976 research outputs found

    Atomic resolution mapping of phonon excitations in STEM-EELS experiments

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    Atomically resolved electron energy-loss spectroscopy experiments are commonplace in modern aberrationcorrected transmission electron microscopes. Energy resolution has also been increasing steadily with the continuous improvement of electron monochromators. Electronic excitations however are known to be delocalised due to the long range interaction of the charged accelerated electrons with the electrons in a sample. This has made several scientists question the value of combined high spatial and energy resolution for mapping interband transitions and possibly phonon excitation in crystals. In this paper we demonstrate experimentally that atomic resolution information is indeed available at very low energy losses around 100 meV expressed as a modulation of the broadening of the zero loss peak. Careful data analysis allows us to get a glimpse of what are likely phonon excitations with both an energy loss and gain part. These experiments confirm recent theoretical predictions on the strong localisation of phonon excitations as opposed to electronic excitations and show that a combination of atomic resolution and recent developments in increased energy resolution will offer great benefit for mapping phonon modes in real space

    Magnetic monopole field exposed by electrons

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    Magnetic monopoles have provided a rich field of study, leading to a wide area of research in particle physics, solid state physics, ultra-cold gases, superconductors, cosmology, and gauge theory. So far, no true magnetic monopoles were found experimentally. Using the Aharonov-Bohm effect, one of the central results of quantum physics, shows however, that an effective monopole field can be produced. Understanding the effects of such a monopole field on its surroundings is crucial to its observation and provides a better grasp of fundamental physical theory. We realize the diffraction of fast electrons at a magnetic monopole field generated by a nanoscopic magnetized ferromagnetic needle. Previous studies have been limited to theoretical semiclassical optical calculations of the motion of electrons in such a monopole field. Solid state systems like the recently studied 'spin ice' provide a constrained system to study similar fields, but make it impossible to separate the monopole from the material. Free space diffraction helps to understand the dynamics of the electron-monopole system without the complexity of a solid state system. The use of a simple object such as a magnetized needle will allow various areas of physics to use the general dynamical effects of monopole fields without requiring a monopole particle or specific solids which have internal monopole-like properties. The experiment performed here shows that even without a true magnetic monopole particle, the theoretical background on monopoles serves as a basis for experiments and can be applied to efficiently create electron vortices. Various predictions about angular momentum and general field effects can readily be studied using the available equipment. This realization provides insights for the scientific community on how to detect magnetic monopoles in high energy collisions, cosmological processes, or novel materials.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures + 7 pages of supplementary information, 8 figure

    Strain accommodation through facet matching in La1.85_\text{1.85}Sr0.15_\text{0.15}CuO4_\text{4}/Nd1.85_\text{1.85}Ce0.15_\text{0.15}CuO4_\text{4} ramp-edge junctions

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    Scanning nano-focused X-ray diffraction (nXRD) and high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM) are used to investigate the crystal structure of ramp-edge junctions between superconducting electron-doped Nd1.85_\text{1.85}Ce0.15_\text{0.15}CuO4_\text{4} and superconducting hole-doped La1.85_\text{1.85}Sr0.15_\text{0.15}CuO4_\text{4} thin films, the latter being the top layer. On the ramp, a new growth mode of La1.85_\text{1.85}Sr0.15_\text{0.15}CuO4_\text{4} with a 3.3 degree tilt of the c-axis is found. We explain the tilt by developing a strain accommodation model that relies on facet matching, dictated by the ramp angle, indicating that a coherent domain boundary is formed at the interface. The possible implications of this growth mode for the creation of artificial domains in morphotropic materials are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures & 3 pages supplemental information with 2 figures. Copyright (2015) American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in APL Mat. 3, 086101 (2015) and may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.492779

    Electronically coupled complementary interfaces between perovskite band insulators

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    Perovskite oxides exhibit a plethora of exceptional electronic properties, providing the basis for novel concepts of oxide-electronic devices. The interest in these materials is even extended by the remarkable characteristics of their interfaces. Studies on single epitaxial connections between the two wide-bandgap insulators LaAlO3 and SrTiO3 have revealed them to be either high-mobility electron conductors or insulating, depending on the atomic stacking sequences. In the latter case they are conceivably positively charged. For device applications, as well as for basic understanding of the interface conduction mechanism, it is important to investigate the electronic coupling of closely-spaced complementary interfaces. Here we report the successful realization of such electronically coupled complementary interfaces in SrTiO3 - LaAlO3 thin film multilayer structures, in which the atomic stacking sequence at the interfaces was confirmed by quantitative transmission electron microscopy. We found a critical separation distance of 6 perovskite unit cell layers, corresponding to approximately 2.3 nm, below which a decrease of the interface conductivity and carrier density occurs. Interestingly, the high carrier mobilities characterizing the separate electron doped interfaces are found to be maintained in coupled structures down to sub-nanometer interface spacing

    Superlattice variants in Sr 2

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    Characterisation of multilayer ramp-type ReBa2Cu3O7-delta structures by scanning probe microscopy and high-resolution electron microscopy

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    We studied the morphology of ramps in REBa2Cu3O7 (REBCO) epitaxial films on SrTiO3 substrates, fabricated by RF magnetron sputter deposition and pulsed laser deposition (PLD), by scanning probe microscopy (SPM) and high resolution electron microscopy (HREM). The ramps were fabricated by Ar ion beam etching using masks of standard photoresist and TiN. AFM-studies on ramps in sputter deposited films show a strong dependence, i.e. formation of facets and ridges, on the angle of incidence of the ion beam with respect to the substrate surface as well as the rotation angle with respect to the crystal axes of the substrate. Ramps in pulsed laser deposited films did not show this dependence. Furthermore, we studied the effect of an anneal step prior to the deposition of barrier layers (i.e. PrBu2CU3O7, SrTiO3, CeO2) on the ramp. First results show a recrystallization of the ramp surface, resulting in terraces and a non-homogeneous growth of the barrier material on top of it. The thickness variations, for thin layers of barrier material, can even become much larger than expected from the amount of deposited material and are dependent on the deposition and anneal conditions. HREM studies show a well defined interface between barrier layer and electrodes. The angle of the ramp depends on the etch rate of the mask and REBCO, and on the angle of incidence of the ion beam. TiN has a much lower etch rate compared to photoresist, resulting in an angle of the ramp comparable to the angle of incidence, resulting in a low etching rate on the ramp. These results will lead to improved electrical characteristics of ramp-type junctions

    Transport, magnetic, and structural properties of La0.7_{0.7}Ce0.3_{0.3}MnO3_3 thin films. Evidence for hole-doping

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    Cerium-doped manganite thin films were grown epitaxially by pulsed laser deposition at 720∘720 ^\circC and oxygen pressure pO2=1−25p_{O_2}=1-25 Pa and were subjected to different annealing steps. According to x-ray diffraction (XRD) data, the formation of CeO2_2 as a secondary phase could be avoided for pO2≥8p_{O_2}\ge 8 Pa. However, transmission electron microscopy shows the presence of CeO2_2 nanoclusters, even in those films which appear to be single phase in XRD. With O2_2 annealing, the metal-to-insulator transition temperature increases, while the saturation magnetization decreases and stays well below the theoretical value for electron-doped La0.7_{0.7}Ce0.3_{0.3}MnO3_3 with mixed Mn3+^{3+}/Mn2+^{2+} valences. The same trend is observed with decreasing film thickness from 100 to 20 nm, indicating a higher oxygen content for thinner films. Hall measurements on a film which shows a metal-to-insulator transition clearly reveal holes as dominating charge carriers. Combining data from x-ray photoemission spectroscopy, for determination of the oxygen content, and x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), for determination of the hole concentration and cation valences, we find that with increasing oxygen content the hole concentration increases and Mn valences are shifted from 2+ to 4+. The dominating Mn valences in the films are Mn3+^{3+} and Mn4+^{4+}, and only a small amount of Mn2+^{2+} ions can be observed by XAS. Mn2+^{2+} and Ce4+^{4+} XAS signals obtained in surface-sensitive total electron yield mode are strongly reduced in the bulk-sensitive fluorescence mode, which indicates hole-doping in the bulk for those films which do show a metal-to-insulator transition.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure
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