23 research outputs found

    How manipulating task constraints in small-sided and conditioned games shapes emergence of individual and collective tactical behaviours in football: A systematic review

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    Background: Small-Sided and Conditioned Games are characterised by modifications of field dimensions, number of players, rules of the game, manipulations used to shape the key task constraints that performers need to satisfy in practice. Evidence has already demonstrated the importance of designing practice to enhance understanding of tactical behaviours in football, but there is a lack of information about how coaches can manipulate task constraints to support tactical learning. Objective: To investigate which task constraints have been most often manipulated in studies of SSCGs; and what impact each manipulation had on emerging tactical behaviours, technical–tactical actions, and positional relationships between players. Methods: PubMed, Web of Science, Scielo, and Academic Google databases were searched for relevant reports without time limits. The criteria adopted for inclusion were: a) studies performed with football players; b) studies that included SSCGs as an evaluation method; c) studies that investigated tactical behaviours in SSCGs; and d), articles in English and Portuguese. Results: The electronic database search included 24 articles in the review. Of these, five manipulated field dimensions, six manipulated number of players involved, five manipulated field dimensions and number of players, five used different scoring targets, two altered the number of players and scoring target, and one manipulated the number of players, field dimension, and scoring target. Conclusion: Among the task constraints analyzed in this systematic review, manipulation of number of players and playing field dimensions concomitantly occurred most frequentl

    How manipulating task constraints in small-sided and conditioned games shapes emergence of individual and collective tactical behaviours in football: A systematic review

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    Background: Small-Sided and Conditioned Games are characterised by modifications of field dimensions, number of players, rules of the game, manipulations used to shape the key task constraints that performers need to satisfy in practice. Evidence has already demonstrated the importance of designing practice to enhance understanding of tactical behaviours in football, but there is a lack of information about how coaches can manipulate task constraints to support tactical learning. Objective: To investigate which task constraints have been most often manipulated in studies of SSCGs; and what impact each manipulation had on emerging tactical behaviours, technical–tactical actions, and positional relationships between players. Methods: PubMed, Web of Science, Scielo, and Academic Google databases were searched for relevant reports without time limits. The criteria adopted for inclusion were: a) studies performed with football players; b) studies that included SSCGs as an evaluation method; c) studies that investigated tactical behaviours in SSCGs; and d), articles in English and Portuguese. Results: The electronic database search included 24 articles in the review. Of these, five manipulated field dimensions, six manipulated number of players involved, five manipulated field dimensions and number of players, five used different scoring targets, two altered the number of players and scoring target, and one manipulated the number of players, field dimension, and scoring target. Conclusion: Among the task constraints analyzed in this systematic review, manipulation of number of players and playing field dimensions concomitantly occurred most frequentl

    Maturação somática e aptidão física em jovens jogadores de futebol

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    Resumo: Objetivo: O estudo teve como objetivos analisar a correlação existente entre a distância para o pico de velocidade de crescimento e a aptidão física, bem como comparar o rendimento nos testes de aceleração, velocidade e agilidade de jogadores de diferentes níveis de maturação. Método: Participaram do estudo 104 jogadores do sexo masculino pertencentes às categorias de base do Fluminense Football Club. Foi utilizado o método de Mirwald (2002) para avaliar a distância para o pico de velocidade de crescimento. A aptidão física foi avaliada com os testes de aceleração (10 m), de velocidade (30 m) e de agilidade (ZigâZag test). Foi utilizada a estatística descritiva, correlação bivariada de Spearman e ANOVA one way através do software SPSS® (Statistical Package for Social Science) for Windows®, versão 20.0. O nível de significância adotado foi de p < 0.05. Resultados: Constatouâse uma correlação alta e negativa entre a distância para pico de velocidade de crescimento e a aceleração (rho = â0.660, p < 0.01), a velocidade (rho = â 0.767, p < 0.01) e a agilidade (rho = â 0.703, p < 0.01). Na análise por categorias, não foram encontradas correlações significativas entre as medidas da maturação e da aptidão física dos jogadores de futebol que compuseram a amostra. Conclusão: Através deste estudo concluiâse que os estímulos induzidos aos jogadores devem ser individualizados e, dessa forma, oferecer um treinamento adequado quanto à capacidade física dos jogadores. Resumen: Objetivo: El estudio tuvo como objetivos analizar la correlación existente entre la distancia del pico de velocidad de crecimiento y la aptitud física, así como comparar el rendimiento en los test de aceleración, velocidad y agilidad de jugadores de diferentes niveles de maduración. Método: Participaron en el estudio 104 jugadores de género masculino pertenecientes a las categorías de base del Fluminense Football Club. Fue utilizado el método de Mirwald (2002) para evaluar la distancia del pico de velocidad de crecimiento. La aptitud física fue evaluada con los test de aceleración (10 m), de velocidad (30 m) y de agilidad (ZigâZag test). Fue utilizada la estadística descriptiva y los test correlación biâvariada de Spearman y ANOVA one way, por medio del software SPSS® (Statistical Package for Social Science) para Windows®, versión 20.0. El nivel de significancia adoptado fue de p < 0.05. Resultados: Se constató una correlación alta y negativa entre la distancia del pico de velocidad de crecimiento y la aceleración (rho = â0.660, p < 0.01), la velocidad (rho = â 0.767, p < 0.01) y agilidad (rho = â 0.703, p < 0.01). En el análisis por categorías no fueron encontradas correlaciones significativas entre las medidas de maduración y aptitud física de los jugadores de fútbol que formaron parte de la muestra. Conclusión: Por medio de este estudio se concluye que los estímulos inducidos a los jugadores deben ser individualizados para, de esta manera, ofrecer un entrenamiento adecuado en cuanto a la capacidad física de los mismos. Abstract: Objective: The study aimed to analyze the correlation between the distance to the Peak Height Velocity and physical fitness, and to compare the performance in acceleration, speed and agility tests of different players maturation levels. Method: The study included 104 male players belonging to the youth teams of Fluminense Football Club. It used the method Mirwald (2002) to assess the distance to the PHV. Physical fitness was assessed with the acceleration (10 m), speed (30 m) and agility (ZigâZag test) tests. Descriptive statistics were used and the bivariate Spearman correlation and one way ANOVA using SPSS software (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) for Windows, version 20.0. The significance level was p <0.05. Results: It was observed a high and negative correlation between the distance to Peak Height Velocity and acceleration (rho = â0.660, p < 0.01), speed (rho = â0.767, p < 0.01) and the speed (rho = â0.703, p < 0.01). In the analysis by categories, there were no significant correlations between measures of maturation and physical fitness of soccer players in the sample. Conclusion: Through this study, it is concluded that the stimuli induced the players must be individualized, and thus provide adequate training on the physical ability of the players. Palavrasâchave: Futebol, Maturação, Aptidão física, Palabras clave: Fútbol, Maduración, Aptitud física, Keywords: Soccer, Maturation, Physical fitnes