101 research outputs found

    China Beatniks Around the Web

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    After a few weeks of vacation, China Beat is back to posting (though we considered making an 8 percent reduction in our future posts in honor of the UC furlough, we’ll just be back to business as usual). Even so, it is still summer and a few contributors have been using the time to publish in other venues. Last Saturday, Ken Pomeranz mentioned a few of his recent publications, includingthis one at the New Left Review. Jeff Wasserstrom recently reviewed Lisa See’s new book, Shanghai Girls for Time Asia. (We ran an interview with See this spring, which you can read here.) The new issue of Journal of Democracy also features a piece by Wasserstrom, “Middle-Class Mobilization,” which revisits some issues he’s written about for China Beat and The Nation. This issue also includes pieces from Yang Guobin (a China Beat contributor) as well as Elizabeth Perry and Andrew J. Nathan. Journal of Democracy makes a few articles from each issue free; this issue the free-access articles are “The Massacre’s Long Shadow” by Jean Philippe-Béja and “Authoritarian Impermanence” by Andrew J. Nathan. (The other essays can be accessed through Project Muse, for those with library access.) Here is a short selection from Wasserstrom’s piece: I worry that some foreign observers will jump to the wrong conclusion when thinking about Chinese middle-class protests, especially if we see more and larger ones in the years to come: namely, that they signal the imminent arrival of the sort of democratic transition that has so often been predicted for China since the 1980s. When protesters took to the streets of Beijing twenty years ago, with the fall of Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos fresh in many minds, some thought that the CCP would be toppled by something akin to the “people power” rising in Manila. Then, after Solidarity won elections in Poland and the Soviet system unraveled, some outsiders predicted that China would follow in the footsteps of one or another East European country. All it would take would be some “X factor” or other, perhaps the appearance of a reform-minded official with bold ideas or the rise of a charismatic organizer able to bring workers and intellectuals together

    NEOPA Final Board Reports 2005 - 2006

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    Drawing and Invention The Morgan Library & Museum, New-York 24 avril 2015 This symposium is devoted to the role of drawing in the creative process, considering the practice of artists in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Papers will address different aspects of invention by looking at a variety of drawings, ranging from first sketches to more developed compositional studies. Symposium Program, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Keynote Address : Innovation and Invention in Italian Renaissance Drawing Da..

    Appel à communication : « Vasari @ Santa Croce », Florence, date limite : 15 septembre 2015

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    Appel à communication : Vasari @ Santa Croce Florence, Basilique Santa Croce 3-5 mars 2016 L’année 2016 marquera le 450e anniversaire du début de la rénovation de l’église franciscaine de Santa Croce à Florence par Giorgio Vasari. L’objectif de ce colloque international est de revisiter, de réviser et d’élargir notre compréhension de l’œuvre de Vasari à la basilique. Comment se rapporte-t-elle à la politique absolutiste et artistique de Cosme I ? Et quel est l’impact de la rénovation sur l’h..

    Appel à communication : « Likeness and kinship. Artistic families from the sixteenth- and seventeenth century portrayed », Anvers, date limite : 1er mars 2015

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    « Likeness and kinship. Artistic families from the sixteenth- and seventeenth century portrayed » 22 juin 2015, Anvers, Rubens House Museum In conjunction with the exhibition Rubens in private. The master portrays his family (Rubens House Museum, 28/03/2015 – 28/06/2015), the Rubenianum organizes a symposium on the early modern family portrait on Monday 22 June 2015. Portraits of artists’ families or family members will be given special attention, but images of families which played a differe..

    Appel à contribution : « The Many Forms Of The Decameron : Interpretations, Translations And Adaptations » (avril 2015), date limite : 15 février 2015

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    The Many Forms Of The Decameron: Interpretations, Translations And Adaptations Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore 24-26 April, 2015 The conference seeks to explore Boccaccio’s Decameron, its translatability into different media, languages, and historical contexts. The discussion will not be limited to the Decameron and its adaptability, but will also explore the broader concept of translation as well as the relationship between media and authorship, bringing together a network of scholars..

    Cycle de conférences : "Paris sous le règne des Bourbons", Paris, Hôtel de Lauzun, octobre 2015-juin 2016

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    L’Institut d’études avancées de Paris organise chaque année des cycles de conférences consacrés aux sciences humaines et sociales. Animées par des spécialistes du domaine, ces conférences sont ouvertes au public et se déroulent à l’hôtel de Lauzun, Ile Saint-Louis. Programme 6 octobre 2015 : Montrer le roi dans la ville : les places royales parisiennes de Louis XIV à Louis XVI Alexandre Gady, Paris IV-Sorbonne Durant les XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, l’espace urbain parisien est caractérisé pa..

    Appel à communication : "Contre les Médicis : Art et dissidence dans l’Italie de la Renaissance", Florence, date limite : 1er janvier 2016

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    Against the Medici: Art and Dissent in Renaissance Italy / Contro i Medici : arte e dissenso nell’Italia del Rinascimento Florence, Archivio di Stato, 26-27 mai 2016 As patrons of art, the Medici left a legacy that is unrivalled. Their well-known narrative lies at the center of Renaissance scholarship. The Medici patronized painters and sculptors, founded academies, preserved and curated their collections, and used both artists and artworks as political tools to convey their agendas and aug..

    Colloque : "Art and Science in the Early Modern Low Countries", Amsterdam, 17-18 sep 2015

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    Art and Science in the Early Modern Low Countries Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum et Trippenhuis (Seat Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences) 17-18 sep 2015 Registration deadline: 14 sept. 2015 On September 17 and 18, 2015, Amsterdam is to host the conference 'Art and Science in the Early Modern Low Countries (ca 1560-1730)', organized by the Rijksmuseum and the Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands. Prior to the eighteenth century, 'art' and 'science' were often considered complem..

    Parution : Lise Wajeman, « L’amour de l’art : érotique de l’artiste et du spectateur au XVIe siècle »

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    Lise Wajeman, L’amour de l’art : érotique de l’artiste et du spectateur au XVIe siècle, Genève, Droz, 2015 Broché, 15 x 22cm 424 p., 50 illustrations Prix :65,40 € ISBN : 978-2-600-01947-7 « L’amour de l’art » à la Renaissance, loin de concerner les seuls traités d’arts, intéresse aussi la théologie, la médecine ou les fictions, qui l’abordent souvent de façon concrète, comme une circulation désirante entre l’artiste, l’image et le spectateur. L’art qui s’invente au XVIe siècle vise à atteind..

    Appel à communication : « Reading Architecture Across the Arts and Humanities », Stirling, date limite 26 septembre 2015

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    Reading Architecture Across the Arts and Humanities 5 décembre 2015 Université de Stirling, Royaume Uni The organisers of this one-day multidisciplinary conference seek to solicit proposals for 20-minute papers that consider the creation, expression and representation of architecture, architectural space and the built environment from students and scholars working within all subject-areas across the Arts and Humanities. Papers should seek to address the creation, understanding, circulation an..
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