38 research outputs found

    Reproductive Outcome After Surgical Treatment of Endometriosis – Retrospective Analytical Study

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    Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the reproductive outcomes of patients after surgical treatment of endometriosis. Material and Methods: The study included 100 infertile women, aged 21 to 41 years, who underwent surgical treatment of endometriosis. From January 2007 to January 2012, excision of endometriosis was performed by operative laparoscopy or laparotomy. Demographic, clinical, surgical and reproductive outcomes of 52 patients were retrospectively analyzed. Result: Twenty-three pregnancies (44%) were obtained in 52 patients, resulting in 16 term pregnancies, 4 spontaneous abortions under 16 weeks gestation, 2 spontaneous abortions at 20 gestational weeks and 1 ectopic pregnancy. Twenty nine patients did not achieve pregnancy and 68.9% (20/29) of them were treated with IVFICSI. Spontaneous pregnancies were obtained within 7 months after the surgery, whereas IVF-ICSI pregnancies were obtained within the period of 11 months. Seven patients were stage I, 14 patients stage II, 19 patients stage III, and 12 patients stage IV according to the American Fertility Society (AFS) Classification of Endometriosis. The pregnancy rate was 57% in stages I-II, 47% in stage III, 16% in stage IV endometriosis; and the rate of term pregnancies was 83%, 66%, and 0%, respectively. Seven pregnancies (7/14) were obtained in patients with bilateral endometriosis and 5 of them resulted in term pregnancy. Sixteen pregnancies (16/38) were obtained in patients with unilateral endometriosis and 11 of them resulted in term pregnancy. Conclusion: After surgical treatment of endometriosis, the pregnancy and live birth rates seem to be improved. Reproductive outcome is closely associated with the AFS score. Bilaterality of endometriosis does not affect pregnancy outcome

    Wpływ hormonalnej terapii zastępczej oraz tamoxifenu na depresję u szczurów poddanych usunięciu jajników

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    Objectives: To determine the effects of tamoxifen and hormone replacement therapy in order to assess their role in depressive behavior. Material and Methods: Different protocols of hormone replacement therapies were administered to surgically ovariectomized rats. Intact rats were used for tamoxifen experiments. Properly assigned control groups were used and cognitive processes were studied on animal models of surgical menopause using the Porsolt Forced Swim Test and locomotor activity experiments. Results: In the tamoxifen experiments, an interaction between treatment and days did not reach statistical significance, but indicated a trend in this direction [F(1,26)=3.557, p=0.071]. The number of repeated movements significantly decreased after the Porsolt test (F(1,44) = 8.483, PCel: Określenie wpływu tamoxifenu oraz hormonalnej terapii zastępczej celem oceny ich roli w zachowaniach depresyjnych. Materiał i metody: Różne protokoły hormonalnej terapii zastępczej zastosowano u szczurów poddanych chirurgicznemu usunięciu jajników. Tamoxifen podawano szczurom, których nie operowano. Wykorzystano odpowiednio dobraną grupę kontrolną. Zbadano procesy poznawcze na modelach zwierzęcych z chirurgiczną menopauzą przy pomocy testu Porsolt Forced Swim oraz doświadczeń aktywności ruchowej. Wyniki: W doświadczeniach z tamoxifenem, związek pomiędzy terapią a dniami nie osiągnął statystycznej istotności, ale wykazał trend w tym kierunku [F(1,26)=3,557,p=0,071]. Liczba powtórzeń ruchów istotnie zmniejszyła się po teście Porsolta [F(1,44)=8,483,

    Florid vascular proliferation in mature cystic teratoma of the ovary: case report and review of the literature

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    WOS: 000264700100020PubMed ID: 19366067A case of mature cystic teratoma that contained florid vascular proliferation is reported. The ovarian tumor occurred in a 9-year-old girl; symptoms consisted of vomiting, abdominal pain and a palpable mass. The microscopic findings were mostly typical of a mature cystic teratoma, but also abundant vascular proliferation mimicking hemangioma in association with mature neural tissue was observed. There was a disorganized arrangement of medium- and large-sized spaces lined by cuboidal endothelial cells. Immunohistochemical staining for vascular proliferation showed immunoreactivity for CD31 and smooth muscle actin. Florid vascular proliferation may be seen in association with neural tissue of ovarian teratomas and should not be mis-diagnosed as immature teratoma or a vascular neoplasm

    The effects of raloxifene treatment on oxidative status in brain tissues and learning process of ovariectomized rats

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    Background: The effects of estrogene on central nervous system are still controversial. Objective: We aimed to investigate the effects of raloxifene on the antioxidant enzyme [superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT)] activities and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in brain homogenates of ovariectomized female rats and its effect on cognitive process of learning.Materials and Methods: Female Sprague Dawley rats (n=24) were divided into three groups. Three weeks after ovariectomy; nonovariectomized group (control group) (n=8) was given physiological saline (SP) as placebo. First ovariectomized group (n=8) received raloxifene 1mg/kg dissolved in a 1% solution of carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) subcutaneusly (sc) and second group of ovariectomized rats were given 1 % CMC 1mg/kg (sc) every day for 14 days. Learning behaviors of rats were evaluated in active avoidence cage with using sound and electrical stimulation. The levels of oxidative stress (MDA) and antioxidant enzymes (SOD, CAT) in different regions of the brain homogenates were compared between three groups of decapitated rats.Results: Raloxifene had a significant attenuating effect on the levels of MDA in brain tissues suggesting raloxifene’s effect against lipid peroxidation at the end of training days. With the comparison of brain regions, cortex showed the highest average activity of SOD and CAT and cerebellum had the lowest average levels for both. Its effects on learning and cognitive process with active avoidence task were considered insignificant.Conclusion: Raloxifene treatment may have preventive effects for the brain against oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation in rat

    Oxytocin Improves Follicular Reserve in a Cisplatin-Induced Gonadotoxicity Model in Rats

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    WOS: 000336326900001PubMed ID: 24959584Cisplatin (CP), an antitumor agent, has been shown to cause ovarian injury and dysfunction in both animal and human studies. The present study was conducted to investigate the protective effect of oxytocin (OT) on CP-induced ovarian toxicity in rats. Twenty-one adult female rats were included in the study. Fourteen rats were administered intraperitoneally CP (2mg/kg/day) twice a week for 5 weeks. Control group (n = 7) did not receive any treatment. Following treatment, CP-received rats were randomly divided into two groups and treated with either saline (1 mL/kg/day, n = 7) or OT (160 mu g/kg/day, n = 7) for 5 weeks. Then, ovarian toxicity and effects of OT were evaluated by histomorphological and biochemical analysis. Our findings revealed a significant reduction in the number of follicles at each grade in saline-treated group. AMH level was significantly lower in saline group compared to control (P < 0.0005). OT treatment significantly attenuated CP toxicity in ovaries and increased AMH levels compared to saline group (P < 0.005). Also, administration of OT lessened lipid peroxidation and prevented glutathione depletion in CP-treated rats (P < 0.05). These results indicated that OT could lessen the CP-induced ovarian damage and improve follicular reserve by preventing oxidative damage