2,545 research outputs found

    Preferential interaction coefficient for nucleic acids and other cylindrical poly-ions

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    The thermodynamics of nucleic acid processes is heavily affected by the electric double-layer of micro-ions around the polyions. We focus here on the Coulombic contribution to the salt-polyelectrolyte preferential interaction (Donnan) coefficient and we report extremely accurate analytical expressions valid in the range of low salt concentration (when polyion radius is smaller than the Debye length). The analysis is performed at Poisson-Boltzmann level, in cylindrical geometry, with emphasis on highly charged poly-ions (beyond ``counter-ion condensation''). The results hold for any electrolyte of the form z−z_-:z+z_+. We also obtain a remarkably accurate expression for the electric potential in the vicinity of the poly-ion

    Automatically Verifying Temporal Properties of Pointer Programs with Cyclic Proof

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    In this article, we investigate the automated verification of temporal properties of heap-aware programs. We propose a deductive reasoning approach based on cyclic proof. Judgements in our proof system assert that a program has a certain temporal property over memory state assertions, written in separation logic with user-defined inductive predicates, while the proof rules of the system unfold temporal modalities and predicate definitions as well as symbolically executing programs. Cyclic proofs in our system are, as usual, finite proof graphs subject to a natural, decidable soundness condition, encoding a form of proof by infinite descent. We present a proof system tailored to proving CTL properties of nondeterministic pointer programs, and then adapt this system to handle fair execution conditions. We show both versions of the system to be sound, and provide an implementation of each in the Cyclist theorem prover, yielding an automated tool that is capable of automatically discovering proofs of (fair) temporal properties of pointer programs. Experimental evaluation of our tool indicates that our approach is viable, and offers an interesting alternative to traditional model checking techniques

    Alternative Strategies for Salmonella Control in Poultry

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    Fractal Analysis of DNA Sequences

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    Pupal surveys for Aedes aegypti surveillance and potential targeted control in residential areas of Mérida, México.

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    A mosquito larval-pupal survey was conducted in 1,160 households of the Mexican city of Mérida during the rainy season of 2003 to determine their differential productivity for Aedes aegypti. Larvae and pupae were detected in 15 broad categories of container types. All breeding sites were found in the patios (backyards) and were potentially rain filled. Ae. aegypti pupae were produced from all categories of breeding site, and no single container type was predominately responsible for pupal production. The most productive buckets comprised 42% of the pupae-positive containers and provided 34% of the total pupae collected. Pupal production in buckets, together with plastic rubbish, pet dishes and basins, utensils for cooking and washing, tires, and flowerpots, accounted for almost 87% of pupal production. However, the most important pupal producers had low infestation indices for immature forms, illustrating that the use of positive-container indices can underestimate the importance of certain breeding sites. Overall, 40% of containers that were observed harboring Ae. aegypti pupae were classified as disposable. The remaining containers were considered useful, although some were seldom used. The discussion focuses on the potential utility of the pupal survey for targeting control, and its resulting pupae-per-person entomological indicator, both for comparison with a theoretical threshold for dengue transmission and for targeting vector control in this Mexican city
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