217 research outputs found

    Past and Future of CG J1720-67.8: Constraints from Observations and Models

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    We discuss the evolution of the peculiar, nearby (z = 0.045), compact galaxy group CG J1720-67.8, by interpreting a large amount of observational information on the basis of our recent results from spectrophotometric evolutionary synthesis models and new N-body/SPH simulations. The group, that is composed of two spiral galaxies with a mass ratio approximately 4:1 and an S0 galaxy in a particularly compact configuration, is undergoing an active pre-merging phase. Several tidal features are signposts of the complex dynamics of the system. We suggest that the observed structure of the tidal features can be explained only if all three galaxies are involved in a strong interaction process.Comment: 5 pages, 3 (degraded) figures. Proc. ESO Workshop "Groups of galaxies in the nearby Universe", Santiago, Chile, 5-9 Dec. 2005, ESO Astrophysics Symposia, eds. I. Saviane, V. Ivanov & J. Borissova, Springer-Verla

    An uncatalogued optical HII region at the outskirts of the Galaxy

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    We present NOT optical observations of a clump (l = 127.9435 deg, b = +1.8298 deg), embedded in an extended, irregularly shaped, diffuse optical nebula. This condensation shows an emission-line spectrum typical of classic HII regions. Although its location on the sky coincides with a nearby extended photoionized region recently identified by Cichowolski et al. (2003) in radio data from the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey (CGPS), the systemic velocity of this ~ 1 arcmin-sized HII region, V_LSR = -71±\pm12 km/s, poses it far out in the Galaxy, beyond the Perseus arm. The location of this region in the Galaxy is supported by HI structures visible at comparable radial velocity on CGPS data. We argue that this HII region might belong to an outer Galactic arm. The emission line ratios of the surrounding extended nebula, whose radial velocity is consistent with that of the small HII region, are typical of photoionized gas in the low density limit. Smaller clumps of comparable surface brightness are visible within the optical boundaries of the extended, faint nebula. After comparison of the optical data with far infrared and radio observations, we conclude that this nebula is an HII region, ~ 70 pc in size, probably photoionized by an association of OB stars and surrounded by a ring of neutral hydrogen.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures (some of which degraded due to size constraints), accepted on 2004/02/12 for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Dynamics and star formation activity of CG J1720-67.8 unveiled through integral field spectroscopy and radio observations

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    CG J1720-67.8 is an ultra compact group of several galaxies with a low velocity dispersion, and displaying the hallmarks of mutual interaction and possible tidal dwarf galaxy formation. In hierarchical models, the system is a possible precursor to a massive elliptical galaxy. In this paper, we use new optical integral field spectroscopic and radio observations to investigate the evolutionary status of the group in more detail: global star-formation rates are estimated using Hα\alpha and 1.4 GHz radio continuum measurements; H {\sc i} observations provide an upper limit to the global neutral gas content; optical broadband colours and spectra provide ages and stellar mass estimates for the tidal dwarf candidates; the bidimensional Hα\alpha velocity field is used to trace the kinematics of the group and its members, which are compared with numerical simulations of galaxy encounters. The observations suggest a model in which multiple interactions have occurred, with the latest strong encounter involving at least two major components within the last 200 Myr. Debris from the encounter fuels ongoing star formation at the global level of ∼20\sim20 M⊙_{\odot} yr−1^{-1}, with self-gravity within the tidal tail possibly providing a mechanism to enhance the star formation rate of the tidal dwarf candidates, with bursts of star-formation in clumps of mass ∼2×107\sim2\times 10^7 M⊙_{\odot} appearing within the last 10 Myr. The amount of time required for final merging of all group components remains uncertain.Comment: 22 pages, 16 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    What matters most for newborns' survival? Patterns of socioeconomic determinants of neonatal and post-neonatal mortality in Bolivia

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    This thesis is motivated by the lack of studies on the socioeconomic determinants of neonatal and post-neonatal mortality. While, overall, under-five mortality has decreased substantially over the last decades, the pace of the decline in neonatal mortality rates has been slower, and this trend might be explained by a differential between neonatal and post-neonatal determinants. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the association between a set of socioeconomic factors and infant mortality, focusing on different patterns of association with mortality between the neonatal and post-neonatal periods. Deprivation is the determinant of interest, and is conceptualised as a lack of basic needs related to housing conditions; therefore, non-monetary measures of deprivation based on observed indicators relating to living standards are used. This thesis consists of three studies. The first is a country-level longitudinal study using World Bank data, which finds that poverty and access to clean water are fundamental determinants of both neonatal and post-neonatal mortality. The second study aims to investigate the distribution of deprivation in Bolivia using Demographic and Health Survey data, providing background information for the study of determinants of neonatal and post-neonatal mortality in the country. Bolivia is found to have a high level of segregation in regard to deprivation, and five contextual factors (ethnicity, education, administrative region, distance to urban centres and drought-induced migration) are found to be significantly associated with segregation of deprivation. Finally, a micro-level cross-sectional study explores the mechanisms linking deprivation to neonatal and post-neonatal mortality in Bolivia using Demographic and Health Survey data. After decomposing household-level deprivation into its between- and within-community components, community-level absolute deprivation is found to be a significant predictor of neonatal and post-neonatal mortality. Relative deprivation is found to have a significant association with post-neonatal mortality in Bolivia only when calculated at the municipal level, and not at the community level, while deprivation inequality is not associated with infant mortality. Policies aimed at reducing neonatal and post-neonatal mortality in the context of low- and middle-income countries might be oriented by the findings of this thesis

    Diagnostic arthroscopy in the treatment of minimally displaced lateral humeral condyle fractures in children

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    AbstractIntroductionIn minimally displaced pediatric lateral humeral condyle fractures, plain radiography cannot be used for accurate differential diagnosis of the cartilage lesion, and other imaging methods have demerits in their accuracy and their accessibility. The purpose of this study was to investigate the usefulness of arthroscopy to diagnose cartilage displacement in minimally displaced fractures.Materials and methodsNine children with minimally displaced lateral humeral condyle fractures, an average of 6.6 years old, underwent combined arthroscopy and fixation surgery. Percutaneous fixation was performed with nondisplaced articular surface according to the arthroscopic findings, while in case of displaced fracture under arthroscopy, open fixation was preferred. The difference between the arthroscopic and radiographic findings was investigated.ResultsArticular surface could be arthroscopically visualized in all patients. Under arthroscopy, cartilage hinges were maintained in seven cases and disrupted in two. Nondisplaced cartilage disruption was noted in one of these two cases, and percutaneous fixation was performed. A displaced articular surface was noted in the other one, where the patient underwent open surgery. At the last follow-up, an average of 14.7 months postoperatively, union and wide range of motion had been achieved without any complications.ConclusionDiagnosis of fracture displacement by merely using plain radiography was considered to be insufficient for minimally displaced cases. Diagnostic arthroscopy aided in the appropriate selection of either a percutaneous or open fixation method.Level of evidenceLevel IV, therapeutic case series

    A New Ultra-dense Group of Obscured Emission-Line Galaxies

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    We present the discovery of an isolated compact group of galaxies that is extremely dense (median projected galaxy separation: 6.9 kpc), has a very low velocity dispersion (σ2D\sigma_{\rm 2D} = 67 km s−1^{-1}), and where all observed members show emission lines and are morphologically disturbed. These properties, together with the lack of spirals and the presence of a prominent tidal tail make this group one of the most evolved compact groups.Comment: 15 pages,LaTeX, 2figures. A Postscript figure with spectra is available at ftp://astro.uibk.ac.at/pub/weinberger/ . Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    La Centralizzazione e l'informatizzazione delle terapie antiblastiche come strumento di gestione del rischio clinico e di governo delle risorse nell'UO di Onco-ematologia Pediatrica dell'Azienda Ospedaliera di Padova

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    Patient's safety and reduction of medication errors are one of the fundamental goals of the Healthcare system. Medication errors occur especially during the 3 main steps of the patient care pathway: drugs prescription, preparation and administration. A large number of this type of errors involve antiblastic drugs because of their narrow therapeutic index, their difficult management, the kind of patients they are addressed to. Considering the premises about clinical risk management, centralisation of antiblastic drugs preparation within the Hospital Pharmacy has to be considered an important mean to improve patient's safety while minimizing clinical risk. Centralisation process is of particular interest for Padova Hospital department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology because of the high rate of clinical care activity and the heterogeneity of patients, as each of them need high precision level in the drug preparation and personalisation of the therapy. Material and methods Collection of data concerning Day Hospital and Inpatient Clinic through performance indicators Collection of electronic antiblastic drug prescriptions through the Hospital management system called Oncosys Classification of the drugs used Results Over the considered period, from 2013 to 2015, the number of patients treated increased from 191 to 245. The analysis of the pathologies highlited the prevalence of Leukemia (35%) and Sarcoma (16%). Cytarabine, Methotrexate and Vincristine have been the most prescribed drugs, while Ifosfamide and Methotrexate showed the highest dosages. Thanks to the centralisation process, waste of drugs during preparation steps was considerably reduced, saving more than 155.224 €. Also the number of warnings collected by the Hospital Clinical Risk Management Services decreased from 17 in 2012 to 9 in 2015. Conclusions It is clear how important is becoming the active contribution to the entire care process and how crucial is combining healthcare needs with cost optimization. Active and incessant collaboration between physician, pharmacist and nurse is therefore crucial in the reduction of medication errors and optimisation of Healthcare resources, working together throughout the whole process that involve drugs management inside the Hospital. Centralisation of antiblastic drugs preparation thus become an essential instrument not only for clinical risk and patient's safety management, but also for resources rationalisation
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