178 research outputs found

    Massachusetts’ Clean Energy Cluster

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    The renewable energy industry in Massachusetts is identified through a “topdown” and “bottom-up” processes to determine the total employment and boundaries of this sector. Related sectors are also identified that are linked to the core renewable energy sector in the state and policies for enhancing this cluster are suggested.Massachusetts, Energy, Cluster

    The Greater Boston Region: Industry Mix Affects Growth

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    Overall prosperity in the Greater Boston region masks the extreme diversity among its cities and towns. Some areas have experienced robust growth in relatively high paying industries. Others have faced growth only in low-paying jobs, accompanied in many cases by a substantial decline in high-paying sectors. By examining the area’s five subregions in terms of industry types, wage levels, and employment growth, we begin to see reasons for these differences

    Introduction to Mappings

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    Growing Disparities among Greater Boston Communities during the 1990s

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    During the 1990s, rich communities in the Greater Boston area got richer, and the richest made gains that were proportionally greater than the gains made by those communities only slightly less rich. At the same time, the poorest communities stayed poor, and in fact became more poor in comparison with communities slightly less poor. This dynamic is even more striking when the ten poorest communities are compared and contrasted with the ten wealthiest communities. Census figures show a rapidly expanding differential between the communities of the Greater Boston area. As a commonwealth, we should be considering policies designed to ameliorate the situation

    The Boston MPO Planning Process and Low-Income Suburban-to-Suburban Transportation Needs

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    The rapid evolution in the Boston MPO transportation planning process is discussed as well as its particular application to the suburban-suburban transportation needs of low income individuals. The results of two experiments designed to improve access to transportation for low income suburban individuals are discussed and policy suggestions are made for improving such access.Massachusetts, Transportation Demand,Congestion, Regional Development

    Mappings Issue Editorial Note

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    Does Financial Aid Enhance Undergraduate Persistence?

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    Dan Terkla

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    Terkla describes books and other types of collections Myers had and how he loaned them to Terkla to take to classes. Memorable books were Dante\u27s La Comedia, a Mexican Bible and John Speed\u27s Atlas. He also describes an event called Minor watch, which was a practice he and his students had of waving to Myers as he walked by their window. Terkla includes accounts of events at the President\u27s House in which Myers played music and also of the way Myers displayed his books in his home. Terkla recalls only a few times Myers came to his office but on one visit Myers estimated the date of publication by smelling the glue used in the binding. Myers also didn\u27t understand why Terkla wasn\u27t interested in becoming a collector. The library\u27s collections were also a topic of their discussions and Myers saw no problem if students had to go to ISU\u27s library because IWU lacked journals for some of Terkla\u27s areas

    Massachusetts’ Clean Energy Cluster

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    The renewable energy industry in Massachusetts is identified through a “top-down” and “bottom-up” processes to determine the total employment and boundaries of this sector. Related sectors are also identified that are linked to the core renewable energy sector in the state and policies for enhancing this cluster are suggested

    Clean Energy in Massachusetts: Already Strong, this Emerging Sector is Poised for Greater Growth

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    This article reviews Massachusetts’ clean energy sector in the context of the industry nationally and worldwide. We also suggest policy options to enhance the sector’s potential for the Massachusetts economy
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