291 research outputs found

    La identidad personal como eje central de los procesos de educación intercultural

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    Uniqueness for the inverse fixed angle scattering problem

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    We present a uniqueness result in dimensions 22 and 33 for the inverse fixed angle scattering problem associated to the Schr\"odinger operator Δ+q-\Delta+q, where qq is a small real valued potential with compact support in the Sobolev space Wβ,2W^{\beta,2} with β>0.\beta>0. This result improves the known result, due to Stefanov, in the sense that almost no regularity is required for the potential. The uniqueness result still holds in dimension 44, but for more regular potentials in Wβ,2W^{\beta,2} with β>2/3\beta>2/3

    Incidencia de los tipos del mercado monetario sobre los precios de las operaciones bancarias

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    Within a global frame leading to the elaboration of an interest rate risk pricing model applicable to financial institutions which takes the basis risk into account, the current paper analyses the long-term impact of the most representative Spanish monetary market interest rates variations over the interest rates offered by financial institutions. With that purpose, Johansen’s cointegration methodology is applied by distinguishing between banks and saving banks and doing an additional breakdown among the distinct asset and liability pricing policies of these institutions. The results show the existence of a considerable long-run relationship among the relevant monetary markets interest rates and the prices offered by financial institutions, although a greater number of equilibrium relationships can be highlighted in the operations carried out by banks, the strongest link being observed in the asset pricing policies. Dentro de un marco global encaminado a la elaboración de un modelo de valoración del riesgo de interés aplicable a las entidades de crédito que tome en consideración el riesgo de base, el presente trabajo analiza el impacto a largo plazo de las variaciones de los tipos de interés más representativos del mercado monetario español sobre los tipos de interés ofertados por las entidades de crédito en sus distintas operaciones. Con tal fin, se aplica la metodología de cointegración desarrollada por Johansen, distinguiendo entre bancos y cajas de ahorro y efectuando una desagregación adicional entre las distintas operaciones de activo y de pasivo de estas entidades. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto la existencia de una considerable interconexión en el largo plazo entre los tipos de interés relevantes del mercado monetario y los precios ofertados por las entidades de crédito, aunque cabe significar que se aprecia un mayor número de relaciones de equilibrio en las operaciones realizadas por los bancos y que la vinculación más fuerte se observa en las operaciones de activo.Riesgo de interés, riesgo de base, tipos de interés, entidades de crédito, operaciones activas y pasivas, mercado interbancario, cointegración Interest rate risk, basis risk, interest rates, financial institutions, asset and liability pricing policies, interbanking market, cointegration

    Competence between propioceptive and exteroceptive conditional stimuli in a conditional discrimination task

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    Se realizó un experimento con sujetos humanos de edades comprendidas entre los 7 y los 53 años en el que se utilizó un procedimiento de discriminación condicional con muestras compuestas formadas por estímulos exteroceptivos (figuras geométricas coloreadas) y propioceptivos (diferentes formas de señalar tales figuras). De esta forma, los sujetos fueron entrenados a emitir una conducta diferencial ante cada muestra y a elegir la comparación correcta. Posteriormente se evaluó la ejecución de los sujetos tanto en una discriminación condicional con muestra simple para cada uno de los componentes del anterior estímulo compuesto (sólo conducta y sólo figuras coloreadas) como mediante un procedimiento de competencia. Los resultados indicaron que los estímulos exteroceptivos adquirieron mayor control sobre la conducta de elección que los estímulos propioceptivos. Se discuten los resultados en relación con la importancia que la discriminación de la propia conducta puede tener en la génesis del control discriminativo bidireccional.An experiment was carried out with humans as subjects, aged between 7 and 53, in which a conditional discrimination procedure with compound samples made up by exteroceptive (colored geometric shapes) and proprioceptive stimuli (different ways of pointing at them) was used. Thus, subjects were trained to perform differently in the presence of each sample, and later to choose the correct comparison. They were then evaluated in a conditional discrimination with unitary samples for each one of the components of the previous compound stimulus (only behavior and only colored shapes). For this, a competition procedure was designed. Results showed that the exteroceptive stimuli exerted more influence over the chosen behavior than the proprioceptive stimuli. Results are discussed in relation to the importance that one’s own behavior discrimination may have in the origins of bi-directional discriminative control

    Psychometric Validation of the Information Area of Digital Competence in High School Students in Perú

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    Background/purpose - Few psychometric tests have been identified in the literature that analyze digital competencies in school-aged children. The Evaluation Test of Digital Competencies in Compulsory Education Students (ECODIES, Casillas-Martín et al., 2020) is considered one of the most robust for its measurement. The aim of the study was to assess the psychometric validity of the 'ECODIES - Area 1: Information' test with high school students from two Peruvian cities in 2021. Materials/methods - The research was formed as a basic level, non-experimental, and cross-sectional study. Content validity was analyzed through expert judges (n = 8), while construct validity, factorial invariance, and reliability were tested with a sample of high school students from Lima and Cusco (N = 201). Results - The content validity obtained satisfactory results (Aiken's V = 0.952, p < .01). Through construct validity, it was corroborated that the instrument measures the information competence (RMSEA = 0.052, CFI = 0.948, TLI = 0.928, PNFI = 0.67) and that this theoretical construct remains invariant between both of the groups studied. The instrument also demonstrates adequate internal consistency (α = 0.736, ω = 0.751, ordinal α = 0.869). Conclusion - 'ECODIES - Area 1: Information' is a valid and reliable instrument for the assessment of the information digital competence, including cultural differences, in high school students

    What do corpus data reveal about anaphora resolution? Spanish vs. Greek and the Type of Topic Hypothesis

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    This research was funded by the following agencies/institutions: CEDEL2 corpus (ANACOREX R&D project no. PID2020-113818GB-I00 and ANACOR R&D project no. FFI2016-75106-P granted to the first author) funded by MINECO (Ministerio de Economía y competitividad), AEI (Agencia Estatal de Investigación), 10.13039/501100011033, Spain and ERDF (European Regional Development Fund, A way of making Europe). GLC corpus (LAL2A project no. 3161) funded by the Hellenic Foundation for Research & Innovation, Greece, granted to Alexandros Tantos, the fourth author being a member of the research project.Anaphora Resolution (AR) is a pervasive phenomenon in natural languages. AR relates to how referring expressions (REs) (e.g., null/overt subject pronouns, and NPs) corefer with their antecedents in discourse. We use corpus methods to simultaneously compare AR in two null-subject languages (Spanish vs. Greek). We analyse a Spanish-native sample (CEDEL2 corpus, N=341 REs analysed) and an equally-designed Greek-native sample (GLC corpus, N=400 REs analysed), while keeping constant the text type (Chaplin narrative task), the annotation scheme (tagset), the tagging procedure, and the profile of the natives. Our corpus results reveal similarities in the way Spanish and Greek natives construct their narratives regarding the distribution of the information status of the REs (topic continuity/shift) and the distribution of characters (main/secondary) in discourse. Crucially, our two languages differ in relation to topicality (Greek capitalises on discourse topic whereas Spanish relies more on sentential topic), which leads to a different distribution in the realization of REs in discourse. These similarities and differences are accounted for by a new theoretical proposal, the Type of Topic Hypothesis (TTH), which postulates that there is a tension between discourse-topic vs. sentential-topic oriented languages. The TTH captures the idea that, while narratives are constructed in the same way in both languages, RE realization varies as a result of the discourse-topic orientation of Greek vs. the sentential-topic orientation of Spanish.Agencia Estatal de Investigación 10.13039/501100011033European Regional Development FundHellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation LAL2A project no. 3161Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad ANACOREX R&D PID2020-113818GB-I00, ANACOR R&D FFI2016-75106-

    Programa de salud de escuela de espalda para trabajadores de empresa papelera

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    El presente trabajo aborda y describe tres puestos de trabajo de una empresa papelera, los mecanismos de acción y sus mejoras a fin de evitar y/o prevenir problemas relacionados con la salud. Se propone un programa de salud administrando formación teórico-práctica a los trabajadores de dicha empresa. OBJETIVO: evaluar los efectos de la escuela de espalda (EE) en la percepción del rendimiento laboral, de la condición física y la salud raquídea de sus trabajadores. METODOLOGIA: se desarrolló un programa de formación teórico-práctica a 150 trabajadores que en su mayoría tenían dolor raquídeo; se enseñaron ejercicios de tonificación y de estiramiento y de concienciación postural; se recomendó que hicieran los ejercicios de manera rutinaria después de la formación. RESULTADOS: El 90% de los trabajadores reconocen de forma muy clara qué posturas deben corregir para mejorar su forma de trabajar y además identifican qué factores lesionales pueden provocarles lesiones a corto, medio y largo plazo

    Roflumilast N-oxide inhibits bronchial epithelial to mesenchymal transition induced by cigarette smoke in smokers with COPD

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    BACKGROUND: Epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) is under discussion as a potential mechanism of small airway remodelling in COPD. In bronchial epithelium of COPD and smokers markers of EMT were described. In vitro, EMT may be reproduced by exposing well-differentiated human bronchial epithelial cells (WD-HBEC) to cigarette smoke extract (CSE). EMT may be mitigated by an increase in cellular cAMP. OBJECTIVE: This study explored the effects of roflumilast N-oxide, a PDE4 inhibitor on CSE-induced EMT in WD-HBEC and in primary bronchial epithelial cells from smokers and COPD in vitro. METHODS: WD-HBEC from normal donors were stimulated with CSE (2.5%) for 72 h in presence of roflumilast N-oxide (2 nM or 1 μM) or vehicle. mRNA and protein of EMT markers αSMA, vimentin, collagen-1, E-cadherin, ZO-1, KRT5 as well as NOX4 were quantified by real-time quantitative PCR or protein array, respectively. Phosphorylated and total ERK1/2 and Smad3 were assessed by protein array. cAMP and TGFβ1 were measured by ELISA. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) were determined by DCF fluorescence, after 30 min CSE (2.5%). Apoptosis was measured with Annexin V/PI labelling. In some experiments, EMT markers were determined in monolayers of bronchial epithelial cells from smokers, COPD versus controls. RESULTS: Roflumilast N-oxide protected from CSE-induced EMT in WD-HBEC. The PDE4 inhibitor reversed both the increase in mesenchymal and the loss in epithelial EMT markers. Roflumilast N-oxide restored the loss in cellular cAMP following CSE, reduced ROS, NOX4 expression, the increase in TGFβ1 release, phospho ERK1/2 and Smad3. The PDE4 inhibitor partly protected from the increment in apoptosis with CSE. Finally the PDE4 inhibitor decreased mesenchymal yet increased epithelial phenotype markers in HBEC of COPD and smokers. CONCLUSIONS: Roflumilast N-oxide may mitigate epithelial-mesenchymal transition in bronchial epithelial cells in vitro

    Consenso de la Rama de Genética de la Sociedad Chilena de Pediatría sobre las anomalías congénitas de mal pronóstico vital (ACMPV)

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    ResumenIntroducciónLa rama de genética de la Sociedad Chilena de Pediatría, en relación con el proyecto de ley que regula la despenalización de la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo en 3 causales, centrándose en la segunda causal que considera al «embrión o feto que padezca una alteración estructural congénita o genética incompatible con la vida extrauterina», se reunió para discutir conforme a la evidencia científica qué anomalías congénitas (AC) podrían ser incluidas en el proyecto de ley.MetodologíaLos expertos en genética clínica se centraron en 10 AC. Se efectuó revisión bibliográfica y una reunión extraordinaria para discutirla.ResultadosSe acordó no emplear el término «incompatible con la vida extrauterina», pues existen excepciones de sobrevidas más prolongadas y cambiar por «anomalía congénita de mal pronóstico vital (ACMPV)». Se evaluaron 10 AC: defectos graves de cierre del tubo neural: anencefalia, iniencefalia y craneorraquisquisis, hipoplasia pulmonar, feto acardio, ectopia cordis, triploidía no mosaico, complejo limb body wall, anomalía body stalk, trisomía 13, trisomía 18 y agenesia renal bilateral. Se analizaron los hallazgos sobre prevalencia, historia natural, métodos diagnósticos prenatales, sobrevida, casos descritos de sobrevida prolongada. Para catalogarlas como ACMPV se consideraron: sobrevida posnatal, existencia de tratamientos y evolución posterior e historia natural sin intervenciones.ConclusiónLas ACMPV incluidas serían: anencefalia, hipoplasia pulmonar severa, feto acardio, ectopia cordis cervical, triploidía no mosaico, complejo limb body wall, anomalía body stalk, trisomía 13 no mosaico, trisomía 18 no mosaico y agenesia renal bilateral. Se requiere para el diagnóstico que toda mujer gestante tenga acceso a evaluaciones ecográficas de anatomía fetal, y en ocasiones a resonancia magnética y estudios citogenéticos y moleculares.AbstractIntroductionThe Genetic Branch of the Chilean Society of Paediatrics, given the draft Law governing the decriminalisation of abortion on three grounds, focusing on the second ground, which considers the “embryo or foetus suffering from a congenital structural anomaly or a genetic disorder incompatible with life outside the womb”, met to discuss the scientific evidence according to which congenital anomalies (CA) may be included in this draft law.MethodologyExperts in clinical genetics focused on 10 CA, reviewed the literature evidence, and met to discuss it.ResultsIt was agreed not to use the term “incompatible with life outside the womb”, as there are exceptions and longer survivals, and change to “congenital anomaly of poor prognosis (CAPP)”. Ten CA were evaluated: serious defects of neural tube closure: anencephaly, iniencephaly and craniorachischisis, pulmonary hypoplasia, acardiac foetus, ectopia cordis, non-mosaic triploidy, “limb body wall” complex, “body stalk” anomaly, trisomy 13, trisomy 18, and bilateral renal agenesis. Findings on the prevalence, natural history, prenatal diagnostic methods, survival, and reported cases of prolonged survival were analysed. Post-natal survival, existence of treatments, and outcomes, as well as natural history without intervention, were taken into account in classifying a CA as a CAPP.ConclusionA CAPP would be: anencephaly, severe pulmonary hypoplasia, acardiac foetus, cervical ectopia cordis, non-mosaic triploidy, limb body wall complex, body stalk anomaly, non-mosaic trisomy 13, non-mosaic trisomy 18, and bilateral renal agenesis. For their diagnosis, it is required that all pregnant women have access to assessments by foetal anatomy ultrasound and occasionally MRI, and cytogenetic and molecular testing