9 research outputs found

    Masha Cerovic, Les Enfants de Staline. La guerre des partisans soviétiques, 1941-1944

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    Renewing the historiography of the Second World War, one of the most studied conflicts of all time, particularly the battle between Soviet partisans and Nazi Germany, is no small task. However Masha Cerovic manages to brilliantly do so in her new book Les enfants de Staline [Stalin’s Children] which sheds new light on the brutal “irregular warfare” that ravaged Western Soviet territories for three years. Working with unpublished sources from Russia, Belorussia, Ukraine and Germany – including..

    La suprématie aérienne en péril. Menaces et contre-stratégies à l'horizon 2030

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    Depuis la fin de la Guerre froide, la force aĂ©rienne incarne, plus que toute autre capacitĂ© militaire, la puissance occidentale. Or, dans les annĂ©es Ă  venir, les armĂ©es occidentales vont devoir faire face Ă  des adversaires potentiels dotĂ©s de capacitĂ©s dĂ©fensives nettement plus performantes : missiles antiaĂ©riens modernes et intĂ©grĂ©s dans des rĂ©seaux redondants, chasseurs de 5e gĂ©nĂ©ration, moyens d’agression Ă  longue distance, drones ou encore cyber-attaques
 ConfrontĂ©es Ă  des formes de contestation sophistiquĂ©es, technologiquement comme stratĂ©giquement, les forces aĂ©riennes vont devoir rĂ©agir. Cet ouvrage prĂ©sente ce que pourrait ĂȘtre la supĂ©rioritĂ© aĂ©rienne Ă  l’horizon 2030. (RĂ©sumĂ© Ă©diteur

    Guérillas et contre-insurrections en Amérique latine et aux Caraïbes de la guerre froide à nos jours

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    "En 1967, le jeune RĂ©gis Debray rĂ©sumait en ces termes les dĂ©fis qu’affrontaient les membres les plus radicaux de la « Nouvelle Gauche » en AmĂ©rique latine et aux CaraĂŻbes : « Toute ligne prĂ©tendue rĂ©volutionnaire doit pouvoir apporter une rĂ©ponse concrĂšte Ă  la question : comment renverser le pouvoir d’État capitaliste ? C’est-Ă -dire, comment casser son squelette, l’ArmĂ©e, de jour en jour renforcĂ©e par les missions militaires nord-amĂ©ricaines ? » Au mĂȘme moment, peu ou prou, se tenait Ă  l’École militaire de Buenos Aires un « Cours interamĂ©ricain de guerre rĂ©volutionnaire » rassemblant des officiers de chacun des pays de la rĂ©gion, sous influence française et Ă©tats-unienne, dans le but de « faire reconnaĂźtre officiellement le communisme comme ennemi commun [et] de faire admettre un plan d’action contre la subversion marxiste »." [...

    “‘The Talking Demon’: Liberty and Liberal Ideologies on the 1820s British Stage”

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    Il saggio prende in esame una porzione finora relativamente poco studiata della drammaturgia romantica in ambito britannico. Si occupa, cioĂš, della ricca produzione di opere tragiche improntate ad ideali liberali, ovvero radicati nell’ideologia Whig e legati alle richieste sempre piĂč pressanti di riforme politiche e parlamentari nella Gran Bretagna degli anni 1820. Inoltre, l’articolo approfondisce come queste opere evochino, al tempo stesso, collegamenti espliciti con i principi ispiratori dei movimenti libertari e costituzionali che, nello stesso periodo, percorrevano gli stati dell’Europa meridionale. Fra le tragedie esaminate nell’articolo vi sono opere di autori noti come Lord Byron, nonchĂ© di figure di drammaturghi di successo ma ingiustamente dimenticati quali James Sheridan Knowles, John Howard Payne, Felicia Hemans e Mary Russell Mitford. Nel considerare il nesso tra drammaturgia, messinscena e ideologia, l’articolo intende fornire un contributo originale e di respiro internazionale a un campo di ricerca che si sta dimostrando uno dei piĂč vivaci in seno ai ‘Romantic studies’ in Gran Bretagna e negli Stati Uniti

    Large eQTL meta-analysis reveals differing patterns between cerebral cortical and cerebellar brain regions

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    © 2020, The Author(s). The availability of high-quality RNA-sequencing and genotyping data of post-mortem brain collections from consortia such as CommonMind Consortium (CMC) and the Accelerating Medicines Partnership for Alzheimer’s Disease (AMP-AD) Consortium enable the generation of a large-scale brain cis-eQTL meta-analysis. Here we generate cerebral cortical eQTL from 1433 samples available from four cohorts (identifying >4.1 million significant eQTL for >18,000 genes), as well as cerebellar eQTL from 261 samples (identifying 874,836 significant eQTL for >10,000 genes). We find substantially improved power in the meta-analysis over individual cohort analyses, particularly in comparison to the Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) Project eQTL. Additionally, we observed differences in eQTL patterns between cerebral and cerebellar brain regions. We provide these brain eQTL as a resource for use by the research community. As a proof of principle for their utility, we apply a colocalization analysis to identify genes underlying the GWAS association peaks for schizophrenia and identify a potentially novel gene colocalization with lncRNA RP11-677M14.2 (posterior probability of colocalization 0.975)