276 research outputs found

    Bronchodilation improves endurance but not muscular efficiency in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    We hypothesized that bronchodilator treatment not only improves hyperinflation and endurance capacity but also muscular efficiency in stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). We aimed to demonstrate that tiotropium and salmeterol improve muscular efficiency compared with placebo. Twenty-five COPD patients were studied, including 20 males of mean (standard deviation) age 62 years (7 years) with baseline forced expiratory volume in 1 second of 41% (10%) predicted, and maximal workload of 101 Watt (36 Watt). Subjects were randomized for 6-week treatment with tiotropium 18 μg once daily, salmeterol 50 μg twice daily, or placebo using a double-blind, crossover design. Muscular efficiency and endurance time were measured during cycling at 50% of maximal work load. Resting energy expenditure was measured using a ventilated hood. Muscular efficiency after tiotropium, salmeterol, and placebo treatment was 14.6%, 14.4%, and 14.4%, respectively (P > 0.05), and resting energy expenditure was 1485 kcal/24 hours, 1709 kcal/24 hours, and 1472 kcal/24 hours (P > 0.05), respectively. Endurance time after tiotropium treatment was significantly higher than that after placebo (27.0 minutes versus 19.3 minutes [P = 0.02]), whereas endurance time after salmeterol treatment was not higher than that after placebo (23.3 minutes [P = 0.22]). In this small study, we were not able to demonstrate that bronchodilator therapy improved muscular efficiency. Apparently, reduced costs of breathing relative to total energy expenditure were too small to be detected

    Change in Dynamic Hyperinflation After Bronchoscopic Lung Volume Reduction in Patients with Emphysema

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    Background and Purpose In patients with severe emphysema, dynamic hyperinflation is superimposed on top of already existing static hyperinflation. Static hyperinflation reduces significantly after bronchoscopic lung volume reduction (BLVR). In this study, we investigated the effect of BLVR compared to standard of care (SoC) on dynamic hyperinflation. Methods Dynamic hyperinflation was induced by a manually paced tachypnea test (MPT) and was defined by change in inspiratory capacity (IC) measured before and after MPT. Static and dynamic hyperinflation measurements were performed both at baseline and 6 months after BLVR with endobronchial valves or coils (treatment group) or SoC (control group). Results Eighteen patients underwent BLVR (78% female, 57 (43-67) years, FEV(1)25(18-37) %predicted, residual volume 231 (182-376) %predicted). Thirteen patients received SoC (100% female, 59 (44-74) years, FEV(1)25 (19-37) %predicted, residual volume 225 (152-279) %predicted. The 6 months median change in dynamic hyperinflation in the treatment group was: + 225 ml (range - 113 to + 803) (p <0.01) vs 0 ml (- 1067 to + 500) in the control group (p = 0.422). An increase in dynamic hyperinflation was significantly associated with a decrease in residual volume (r = - 0.439,p <0.01). Conclusion Bronchoscopic lung volume reduction increases the ability for dynamic hyperinflation in patients with severe emphysema. We propose this is a consequence of improved static hyperinflation

    Endobronchial valve therapy for severe emphysema:an overview of valve-related complications and its management

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    Introduction Bronchoscopic lung volume reduction treatment with one-way valves is an effective guideline treatment option for patients with severe emphysema. However, important challenges and adverse reactions may occur after treatment. Areas covered This review summarizes the complications after endobronchial and intrabronchial valve treatment that have been described by the currently published randomized controlled trials and other relevant papers regarding the complications and its management. In case there was no relevant literature regarding these subjects, recommendations are based on expert opinion. Complications include pneumothorax, post-obstruction pneumonia and hemoptysis. Also, the treatment may not be effective due to the presence of collateral ventilation or misplaced valves. Furthermore, an initial beneficial effect may vanish due to granulation tissue formation, valve dysfunction or valve migration. Careful follow-up after treatment with valves is important. Evaluation with a CT-scan and/or bronchoscopy is needed if there is no improvement after treatment, loss of benefit, or occurrence of important adverse events during follow-up. Expert opinion Treating severe emphysema patients with one-way valves requires continuous dedication and expertise, especially to achieve an optimal outcome and elegantly deal with the various complications after treatment

    Mesenchymal Stromal Cells to Regenerate Emphysema:On the Horizon?

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    Mesenchymal stem or stromal cells (MSCs) are multipotent cells that play a pivotal role in various phases of lung development and lung homeostasis, and potentially also lung regeneration. MSCs do not only self-renew and differentiate into renew tissues, but also have anti-inflammatory and paracrine properties to reduce damage and to support tissue regeneration, constituting a promising cell-based treatment strategy for the repair of damaged alveolar tissue in emphysema. This review discusses the current state of the art regarding the potential of MSCs for the treatment of emphysema. The optimism regarding this treatment strategy is supported by promising results from animal models. Still, there are considerable challenges before effective stem cell treatment can be realized in emphysema patients. It is difficult to draw definitive conclusions from the available animal studies, as different models, dosage protocols, administration routes, and sources of MSCs have been used with different measures of effectiveness. Moreover, the regrowth potential of differentiated tissues and organs differs between species. Essential questions about MSC engraftment, retention, and survival have not been sufficiently addressed in a systematic manner. Few human studies have investigated MSC treatment for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, demonstrating short-term safety but no convincing benefits on clinical outcomes. Possible explanations for the lack of beneficial effects on clinical outcomes could be the source (bone marrow), route, dosage, frequency of administration, and delivery (lack of a bioactive scaffold). This review will provide a comprehensive overview of the (pre)clinical studies on MSC effects in emphysema and discuss the current challenges regarding the optimal use of MSCs for cell-based therapies

    Reticular basement membrane in asthma and COPD: Similar thickness, yet different composition

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    Jeroen JW Liesker1, Nick H Ten Hacken1, Mieke Zeinstra-Smith2, Steven R Rutgers1, Dirkje S Postma1, Wim Timens21Department of Pulmonology; 2Department of Pathology, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands Background: Reticular basement membrane (RBM) thickening has been variably associated with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Even if RBM thickness is similar in both diseases, its composition might still differ. Objective: To assess whether RBM thickness and composition differ between asthma and COPD. Methods: We investigated 24 allergic asthmatics (forced expiratory volume in one second [FEV1] 92% predicted), and 17 nonallergic COPD patients (FEV1 60% predicted), and for each group a control group of similar age and smoking habits (12 and 10 persons, respectively). Snap-frozen sections of bronchial biopsies were stained with hematoxylin/eosin and for collagen I, III, IV, V, laminin and tenascin. RBM thickening was assessed by digital image analysis. Relative staining intensity of each matrix component was determined.Results: Mean (SD) RBM thickness was not significantly different between asthma and COPD 5.5 (1.3) vs 6.0 (1.8) &amp;mu;m, but significantly larger than in their healthy counterparts, ie, 4.7 (0.9) and 4.8 (1.2) &amp;mu;m, respectively. Collagen I and laminin stained significantly stronger in asthma than in COPD. Tenascin stained stronger in asthma than in healthy controls of similar age, and stronger in COPD controls than in asthma controls (p 0.05).Conclusion: RBM thickening occurs both in asthma and COPD. We provide supportive evidence that its composition differs in asthma and COPD. Keywords: reticular basement membrane thickness, reticular basement membrane composition, asthma, biopsy, COPD, remodelin

    AGER expression and alternative splicing in bronchial biopsies of smokers and never smokers

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    Abstract Cigarette smoking is one of the major risk factors for the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Evidence is accumulating that Receptor for Advanced Glycation-End products (RAGE)-signaling is a key pathway in the pathophysiology of COPD. To date, it is unknown how smoking affects RAGE expression. In the current study, we investigated the effect of smoking on AGER, the gene encoding RAGE, expression and on alternative splicing of AGER. To this end, we conducted RNA-Seq on bronchial biopsies for asymptomatic smokers (n = 36) and never smokers (n = 40). Total AGER gene expression was accessed using DESeq2, while alternative splicing was investigated by measuring the number of specific split reads spanning exon-exon junctions and the total split reads. One of the major isoforms of RAGE is endogenous soluble (es) RAGE, an anti-inflammatory decoy receptor, making up for approximately 10% of the total amount of soluble (s)RAGE. We found that smokers show decreased total gene expression of AGER in bronchial biopsies, while the relative abundance of the esRAGE isoform is increased. Furthermore, no difference in the serum levels of total sRAGE were observed between smokers and non-smokers. Our data indicates that smoking initiates a protective anti-inflammatory mechanism with decreased expression of the pro-inflammatory gene AGER and increased relative abundance of the anti-inflammatory isoform esRAGE

    The Safety and Feasibility of Re-treating Patients with Severe Emphysema with Endobronchial Coils:A Pilot Study

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    Severe emphysema patients who have been treated with endobronchial coils have been shown to initially benefit, but slowly decline in the years thereafter. Re-treating a patient with endobronchial coils could potentially lead to new improvements and may again reduce the rate of further decline. To our knowledge, until now, no results are published about patients who are re-treated. The primary aim of this study is to investigate the safety and feasibility of re-treating severe emphysema patients with endobronchial coils, using the PneumRx coil system. Furthermore, as secondary aim, we will evaluate the efficacy of re-treating these patients. Patients who at least 2 years ago were treated with endobronchial coils and responded clinically meaningful to this treatment were included in the study and re-treated. Safety was evaluated by the number of reported adverse events. Efficacy was evaluated 6 months after re-treatment, and measured by the change in quality of life, exercise capacity and pulmonary function testing. Eight patients were re-treated at a median of 1382 days (range 849-1545) after initial coil treatment with a median additional of 12 (10-15) coils per patient. During treatment, and until 6 months of follow-up, no unexpected adverse events occurred. Quality of life, exercise capacity and lung function did not change significantly 6 months after re-treatment. The results of this pilot study suggest that re-treating patients with endobronchial coils is feasible and safe. However, larger studies are needed to confirm these results and to investigate the efficacy and thus the clinical relevance