438 research outputs found

    When it Pays to Rush: Interpreting Morphogen Gradients Prior to Steady-State

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    During development, morphogen gradients precisely determine the position of gene expression boundaries despite the inevitable presence of fluctuations. Recent experiments suggest that some morphogen gradients may be interpreted prior to reaching steady-state. Theoretical work has predicted that such systems will be more robust to embryo-to-embryo fluctuations. By analysing two experimentally motivated models of morphogen gradient formation, we investigate the positional precision of gene expression boundaries determined by pre-steady-state morphogen gradients in the presence of embryo-to-embryo fluctuations, internal biochemical noise and variations in the timing of morphogen measurement. Morphogens that are direct transcription factors are found to be particularly sensitive to internal noise when interpreted prior to steady-state, disadvantaging early measurement, even in the presence of large embryo-to-embryo fluctuations. Morphogens interpreted by cell-surface receptors can be measured prior to steady-state without significant decrease in positional precision provided fluctuations in the timing of measurement are small. Applying our results to experiment, we predict that Bicoid, a transcription factor morphogen in Drosophila, is unlikely to be interpreted prior to reaching steady-state. We also predict that Activin in Xenopus and Nodal in zebrafish, morphogens interpreted by cell-surface receptors, can be decoded in pre-steady-state.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Sampling rare switching events in biochemical networks

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    Bistable biochemical switches are ubiquitous in gene regulatory networks and signal transduction pathways. Their switching dynamics, however, are difficult to study directly in experiments or conventional computer simulations, because switching events are rapid, yet infrequent. We present a simulation technique that makes it possible to predict the rate and mechanism of flipping of biochemical switches. The method uses a series of interfaces in phase space between the two stable steady states of the switch to generate transition trajectories in a ratchet-like manner. We demonstrate its use by calculating the spontaneous flipping rate of a symmetric model of a genetic switch consisting of two mutually repressing genes. The rate constant can be obtained orders of magnitude more efficiently than using brute-force simulations. For this model switch, we show that the switching mechanism, and consequently the switching rate, depends crucially on whether the binding of one regulatory protein to the DNA excludes the binding of the other one. Our technique could also be used to study rare events and non-equilibrium processes in soft condensed matter systems.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, last page contains supplementary informatio

    Reaction coordinates for the flipping of genetic switches

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    We present a detailed analysis, based on the Forward Flux Sampling (FFS) simulation method, of the switching dynamics and stability of two models of genetic toggle switches, consisting of two mutually-repressing genes encoding transcription factors (TFs); in one model (the exclusive switch), they mutually exclude each other's binding, while in the other model (general switch) the two transcription factors can bind simultaneously to the shared operator region. We assess the role of two pairs of reactions that influence the stability of these switches: TF-TF homodimerisation and TF-DNA association/dissociation. We factorise the flipping rate k into the product of the probability rho(q*) of finding the system at the dividing surface (separatrix) between the two stable states, and a kinetic prefactor R. In the case of the exclusive switch, the rate of TF-operator binding affects both rho(q*) and R, while the rate of TF dimerisation affects only R. In the case of the general switch both TF-operator binding and TF dimerisation affect k, R and rho(q*). To elucidate this, we analyse the transition state ensemble (TSE). For the exclusive switch, varying the rate of TF-operator binding can drastically change the pathway of switching, while changing the rate of dimerisation changes the switching rate without altering the mechanism. The switching pathways of the general switch are highly robust to changes in the rate constants of both TF-operator and TF-TF binding, even though these rate constants do affect the flipping rate; this feature is unique for non-equilibrium systems.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figure

    Forward Flux Sampling-type schemes for simulating rare events: Efficiency analysis

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    We analyse the efficiency of several simulation methods which we have recently proposed for calculating rate constants for rare events in stochastic dynamical systems, in or out of equilibrium. We derive analytical expressions for the computational cost of using these methods, and for the statistical error in the final estimate of the rate constant, for a given computational cost. These expressions can be used to determine which method to use for a given problem, to optimize the choice of parameters, and to evaluate the significance of the results obtained. We apply the expressions to the two-dimensional non-equilibrium rare event problem proposed by Maier and Stein. For this problem, our analysis gives accurate quantitative predictions for the computational efficiency of the three methods.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figure

    Radial Squeezed States and Rydberg Wave Packets

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    We outline an analytical framework for the treatment of radial Rydberg wave packets produced by short laser pulses in the absence of external electric and magnetic fields. Wave packets of this type are localized in the radial coordinates and have p-state angular distributions. We argue that they can be described by a particular analytical class of squeezed states, called radial squeezed states. For hydrogenic Rydberg atoms, we discuss the time evolution of the corresponding hydrogenic radial squeezed states. They are found to undergo decoherence and collapse, followed by fractional and full revivals. We also present their uncertainty product and uncertainty ratio as functions of time. Our results show that hydrogenic radial squeezed states provide a suitable analytical description of hydrogenic Rydberg atoms excited by short-pulsed laser fields.Comment: published in Physical Review

    Effects of rocker radii with two longitudinal bending stiffnesses on plantar pressure distribution in the forefoot

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    INTRODUCTION: Outsole parameters of the shoe can be adapted to offload regions of pain or region of high pressures. Previous studies already showed reduced plantar pressures in the forefoot due to a proximally placed apex position and higher longitudinal bending stiffness (LBS). The aim of this study was to determine the effect of changes in rocker radii and high LBS on the plantar pressure profile during gait. METHOD: 10 participants walked in seven shoe conditions of which one control shoe and six rocker shoes with small, medium and large rocker radii and low and high longitudinal bending stiffness. Pedar in-shoe plantar pressure measuring system was used to quantify plantar pressures while walking on a treadmill at self-selected walking speed. Peak plantar pressure, maximum mean pressure and force-time integral were analyzed with Generalized Estimated Equation (GEE) and Tukey post hoc correction (α = .05). RESULTS: Significantly lower plantar pressures were found in the first toe, toes 2-5, distal and proximal forefoot in all rocker shoe conditions as compared to the control shoe. Plantar pressures in the first toe and toes 2-5 were significantly lower in the small radius compared to medium and large radii. For the distal forefoot both small and medium radii significantly reduced plantar pressure compared to large radii. Low LBS reduced plantar pressure at the first toe significantly compared to high LBS independent of the rocker radius. Plantar pressures in the distal forefoot and toes 2-5 were lower in high LBS compared to low LBS. CONCLUSION: Manipulation of the rocker radius and LBS can effectively reduce peak plantar pressures in the forefoot region during gait. In line with previous studies, we showed that depending on the exact target location for offloading, different combinations of rocker radius and LBS need to be adopted to maximize treatment effects

    Non-Stationary Forward Flux Sampling

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    We present a new method, Non-Stationary Forward Flux Sampling, that allows efficient simulation of rare events in both stationary and non-stationary stochastic systems. The method uses stochastic branching and pruning to achieve uniform sampling of trajectories in phase space and time, leading to accurate estimates for time-dependent switching propensities and time-dependent phase space probability densities. The method is suitable for equilibrium or non-equilibrium systems, in or out of stationary state, including non-Markovian or externally driven systems. We demonstrate the validity of the technique by applying it to a one-dimensional barrier crossing problem that can be solved exactly, and show its usefulness by applying it to the time-dependent switching of a genetic toggle switch.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    Finding the center reliably: robust patterns of developmental gene expression

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    We investigate a mechanism for the robust identification of the center of a developing biological system. We assume the existence of two morphogen gradients, an activator emanating from the anterior, and a co-repressor from the posterior. The co-repressor inhibits the action of the activator in switching on target genes. We apply this system to Drosophila embryos, where we predict the existence of a hitherto undetected posterior co-repressor. Using mathematical modelling, we show that a symmetric activator-co-repressor model can quantitatively explain the precise mid-embryo expression boundary of the hunchback gene, and the scaling of this pattern with embryo size.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Eliminating fast reactions in stochastic simulations of biochemical networks: a bistable genetic switch

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    In many stochastic simulations of biochemical reaction networks, it is desirable to ``coarse-grain'' the reaction set, removing fast reactions while retaining the correct system dynamics. Various coarse-graining methods have been proposed, but it remains unclear which methods are reliable and which reactions can safely be eliminated. We address these issues for a model gene regulatory network that is particularly sensitive to dynamical fluctuations: a bistable genetic switch. We remove protein-DNA and/or protein-protein association-dissociation reactions from the reaction set, using various coarse-graining strategies. We determine the effects on the steady-state probability distribution function and on the rate of fluctuation-driven switch flipping transitions. We find that protein-protein interactions may be safely eliminated from the reaction set, but protein-DNA interactions may not. We also find that it is important to use the chemical master equation rather than macroscopic rate equations to compute effective propensity functions for the coarse-grained reactions.Comment: 46 pages, 5 figure