on auto-oxidative processes. Therefore, this study aimed to determine dye composition and to define their effect on the acid value, peroxide value and quality assessment of selected refined and unrefined oils. Materials and methods: Twenty samples from different manufacturers were evaluated. Oils were purchased from retail trade of the Bialystok city. The total colour, acid, and peroxide values were determined in accordance with the Polish Standards PN-ISO 3960: 1996, PN-A-86934: 1995 and PN-ISO 3960: 1996, respectively. Results: Statistically significant differences of total colour values between both groups were found (p=0.002). The acid value of refined oils was lower than in an unrefined group (p=0.02). A positive statistically significant correlation was noticed between the total colour value and the acid value in the refined group (R=0.65, p=0.04). No significant effect of plant dyes on the acid or peroxide value of unrefined oils was observed. Conclusions: Refined and unrefined oils purchased in the city of Bialystok mostly met the standard values with the exception of cold-pressed oil from black cumin seeds, where the acid and peroxide value exceeded the values set in Codex Alimentarius

    Sprouts as potential sources of dietary antioxidants in human nutrition

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    Purpose: The present study evaluates antioxidant activity, as well as polyphenol and flavonoid contents in common sprouts, available on the Polish market. The aim of this study was to extend our already published food databases. Materials and methods: Ten seed species from four plant families were analysed. Total polyphenol content of sprout extracts was determined using the Folin-Ciocalteau method. Total flavonoid content was assessed by the aluminium chloride colorimetric method. Total antioxidant status was measured using FRAP and ABTS methods. Results: The FRAP antioxidant potential was 0.60- 2.53 mmol TE (trolox equivalents)/100 g FM (fresh mass), and arranged in descending order it was: white mustard>cress>radish>broccoli>chickpea> sunflower>mung bean>wheat>green lentil>alfalfa), while the ABTS potential was 3.92-16.19 mmol TE/100 g FM (according to decreasing value: white mustard>green lentil>chickpea>sunflower>mung bean>cress> alfalfa>wheat> broccoli> radish). The polyphenol content was 160-774 mg GAE (gallic acid equivalents)/100 g FM, and flavonoid content 15-53 mg QE (quercetin equivalents)/100 g FM. Conclusion: Our results suggest that sprouts in comparison to other foods, despite small weight can be powerful sources of antioxidants. Special attention in human nutrition should be paid to white mustard sprouts as they are excellent source of polyphenol and flavonoid and are characterized by tremendous antioxidant activity

    Quantitative evaluation of 1,3,1,6 beta-D-glucan contents in wild-growing species of edible Polish mushrooms

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    Background. Macrofungal β-glucans are mainly represented by compounds with β-1,3- and β-1,6 glycosidic bonds. They have been shown to have immunomodulatory, anticancer, and antioxidant properties. Although there are many reports on the bioactivity and structure of fungal glucans, studies on the quantitative assessment of these compounds are sparse. Objective. The aim of the study was to determine total β-glucans and 1,3-1,6-β-D-glucan contents in selected species of wild-growing edible Polish mushrooms. Material and methods. Eight species of wild-growing edible mushrooms Boletus pinophilus, Hydnum repandum, Craterellus cornucopioides, Suillus variegatus, Suillus granulatus, Gyroporus cyanescens, Tricholomopsis rutilans, and Auricularia auricula-judae and one species of cultivated mushroom for comparison purposes Agaricus bisporus, were analyzed. Quantitative analysis of 1,3-1,6-β-D-glucans was done using a colorimetric method in accordance with Nitschke et al. Result. Mean total β-glucan content varied from 13.5 g/100 g dry mass in A. bisporus (portobello variety) to 40.9 g/100 g dry mass in T. rutilans. Mean 1,3-1,6-β-D-glucan content in the analyzed fruiting bodies ranged from 3.9 g/100 g dry mass in Agaricus bisporus (cremini) to 16.8 g/100 g dry mass in Auricularia auricula-judae (wood ear). The following mushrooms demonstrated the greatest percentage of 1,3-1,6-β-D-glucan contents in relation to the total β-glucan content: Gyroporus cyanescens (54%), Suillus granulatus (49.8%), Auricularia auricula-judae (47.9%), and Suillus variegatus (40.6%). Conclusions. Among the analyzed species, wild-growing mushrooms had a generally higher average 1,3-1,6-β-Dglucan content compared with cultivated mushrooms such as A. bisporus. The highest average content of these polysaccharides was observed in medicinal mushroom Auricularia auricula-judae. Comparable 1,3-1,6-β-D-glucan content, in relation to this mushroom species, was found in Gyroporus cyanescens, Suillus granulatus and Suillus variegatus, which points to the possibility of the use of these species of mushrooms as medicinal foods.Wprowadzenie. β-glukany grzybów wielkoowocnikowych występują głównie w postaci związków o wiązaniach β-1,3 oraz β-1,6 glikozydowych. Wykazano, że posiadają one właściwości immunomodulacyjne, przeciwnowotworowe i przeciwutleniające. Pomimo, że istnieje wiele doniesień na temat bioaktywności i struktury glukanów grzybowych, badania dotyczące ilościowej oceny tych związków są rzadkie. Cel. Celem badań była ocena i oznaczenie całkowitej zawartości β-glukanów oraz 1,3-1,6-β-D-glukanów w wybranych jadalnych gatunkach polskich grzybów dziko rosnących. Materiał i metody. Przebadano osiem gatunków grzybów jadalnych dziko rosnących: borowika sosnowego (Boletus pinophilus), kolczaka obłączastego (Hydnum repandum) lejkowca dętego (Craterellus cornucopioides) maślaka pstrego (Suillus variegatus) maślaka ziarnistego (Suillus granulatus) piaskowca modrzaka (Gyroporus cyanescens), rycerzyka czerwonozłotego (Tricholomopsis rutilans) i uszka bzowego (Auricularia auricula-judae) oraz jeden uprawny – pieczarkę dwuzarodnikową (Agaricus bisporus) w celach porównawczych. Ilościową ocenę 1,3-1,6-β-Dglukanów przeprowadzono metodą kolorymetryczną według Nitschke i wsp. Wyniki. Średnia całkowita zawartość β-glukanów wahała się od 13,5 g/100 g suchej masy w pieczarce dwuzarodnikowej (A. bisporus, odmiany portobello) do 40,9 g/100 g suchej masy w rycerzyku czerwonozłotym (T. rutilans). Średnia zawartość 1,3-1,6-β-D-glukanów w analizowanych owocnikach grzybów wynosiła od 3.9 g/100 g s.m. w pieczarce dwuzarodnikowej (A. bisporus odmiany cremini) do 16,8 g /100 g s.m. w uszaku bzowym (Auricularia auricula-judae). Największy udział 1,3-1,6-β-D-glukanów w stosunku do całkowitej zawartości β-glukanów wykazywały następujące gatunki grzybów: piaskowiec modrzak (Gyroporus cyanescens) (54%), maślak ziarnisty (Suillus granulatus) (49,8%), uszak bzowy (Auricularia auricula-judae) (47,9%) oraz maślak pstry (Suillus variegatus) (40,6%). Wnioski. Pośród analizowanych grzybów, gatunki dziko rosnące charakteryzowały się wyższą średnią zawartością 1,3-1,6-β-D-glukanów w porównaniu do uprawnych – pieczarki dwuzarodnikowej (A. bisporus). Najwyższą średnią zawartość tych polisacharydów stwierdzono w owocnikach grzybów leczniczych – uszak bzowy (Auricularia auricula- judae). Porównywalną zawartość 1,3-1,6-β-D-glukanów, w stosunku do uszaka bzowego, stwierdzono w owocnikach piaskowca modrzaka, maślaka ziarnistego oraz maślaka pstrego, co wskazuje na możliwość wykorzystania tych gatunków grzybów jako żywności funkcjonalnej

    Sprouts as potential sources of dietary antioxidants in human nutrition

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    Purpose: The present study evaluates antioxidant activity, as well as polyphenol and flavonoid contents in common sprouts, available on the Polish market. The aim of this study was to extend our already published food databases. Materials and methods: Ten seed species from four plant families were analysed. Total polyphenol content of sprout extracts was determined using the Folin-Ciocalteau method. Total flavonoid content was assessed by the aluminium chloride colorimetric method. Total antioxidant status was measured using FRAP and ABTS methods. Results: The FRAP antioxidant potential was 0.60- 2.53 mmol TE (trolox equivalents)/100 g FM (fresh mass), and arranged in descending order it was: white mustard>cress>radish>broccoli>chickpea> sunflower>mung bean>wheat>green lentil>alfalfa), while the ABTS potential was 3.92-16.19 mmol TE/100 g FM (according to decreasing value: white mustard>green lentil>chickpea>sunflower>mung bean>cress> alfalfa>wheat> broccoli> radish). The polyphenol content was 160-774 mg GAE (gallic acid equivalents)/100 g FM, and flavonoid content 15-53 mg QE (quercetin equivalents)/100 g FM. Conclusion: Our results suggest that sprouts in comparison to other foods, despite small weight can be powerful sources of antioxidants. Special attention in human nutrition should be paid to white mustard sprouts as they are excellent source of polyphenol and flavonoid and are characterized by tremendous antioxidant activity

    Breastfeeding as an important factor of reduced infants’ infection diseases

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    Purpose: Respiratory tract infections and severe allergy reactions are a leading cause of hospitalization and morbidity in infants and children. The protection of breastfeeding against infectious diseases as well as allergy development has often been suggested. The aim of the study was to assess the relationship between the various models of infant nutrition, its immunity influence and children response after 3-6 years of age. Materials and methods: The research was based on a voluntarily questionnaire, filled in by parents of pre-school children. Information on breast and milk formula feeding duration (never; 1-6 months; 6-12 months; 12-24 months; 24>months) were collected. The frequency of infections, chronic diseases, and allergies occurrence was analysed. Results: A statistically significant differences between infants breastfeeding and milk formula feeding in case of reduced infection (p=0.003) and infection recurrences (p=0.001) were found. This relationship was not found among children at further stages of development. There was no correlation between the consumption of only mothers’ milk, and the reduced occurrence of asthma, allergies, and eczema. Conclusions: Maternal milk has an influence on the reduced risk of infection in the first year of the child’s life compared to children fed only with artificial mixture

    Endometrial cancer and physical activity

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    Physical activity (PA) is an important modifiable risk factor for endometrial cancer (EC). PA has been studied using diverse measures including metabolic equivalent of task MET, duration, frequency and subjective levels, but for practical reasons most of epidemiological studies use questionnaires rather than objective measures to document PA. Moderate-intense daily PA has a protective effect and have a 20-40% reduced risk of EC. In this rewiev complex and variable behaviour, and the ability of epidemiological studies to determine the relationship between PA and EC has been discussed

    Ovarian cancer and inflammation. Part 1. Pro-inflammatory cytokines

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    Ovarian cancer is the most threatening cause of death among gynecologic malignancies and represents the fifth leading cause of death from all cancers for women. Research reveals that ovarian cancer patients exhibit significant immune responses against the tumor. In this review of the current literature chiefly the interaction of ovarian cancer tumor cells and the immune system is discussed. There is increasingly growing evidence that pro-inflammatory cytokines are involved in intricate complex of mechanisms responsible for tumorigenesis, and delicate balance between pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines is critical for the antitumor host immune response