198 research outputs found

    The linear hyperbolic initial and boundary value problems in a domain with corners

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    In this article, we consider linear hyperbolic Initial and Boundary Value Problems (IBVP) in a rectangle (or possibly curvilinear polygonal domains) in both the constant and variable coefficients cases. We use semigroup method instead of Fourier analysis to achieve the well-posedness of the linear hyperbolic system, and we find by diagonalization that there are only two elementary modes in the system which we call hyperbolic and elliptic modes. The hyperbolic system in consideration is either symmetric or Friedrichs-symmetrizable.Comment: 41 page

    A Result of Uniqueness of Solutions of the Shigesada-Kawasaki-Teramoto Equations

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    We derive the uniqueness of weak solutions to the Shigesada-Kawasaki-Teramoto (SKT) systems using the adjoint problem argument. Combining with [PT17] we then derive the well-posedness for the SKT systems in space dimension $d\le 4

    The Linearized 2D Inviscid Shallow Water Equations in a Rectangle: Boundary Conditions and Well-Posedness

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    We consider the linearized 2D inviscid shallow water equations in a rectangle. A set of boundary conditions is proposed which make these equations well-posed. Several different cases occur depending on the relative values of the reference velocities (u0,v0)(u_0,v_0) and reference height Ï•0\phi_0 (sub- or super-critical flow at each part of the boundary).Comment: 33 page

    Global existence for fully nonlinear reaction-diffusion systems describing multicomponent reactive flows

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    We consider combustion problems in the presence of complex chemistry and nonlinear diffusion laws leading to fully nonlinear multispecies reaction-diffusion equations. We establish results of existence of solution and maximum principle, i.e. positivity of the mass fractions, which rely on specific properties of the models. The nonlinear diffusion coefficients are obtained by resolution of the so-called Stefan-Maxwell equations

    Grisvard's shift theorem near L^infinity and Yudovich theory on polygonal domains

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    Let Omega be a bounded, simply connected domain with boundary of class C^{1,1} except at finitely many points S_j where the boundary is locally a corner of aperture alpha_j<=pi/2. Improving on results of Grisvard, we show that the solution Gf to the Dirichlet problem on Omega with data f in L^infinity(Omega) and homogeneous boundary conditions has exponentially integrable second derivatives. The proof uses sharp L^p bounds for singular integrals on power weighted spaces inspired by the work of Buckley. Our results allow for the extension of the Yudovich theory of existence, uniqueness and regularity of weak solutions to the Euler equations on Omega x (0,T) to polygonal domains Omega as above.Comment: 20 pages; submitted. The authors are deeply grateful to Kabe Moen for reading an early version of the manuscript and for allowing the inclusion of his alternative proof of Proposition 5.2. The first named author wants to thank Stefan Steinerberger for stimulating discussions on the subject of this articl

    Pathwise Solutions of the 2D Stochastic Primitive Equations

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    In this work we consider a stochastic version of the Primitive Equations (PEs) of the ocean and the atmosphere and establish the existence and uniqueness of pathwise, strong solutions. The analysis employs novel techniques in contrast to previous works in order to handle a general class of nonlinear noise structures and to allow for physically relevant boundary conditions. The proof relies on Cauchy estimates, stopping time arguments and anisotropic estimates

    Very weak solutions of the Stokes problem in a convex polygon

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    Motivated by the study of the corner singularities in the so-called cavity flow, we establish in this article, the existence and uniqueness of solutions in L2(Ω)2L^2(\Omega)^2 for the Stokes problem in a domain Ω,\Omega, when Ω\Omega is a smooth domain or a convex polygon. We establish also a trace theorem and show that the trace of uu can be arbitrary in L2(∂Ω)2.L^2(\partial\Omega)^2. The results are also extended to the linear evolution Stokes problem

    Conservative numerical schemes with optimal dispersive wave relations -- Part I. Derivations and analyses

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    An energy-conserving and an energy-and-enstrophy conserving numerical schemes are derived, by approximating the Hamiltonian formulation, based on the Poisson brackets and the vorticity-divergence variables, of the inviscid shallow water flows. The conservation of the energy and/or enstrophy stems from skew-symmetry of the Poisson brackets, which is retained in the discrete approximations. These schemes operate on unstructured orthogonal dual meshes, over bounded or unbounded domains, and they are also shown to possess the same optimal dispersive wave relations as those of the Z-grid scheme

    Uniqueness and regularity for the Navier-Stokes-Cahn-Hilliard system

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    The motion of two contiguous incompressible and viscous fluids is described within the diffuse interface theory by the so-called Model H. The system consists of the Navier-Stokes equations, which are coupled with the Cahn-Hilliard equation associated to the Ginzburg-Landau free energy with physically relevant logarithmic potential. This model is studied in bounded smooth domain in R^d, d=2 and d=3, and is supplemented with a no-slip condition for the velocity, homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions for the order parameter and the chemical potential, and suitable initial conditions. We study uniqueness and regularity of weak and strong solutions. In a two-dimensional domain, we show the uniqueness of weak solutions and the existence and uniqueness of global strong solutions originating from an initial velocity u_0 in V, namely u_0 in H_0^1 such that div u_0=0. In addition, we prove further regularity properties and the validity of the instantaneous separation property. In a three-dimensional domain, we show the existence and uniqueness of local strong solutions with initial velocity u_0 in V

    Numerical Resolution near t = 0 of Nonlinear Evolution Equations in the Presence of Corner Singularities in Space Dimension 1

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    The incompatibilities between the initial and boundary data will cause singularities at the time-space corners, which in turn adversely affect the accuracy of the numerical schemes used to compute the solutions. We study the corner singularity issue for nonlinear evolution equations in 1D, and propose two remedy procedures that effectively recover much of the accuracy of the numerical scheme in use. Applications of the remedy procedures to the 1D viscous Burgers equation, and to the 1D nonlinear reaction-diffusion equation are presented. The remedy procedures are applicable to other nonlinear diffusion equations as well
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