14,803 research outputs found

    Effects of channel cross-sectional geometry on long wave generation and propagation

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    Joint theoretical and experimental studies are carried out to investigate the effects of channel cross-sectional geometry on long wave generation and propagation in uniform shallow water channels. The existing channel Boussinesq and channel KdV equations are extended in the present study to include the effects of channel sidewall slope at the waterline in the first-order section-mean equations. Our theoretical results show that both the channel cross-sectional geometry below the unperturbed water surface (characterized by a shape factor kappa) and the channel sidewall slope at the waterline (represented by a slope factor gamma) affect the wavelength (lambda) and time period (Ts) of waves generated under resonant external forcing. A quantitative relationship between lambda, Ts, kappa, and gamma is given by our theory which predicts that, under the condition of equal mean water depth and equal mean wave amplitude, lambda and Ts increase with increasing kappa and gamma. To verify the theoretical results, experiments are conducted in two channels of different geometries, namely a rectangular channel with kappa[equivalent]1, gamma=0 and a trapezoidal channel with kappa=1.27, gamma=0.16, to measure the wavelength of free traveling solitary waves and the time period of wave generation by a towed vertical hydrofoil moving with critical speed. The experimental results are found to be in broad agreement with the theoretical predictions

    Evolution of long water waves in variable channels

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    This paper applies two theoretical wave models, namely the generalized channel Boussinesq (gcB) and the channel Korteweg–de Vries (cKdV) models (Teng & Wu 1992) to investigate the evolution, transmission and reflection of long water waves propagating in a convergent–divergent channel of arbitrary cross-section. A new simplified version of the gcB model is introduced based on neglecting the higher-order derivatives of channel variations. This simplification preserves the mass conservation property of the original gcB model, yet greatly facilitates applications and clarifies the effect of channel cross-section. A critical comparative study between the gcB and cKdV models is then pursued for predicting the evolution of long waves in variable channels. Regarding the integral properties, the gcB model is shown to conserve mass exactly whereas the cKdV model, being limited to unidirectional waves only, violates the mass conservation law by a significant margin and bears no waves which are reflected due to changes in channel cross-sectional area. Although theoretically both models imply adiabatic invariance for the wave energy, the gcB model exhibits numerically a greater accuracy than the cKdV model in conserving wave energy. In general, the gcB model is found to have excellent conservation properties and can be applied to predict both transmitted and reflected waves simultaneously. It also broadly agrees well with the experiments. A result of basic interest is that in spite of the weakness in conserving total mass and energy, the cKdV model is found to predict the transmitted waves in good agreement with the gcB model and with the experimental data availabl

    Propagation of solitary waves through signicantly curved shallow water channels

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    Propagation of solitary waves in curved shallow water channels of constant depth and width is investigated by carrying out numerical simulations based on the generalized weakly nonlinear and weakly dispersive Boussinesq model. The objective is to investigate the effects of channel width and bending sharpness on the transmission and reflection of long waves propagating through significantly curved channels. Our numerical results show that, when travelling through narrow channel bends including both smooth and sharp-cornered 90°-bends, a solitary wave is transmitted almost completely with little reflection and scattering. For wide channel bends, we find that, if the bend is rounded and smooth, a solitary wave is still fully transmitted with little backward reflection, but the transmitted wave will no longer preserve the shape of the original solitary wave but will disintegrate into several smaller waves. For solitary waves travelling through wide sharp-cornered 90°-bends, wave reflection is seen to be very significant, and the wider the channel bend, the stronger the reflected wave amplitude. Our numerical results for waves in sharp-cornered 90°-bends revealed a similarity relationship which indicates that the ratios of the transmitted and reflected wave amplitude, excess mass and energy to the original wave amplitude, mass and energy all depend on one single dimensionless parameter, namely the ratio of the channel width b to the effective wavelength [lambda][sub]e. Quantitative results for predicting wave transmission and reflection based on b/[lambda][sub]e are presented

    Composite Dark Matter and Higgs

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    We investigate the possibility that Dark Matter arises as a composite state of a fundamental confining dynamics, together with the Higgs boson. We focus on the minimal SU(4)×\timesSU(4)/SU(4) model which has both a Dark Matter and a Higgs candidates arising as pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons. At the same time, a simple underlying gauge-fermion theory can be defined providing an existence proof of, and useful constraints on, the effective field theory description. We focus on the parameter space where the Dark Matter candidate is mostly a gauge singlet. We present a complete calculation of its relic abundance and find preferred masses between 500 GeV to a few TeV. Direct Dark Matter detection already probes part of the parameter space, ruling out masses above 1 TeV, while Indirect Detection is relevant only if non-thermal production is assumed. The prospects for detection of the odd composite scalars at the LHC are also established.Comment: 54 pages, 10 figures; Typo fixed, figures improved, refs added et

    The Monkeytyping Solution to the YouTube-8M Video Understanding Challenge

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    This article describes the final solution of team monkeytyping, who finished in second place in the YouTube-8M video understanding challenge. The dataset used in this challenge is a large-scale benchmark for multi-label video classification. We extend the work in [1] and propose several improvements for frame sequence modeling. We propose a network structure called Chaining that can better capture the interactions between labels. Also, we report our approaches in dealing with multi-scale information and attention pooling. In addition, We find that using the output of model ensemble as a side target in training can boost single model performance. We report our experiments in bagging, boosting, cascade, and stacking, and propose a stacking algorithm called attention weighted stacking. Our final submission is an ensemble that consists of 74 sub models, all of which are listed in the appendix.Comment: Submitted to the CVPR 2017 Workshop on YouTube-8M Large-Scale Video Understandin

    Convergence and Consistency Analysis for A 3D Invariant-EKF SLAM

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    In this paper, we investigate the convergence and consistency properties of an Invariant-Extended Kalman Filter (RI-EKF) based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) algorithm. Basic convergence properties of this algorithm are proven. These proofs do not require the restrictive assumption that the Jacobians of the motion and observation models need to be evaluated at the ground truth. It is also shown that the output of RI-EKF is invariant under any stochastic rigid body transformation in contrast to SO(3)\mathbb{SO}(3) based EKF SLAM algorithm (SO(3)\mathbb{SO}(3)-EKF) that is only invariant under deterministic rigid body transformation. Implications of these invariance properties on the consistency of the estimator are also discussed. Monte Carlo simulation results demonstrate that RI-EKF outperforms SO(3)\mathbb{SO}(3)-EKF, Robocentric-EKF and the "First Estimates Jacobian" EKF, for 3D point feature based SLAM