14 research outputs found

    Statins and colorectal cancer

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    Statins are naturally occurring compounds that inhibit the enzyme 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase. Through their beneficial management of the body’s lipid metabolism, they are widely used medicinal drugs employed extensively in the primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease. In addition, many studies to date have shown the therapeutic advantages derived from using statins in conditions such as endometriosis, osteoporosis, polycystic ovary syndrome and rheumatic disease. Due to the steady increase of cancer morbidity rates, as demonstrated by epidemiological data, the putative role of statins in treating or preventing cancer has been ever more frequently investigated; including for colorectal cancer. This paper attempts to bring together current knowledge/ evidence on statin therapy targeted at the development, disease course and treatment of colorectal cancer, both in terms of epidemiological findings and clinical observations. Because of the reported link between metabolic disorders and the development of colorectal cancer, particular focus is given to the effects of statins on signalling pathways involving insulin-like growth factors (IGFs)

    Role of Lipid Peroxidation Products, Plasma Total Antioxidant Status, and Cu-, Zn-Superoxide Dismutase Activity as Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress in Elderly Prediabetics

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    The relationship between hyperglycemia and oxidative stress in diabetes is well known, but the influence of metabolic disturbances recognized as prediabetes, in elderly patients especially, awaits for an explanation. Methods. 52 elderly persons (65 years old and older) with no acute or severe chronic disorders were assessed: waist circumference (WC), body mass index (BMI), percentage of body fat (FAT), and arterial blood pressure. During an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) fasting (0′) and 120-minute (120′) glycemia and insulinemia were determined, and type 2 diabetics (n=6) were excluded. Subjects were tested for glycated hemoglobin HbA1c, plasma lipids, total antioxidant status (TAS), thiobarbituric acid-reacting substances (TBARS), and activity of erythrocyte superoxide dismutase (SOD-1). According to OGTT results, patients were classified as normoglycemics, (NGT, n=18) and prediabetics, (PRE, n=28). Results. Both groups did not differ with their lipids, FAT, and TBARS. PRE group had higher WC (P<0.002) and BMI (P<0.002). Lower SOD-1 activity (P<0.04) and TAS status (P<0.04) were found in PRE versus NGT group. Significance. In elderly prediabetics, SOD-1 and TAS seem to reflect the first symptoms of oxidative stress, while TBARS are later biomarkers of oxidative stress

    Statyny w raku jelita grubego

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    Statyny należą do związkow chemicznych pochodzenia naturalnego, wykazujących aktywność inhibicyjną wobec enzymu redukatazy 3-hydroksy-3-metylo-glutarylo-CoA. Tym samym, poprzez wywieranie korzystnego efektu na gospodarkę lipidową organizmu, należą do powszechnie stosowanych lekow w prewencji pierwotnej i wtornej chorob układu sercowo-naczyniowego. Ponadto w wielu dotychczasowych badaniach podejmowano temat korzyści terapii statynami w takich schorzeniach jak: endometrioza, osteoporoza, zespoł policystycznych jajnikow i choroby reumatyczne. Z uwagi na niekorzystne dane epidemiologiczne, wskazujące na stały wzrost zachorowalności na nowotwory złośliwe, coraz częściej podejmowane są badania na temat ewentualnej pozytywnej roli statyn w profilaktyce i leczeniu chorob onkologicznych, w tym raka jelita grubego. W prezentowanej pracy autorzy podjęli probę syntezy dotychczasowej wiedzy na temat znaczenia terapii statynami w rozwoju, przebiegu i leczeniu raka jelita grubego, z uwzględnieniem danych epidemiologicznych oraz obserwacji klinicznych. Z uwagi na udokumentowany związek występowania zaburzeń metabolicznych z rozwojem raka jelita grubego szczegolny nacisk położono na analizę udziału statyn w szlakach sygnałowych związanych z insulinopodobnymi czynnikami wzrostu

    Prevalence and characteristic of adrenal glands&#8217; abnormalities assessed by computed tomography in hypertensive patients with elevated plasma aldosterone to renin activity ratio

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    Wstęp Wartość współczynnika aldosteronowo-reninowego (ALDO/ARO) większa niż 50 u chorych na nadciśnienie tętnicze (w tym również u chorych bez towarzyszącej hipokaliemii) jest uznawana przez wielu badaczy za wystarczające kryterium do rozpoznania pierwotnego hiperaldosteronizmu. Celem pracy była ocena częstości występowania i charakteru zmian morfologicznych w nadnerczach wykrywanych przy użyciu tomografii komputerowej (CT) spiralnej u chorych na nadciśnienie tętnicze z podwyższonym (&#8805; 50) współczynnikiem ALDO/PRA.Materiał i metody U 1367 pacjentów dwukrotnie oznaczano aktywność reninową osocza (PRA) &#8212; po 3 dniach stosowania diety zawierającej 100&#8211;120 mmol sodu na dobę i 8-godzinnym przebywaniu w pozycji leżącej (PRA1) oraz po kolejnych 3 dniach diety z ograniczeniem sodu do 10&#8211;20 mmol/dobę i 3-godzinnej pionizacji ciała (PRA2). Stężenie aldosteronu w osoczu oznaczano tylko u pacjentów z niskoreninowym profilem nadciśnienia tętniczego (PRA1 < 1 ng/ml/h i PRA2/PRA1 < 1,5 ng/ml/h), również dwukrotnie &#8212; przed stymulacją i po stymulacji dietą ubogosodową i pionizacją (ALDO1 i ALDO2). U pacjentów, u których stwierdzono wartości współczynnika &#8805; 50 wykonano badanie CT jamy brzusznej metodą spiralną oraz test dożylnego obciążenia solą. Wyniki U 36 pacjentów stwierdzono wartość współczynnika ALDO/PRA &#8805; 50 (2,6% wszystkich badanych chorych na nadciśnienie tętnicze). W tej podgrupie znamiennie częściej obserwowano hipokaliemię (< 3,5 mmol/l). U 34 pacjentów wykonano CT. Najczęściej stwierdzanymi zmianami były: guz i obustronny przerost nadnerczy. U 44,1% chorych (n = 15) nie uwidoczniono żadnej patologii w obrębie gruczołów nadnerczowych. U 24 pacjentów wykonano test obciążenia solą. Wynik dodatni uzyskano w 15 przypadkach. Analiza ROC wykazała, że przy wartości współczynnika powyżej 147 zmiany w CT stwierdza się u 66,7% chorych, a jedynie 21,1% zmian pozostaje niewykrytych. Wnioski 1. Częstość hiperaldosteronizmu pierwotnego w ogólnej populacji chorych na nadciśnienie tętnicze oceniana wyłącznie na podstawie podwyższonej wartości współczynnika ALDO/PRA (&#8805; 50) wynosi 2,6%. 2. Współczynnik ALDO/PRA jest szczególnie przydatny w rozpoznawaniu zespołu Conna o niewielkim stopniu zaawansowania klinicznego i bez podwyższonego stężenia aldosteronu w surowicy. 3. Wartość współczynnika ALDO/PRA powyżej 147 jest charakterystyczna dla chorych ze zmianami morfologicznymi nadnerczy wykrywanymi za pomocą CT spiralnej.Background The plasma aldosterone to renin activity (ALDO/PRA) ratio over 50 in hypertensive patients is widely recognized as a cut-off value for identification of primary hyperaldosteronism (especially in patients without hypokalaemia). The aim of this study was to evaluate prevalence and characteristic of adrenal glands&#8217; abnormalities in hypertensive patients with an elevated plasma aldosteron to plasma renin activity ratio. Material and methods In 1367 subsequent adult patients with arterial hypertension plasma renin activity was estimated twice: first in patients receiving normally salted diet (100&#8211;120 mmol sodium per day) after 8 hours of recumbent position (PRA1) and a second time after 3 days of sodium restriction (10&#8211;20 mmol sodium per day) and 3 hours of upright position (PRA2). Plasma aldosterone concentration was assessed only in patients with low PRA1 (< 1 ng/ml/h) and without or only marginal reaction of PRA to salt restriction and upright position (PRA2/PRA1 < 1.5). Plasma aldosteron concentration was assessed also twice on normally salted diet and after sodium retriction (ALDO1 and ALDO2). In patients with ALDO/PRA &#8805; 50 a CT scan of adrenal glands and a saline infusion test were performed. Results ALDO/PRA &#8805; 50 was found in 36 patients (2.6% of the entire hypertensive group). In that subgroup frequency of hypokaliaemia (< 3,5 mmol/l) was significantly higher than in hypertensive patients with a lower ALDO/PRA ratio. Computed tomography was performed in 34 out of these 36 patients. The scans revealed no abnormalities in 44.1% (n = 15). The most frequent abnormalities were: isolated adrenal tumour and bilateral adrenal enlargement. Saline infusion test was performed in 24 patients. A positive result was obtained in 15 cases. The ROC analysis revealed, that a ALDO/PRA ratio over 147 is connected with adrenal abnormalities in 66.7% of patients and only 21.1% changes remain unrevealed. Conclusions 1. The prevalence of primary hyperaldosteronism in general population of hypertensive patients estimated according to the raised plasma aldosterone to plasma renin activity ratio (&#8805; 50) is 2.6%. 2. The ALDO/PRA ratio is especially useful in diagnosis of Conn syndrome in hypertensive patients without elevated serum aldosterone concentration. 3. The ALDO/PRA over 147 is highly specific for patients with morfological changes observed in computed tomography

    Dietary trends among Polish women in 2011–2022—cross-sectional study of food consumption frequency among women aged 20–50 in Silesia region, Poland

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    BackgroundWomen’s nutrition should be different from that of men. Women have lower energy requirements than men. And the need for certain vitamins and minerals is higher in women, this applies to iron, calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and vitamin B9 (folic acid). This is related to hormonal changes including menstruation, pregnancy, breastfeeding and the onset of menopause. Through hormonal changes and the changing physiological state, women are at greater risk of anaemia, bone weakness and osteoporosis.The aim of the study was to assess changes in the dietary pattern among women from the Silesian Agglomeration in Poland between 2011 and 2022.Material and methodThe survey was conducted in 2011 (March–May 2011) and in 2022 (October–November 2022) among women living in the Silesian Agglomeration (Silesia region) in Poland aged 20–50. After consideration of the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 745 women were included in the final analysis, including 437 women screened in 2011 and 308 women screened in 2022.The research tool used in this publication was a survey questionnaire consisting of 2 parts. The first part of the questionnaire consisted of demographic data. The second part of the study focused on the dietary habits of the women surveyed and the frequency of consumption of individual foods (FFQ).ResultsMore women in 2022 ate breakfast than in 2011 (77.6% vs. 63.8% p &lt; 0.001), were more likely to eat breakfast I at home (73.1% vs. 62.5%; p &lt; 0.001), were more likely to eat breakfast II (39.0% vs. 35.2%; p = 0.001), were more likely to eat breakfast II at home (28.6% vs. 19.2%; p = 0.002), and were more likely to eat lunch at work (16.6% vs. 3.4%; p &lt; 0.001). Women in 2022 were more likely to consume fast-food (p = 0.001), salty snacks (chips, crisps) (p &lt; 0.001) and sweets (p &lt; 0.001). Women in 2022 were more likely to consume whole-grain bread (p &lt; 0.001), wholemeal pasta (p &lt; 0.001), brown rice (p &lt; 0.001), oatmeal (p &lt; 0.001), buckwheat groats (p = 0.06), and bran (p &lt; 0.001) than women in 2011. They were less likely to consume white bread (p &lt; 0.0001), light pasta (p = 0.004), white rice (p = 0.008) and cornflakes (p &lt; 0.001) in 2022.Women in 2022 were significantly more likely to consume vegetables (p &lt; 0.001) than women in 2011.ConclusionEating habits in Silesia region women changed between 2011 and 2022. In 2022, women were more likely to choose cereal products considered health-promoting and rich in dietary fiber (including whole-grain bread, whole-grain pasta, oatmeal, bran) were more likely to consume vegetables, dry pulses and vegetarian dinners, and consumed less meat, cured meats, fish and dairy products. Consumption of fast-food, salty snacks (such as chips) and sweets increased

    Quality of life of patients on dialysis and after renal transplantation

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    BACKGROUND Chronic kidney disease have a significant impact on patient quality of life. The main aim of renal replacement therapy is not only extend life for patients, but also improve its quality. AIM OF THE STUDY The objectives of this study was evaluation of the quality of life of dialysis patients and after kidney transplantation, identification of factors that affect the most essential quality of life scores in both groups and compare the quality of life in groups based on gender, age and education. MATERIAL AND METHODS The study was conducted on the basis of a questionnaire WHOQOL-Bref among 40 renal transplant patients (20 women and 20 men) aged from 22 to 64 years (the average was 46 years ± 13) and 80 patients undergoing hemodialysis (40 women and 40 men) aged from 22 to 76 years (the average was 60 years ± 12). RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS Patients after kidney transplantation better rated their quality of life than dialysis patients across all surveyed areas. Socio-demographic factor, which is the greatest determined the quality of life scores in both groups was gender. In both groups, women better assess their quality of life. Age influence on the assessment of quality of life in patients after kidney transplantation: the younger patients (22–34 years), the higher rated quality of life. In both groups training does not affect the assessment of quality of life.WSTĘP Przewlekła choroba nerek znacząco wpływa na jakość życia chorego. Coraz doskonalsze metody leczenia, głównie substytucyjnego, takie jak dializoterapia i transplantacja, pozwalają obecnie wydłużyć życie pacjentom z niewydolnością nerek. Głównym celem terapii nerkozastępczej jest jednak nie tylko przedłużenie życia pacjentów, ale również poprawa jego jakości. CEL PRACY Celami pracy były ocena jakości życia pacjentów dializowanych i pacjentów będących po przeszczepie nerki, wyznaczenie czynników, które wpływają na ocenę jakości życia w obu badanych grupach oraz porównanie jakości życia w grupach w zależności od płci, wieku i wykształcenia. MATERIAŁ I METODY Badanie zostało przeprowadzone na podstawie kwestionariusza WHOQOL- Bref (WHO Quality of Life – BREF) w grupie 40 pacjentów po przeszczepie nerki (20 kobiet i 20 mężczyzn) w przedziale wiekowym 22–64 lat w średnim wieku 46 lat ± 13 oraz w grupie 80 pacjentów poddawanych hemodializie (40 kobiet i 40 mężczyzn) w przedziale wiekowym od 22 do 76 lat w średnim wieku 60 lat ± 12. WYNIKI I WNIOSKI Pacjenci po przeszczepie nerki lepiej ocenili jakość swojego życia w obrębie wszystkich badanych dziedzin w porównaniu do pacjentów dializowanych. Czynnikiem socjodemograficznym, który w największym stopniu determinował ocenę jakości życia w obu badanych grupach, była płeć. Kobiety lepiej oceniały jakość swojego życia w porównaniu do badanych mężczyzn. Ocena jakości życia w grupie pacjentów po przeszczepie nerki wykazała, że młodsi pacjenci (22–34 lata) wyżej ocenili jakość swojego życia. W obu badanych grupach wykształcenie nie miało wpływu na ocenę jakości życia

    Adjunct Methods of the Standard Diabetic Foot Ulceration Therapy

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    The outcome of management of diabetic foot ulceration (DFU) is poor and insufficient. DFU therapy includes the standard management as debridement of the wound, revascularization procedures, off-loading of the ulcer and antibacterial actions, and supplementation of growth factors and cytokines, leading to stimulation of granulation, epidermization, and angiogenesis. The aim of the present review is to summarize the adjunct methods of the standard DFU therapy as hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), maggot therapy (MT), and platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRPT). The results of preclinical and clinical trials indicated that the methods may reduce time of therapy, short-term morbidity, and the risk of major amputation

    The Active Role of Leguminous Plant Components in Type 2 Diabetes

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    Diabetes appears to be one of the most frequent noncommunicable diseases in the world. A permanent growth in the incidence of diabetes can be observed and according to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) the year 2030 will mark the increase in the number of diabetics to 439 mln worldwide. Type 2 diabetes accounts for about 90% of all diabetes incidence. Nutrition model modification not only features the basic element in type 2 diabetes treatment but also constitutes the fundamental factor influencing a morbidity rate decrease. Leguminous plants are a key factor in the diabetic diet; plants such as pulses or soybeans are nutritious products valued highly in nutrition. These legumes are high in the content of wholesome protein and contain large amounts of soluble alimentary fiber fractions, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, and bioactive substances with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer activity. They are distinguished by the high amount of bioactive compounds that may interfere with the metabolism of glucose. The most significant bioactive compounds displaying antidiabetic activity in leguminous plants are as follows: genistein and daidzein, alpha-amylase inhibitors, and alpha-glucosidase inhibitors. In vitro research using leguminous plant extracts has confirmed their antidiabetic properties. Leguminous plants should be employed in the promotion of healthy lifestyles in terms of functional food